Napoleon 66
Sophia Loren 37
Cannoli 9
Spinge 5
Sfogliatelli 0
Quite an upset. I can't believe that nobody wanted the poor sfogliatelli which is one of the most popular pastries at Court Pastry. In fact when old timers order they almost always order them or the cannoli's first. Oh well what the hell do I know.
Next up. Who is the coolest.
Napoleon doesn't figure in that pool.
I can't believe some French POS wins an Italian pastry contest. That's just wrong!
chickenlittle, Napoleons are from Naples!
Then why the fuck do they have a French name?
I think there were shenanigans.
I voted for the Napolean, but I am shocked, SHOCKED that Sophia Loren didn't win. What the hell, guys??
I voted for Sophia, of course, but unlike some, I didn't stuff the box.
Aw, nevermind.
What does it say aobut the demographic here that Sophia didn't run away with it?
What does it say aobut the demographic here that Sophia didn't run away with it?
Nothing good I'm afraid Simon. I speaks of an electorate cowed by fear and political correctness-the fear of "acting male".
It's a sad day on Trooper York.
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