Saturday, April 4, 2015

Happy Easter to one and all!

I couldn't leave the last post up as my Easter greeting. So I tried to find a photo that EBL didn't use already to wish youse guys a Happy Easter and a Joyous Passover.

We will be closed for the first time in a while and we try to get some rest. I hope you do the same.


rcocean said...

I've been off since Good Friday. Taking it easy and helping Mrs. RC around the house.

Michael Haz said...

Happy Easter Jim and Lisa, and to the gang of commenters as well!

ndspinelli said...

Happy Easter to all and Go Badgers. White men can jump!

Aridog said...

Nick...I note IngannieAllieOopmouse is on a tear at Turley's. You really got to her...good job! Then Paul C asked "who died and put her in charge?" I doubt she's ever been to a game at Camp Randal, the old Field House, or Kohl Center. She cannot help her affliction of Oral/Verbal Dysentery.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Happy Belated Easter Troops

ndspinelli said...

The comment about what kind of basketball UConn plays was tough for me to pass on. But, ignoring her is THE ONLY way to get her. You notice she disappeared shortly after. I'll be laying on the Badger talk thickly, and ignoring all her mouth foaming rants.

Trooper York said...

Heres the thing. I gave Turley a break until after Easter Sunday. But it was the same thing then and the same thing today.

It is actually getting pretty boring.

Trooper York said...

You have two people in Max and Inga who were rejected by the church of their childhood and now they are on a holy jihad against all religion.

Trooper York said...

I don't want to put it too bluntly because Inga is crazed and who knows what she will do. Right now she has Spinelli as her target.

I don't volunteer.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Well you found a good one. Can't believe I missed it!

Michael Haz said...

The thing about Turley's blog is that you have to comment in the first hour or so of when he starts a new topic, and then just back away.

When the stupid shows up, the blog becomes a mess not worth wading into.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I jump in, leave a comment, and jump out. I can't attack Inge directly because it just gets deleted.

Michael Haz said...

Inga craves attention, as does Max-1. The best thing is to utterly ignore both of them. Don't respond directly or indirectly. Don't reference what they say. The lack of attention drives them crazy.

ricpic said...

As Lem said: Happy Belated Easter.

Batter Up!

Let's Go Mets!

As to the Yanks, their Jap ace better hold up. Or rather his elbow better hold up. Latest report is that his two seamer isn't breaking 90 MPH. Apparently he won't even try to throw the four seamer for the strain it puts on the elbow. Girardi is NOT HAPPY. I don't know why all this technical baseball talk so fascinates me, especially since I don't understand what it means, not really, but it does. :^/

Michael Haz said...

The overnight part of that topic showed some serious mental health issues.....

Trooper York said...

Very true. After this last shit storm I think it is time to turn the page.

Life is to short.

Michael Haz said...

Keep out of the canned corn aisle, Trooper.

Trooper York said...

I feel bad for Pogo. He is doing Yeoman's work there but it is shoveling corn against the tide.

Trooper York said...

I would like to help Lem out. He needs more content. More hits.

ndspinelli said...

Pogo does not seem capable of ignoring her. I do make the obtuse borderline personality disorder comments whenever the opportunity arises. A tribute to Betty Boop, err, MamaM, who made that superb diagnosis.

Trooper York said...

I don't know how you do it Nick. God bless you man.

300 comments with 200 from the same two lunatics.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, Do some guest posts for Lem. I would do guest posts for Lem. What help does Lem need?

Trooper York said...

I think he needs some guest posts. To generate more hits and comments

I am going to email him

ndspinelli said...

A great idea for you 2 gents to do guest posts.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper, There are posts where the 2 looneys are not present. They're still obsessing on the wedding cake. I and most have ignored it. Some of the threads today are interesting and almost crazy free.

ndspinelli said...

That's how I do it.

Aridog said...
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Aridog said...

Nick...the gruesome two some, plus a couple others, seem determined to make many Turley threads all about them threads...and I have no patience, so I abstain, or make one remark to that effect. Those who I disagree with but at least will engage me are looked forward to...but it is becoming rare now at Turley's, and they appear to feel loyal to the muckrakers...and cease responding.

Am I "whining" about this...yes, I guess I am ... and I'd look forward to guest posts on Lem's site, that are not venues for the narcissistic hacks on Turley's. Lem generally posts good topics and any help he might get would be beneficial.

I'll quit Turley's before I'd even consider dropping off Lem's.

rcocean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

She's obviously mentally ill, or some poor lonely soul who needs the attention. That's why she followed people she supposedly dislikes from one place to another.

rcocean said...

Honestly, we're still talking about Inga? Weren't people bitching about her at TOP, then upset at her at Troopers & Lems?

I stopped paying her any attention at TOP years ago.

Michael Haz said...

I feel bad for Pogo. He is doing Yeoman's work there but it is shoveling corn against the tide.

No need to feel bad for Pogo. He's there by his own choice. I just wonder how he finds time to see patients.

KCFleming said...

In between patients, gents, in between.
I've had a busier last few weeks than usual, actually.

I must admit most of the time I am an idiot, however,
What's the point?
Shit, I don't even think I convince myself.

KCFleming said...

Anyways, Happy Easter, blokes.

MamaM said...

Once again, there is a difference between ignoring someone and maintaining boundaries with detachment.

Ignoring isn't lobbing on-target bombs over the fence or acting as though the high road is being taken while the living corn is still being bugged off the cob.

Authenticity is the strength neither Max nor Annie or some of the other puppets possess.

Pogo and DBQ both hold positions of strength when they acknowledge what is present and state their positions clearly.

Trooper York said...

But you just don't want to give them any of your jellyroll.

ndspinelli said...

Pogo and DBQ are righteous warriors. KarenS was a commenter ready to quit a year or more ago. I have gotten to know that sweet woman via email. She and DBQ are alike in many respects.

Michael Haz said...

I'm done with Turley. He has been trolling for anti-religion comments for the past week, maybe longer.

Maybe he's trying to spine the sitemeter, I don't know, but his topics seem to be purposely aimed at attracting maximum comments from people who seem to be genuinely disturbed.

There is no benefit for me to be had from engaging in conversation over there.

Aridog said...

Haz...I am nearly at the point of the same conclusion vis a vis Turley's site. Not for the possible topic trolling, but for the perpetual take over of threads by 2-4 idiots who throw nothing but insults....2 in particular are patent disrupter types. They talk to themselves and feel all warm and fuzzy...weird is what I call it. Turley let's them run amok so he can deal with them. Or not. I bet on not. A thread with 30 rational remarks an be over whelmed by the 70 odd crap remarks by the drive by specialists.

If he doesn't care, then I don't. Lately he's taken to block deletions without notice of them, so I suspect he's about tired of the whole thing and will quit it sooner than later. That's too bad, but he's busy with real work and playing host to a bunch of children is not likely his first priority.

A subject of religion or anti-religion is worth discussion, so long as the drive by trolls stay out...but they refuse to do you are right.

Michael Haz said...


I think it's accurate to say that if this was the PGA, you and I would be players on the Senior Circuit tour, while everyone else here would be regular tour.

When I hit the senior circuit tour, I lost any need I previously had to suffer fools in conversation. I just don't need to argue anymore. There's nothing to be gained by it.

Discuss things with rational, happy, smart people? Sure thing! That is a very pleasant activity, but it rarely takes place at Turley anymore.

I don't know, maybe my viewpoint today is clouded by this story about the terrible loss of a really good man where I live.

You just never know, and time spent arguing is precious time lost. Life is too short for that.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Pogo and DBQ are righteous warriors. KarenS was a commenter ready to quit a year or more ago. I have gotten to know that sweet woman via email. She and DBQ are alike in many respects.

Why ...thank you Nick. I too think that Karen and I are quite similar and would enjoy meeting her IRL.

As to Turley's blog....I typed bog, possibly a Freudian slip.....Those threads that are infested by Inga and Max and a few others are ruined and not worth the time. Others are quite interesting and even though I disagree with some of those attorney types, I can do it with respect and cordiality.

Since I've been sick for the last week with walking pneumonia I've had a lot of time on my hands (Man am I bored...I'm getting better though) and sometimes have to really really resist the urge to try to drive Inga/Annie nutso while not getting down and dirty myself.

ndspinelli said...

DBQ, Some fatherly, or brotherly advice. TAKE IT SLOWLY. I had double pneumonia as a child, hospitalized for 2 weeks. I remember the doc telling my mom that I would be more susceptible the rest of my life. Fast forward to my mid 40's. I'm working 80 hour weeks and get walking pneumonia. I didn't follow orders, went back to work, and ended up on my fat ass for 3 weeks!!

I sent both you and Karen emails to link you California girls. I wish they all could be California girls. Karen is a VERY sweet young woman.

Trooper York said...

Hey I hope you feel better DBQ.

That is not something to screw around with. Take good care and have that Dumb Plumber take care of you. You deserve it!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Thanks you guys!!

I caught it before it got serious. So on the mend.

Thanks for putting Karen and I together, Nick.

Michael Haz said...

Thanks for putting Karen and I together, Nick

Wait. What?

ndspinelli said...

Prego, DBQ.