The practice of twatter was generally a blue collar lower class phenomenon. You see most of the WASP types could not manipulate their vaginas to produce a wide enough range of sounds to encompass the whole alphabet. Too tight and repressed you see. So the twatter corps mainly consisted of African Americans and Irish, Italian and Jewish woman from the lower East Side and Brooklyn.
The sole exception in the White Anglo Saxon Protestant world was strangely enough the Canadians. It seems that the sound of queefing was used in the Great White North as a geese call when hunting for the Canadian Geese that was a staple in so much of their diet. A hunter would bring his wife along to queef in the blind and the sound would invariably bring geese to the bond. Or the occasional moose.
So as the demand grew for woman who could queef it was natural that the Canadian government would answer the call. Organized by famed thespian Jeanette MacDonald the Royal Canadian Queefer Corp. was organized in June of 1942. However there were not enough women willing to enlist so an American component was to be organized to form a joint brigade. Under the direct of Hollywood Starlet and all around whore Joan Blondell the prisons and bawdy house of American were swept clean of women who had talented vulva’s that they would put in the service of their country even if it was only to get a lesser sentence.
This joint brigade became know as the Devils Queefers.
(Vages for Victory, The Invention of Twatter By Doris Kearns Goodwin, Simon & Schuster 2009)
"...all around whore Joan Blondell..."
That she was, God bless her.
Joan was a ... whore?
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