Hey if you want to see what all the fuss is about you should check out Zach Sires blog which is called Sire Says.
I had forgotten that I figured out how to link so I want to link to what is a typical post by Zach who is a funny guy and a talented writer. This post should give you an idea what the argument is about. So to speak.
Check out his blog and make up your own mind.
Sorry, but I find the ongoing anti-palinalia over there repellent. He has cheerleaders for it too.
Well you got to see what the dealio is first hand and make your own judgement.
You know I have a bad habit of thinking how the other half lives. Or at least how they feel. So when I go after someone I expect to get hit back just as hard. There is no crying in baseball.
Zach pop culture stuff is great and originial in it's way. I certainly don't agree with ten percent of what he says but I think he is a talented writer.
I certainly don't agree with ten percent of what he says but I think he is a talented writer.
People said the same thing about Joseph Goebbels.
That's not fair. Zach doesn't have a club foot. I think they are webbed feet and that don't count.
Zack might just be jealous that Bristol grabbed Levi's hog before he did. Remember, fags think and react like women.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
let's all listen to the Noodge do Wango Tango and think about Levi and Zack.
Get his belly propped down, get his butt propped up.
I'm gonna get a little talcum, I'm gonna borrow it from Malcolm.
Ditto what Chicken Little said.
I don't get how so many libs jumped on the hate Palin bandwagon.
I bet Sara and her husband would have been helping you bus those tables Trooper. Zach would have been one of the complainers.
To be serious for a second here, I think Althouse felt Palladin was attacking HER. Remember she voted for Obama, and she's always with the "Obama is like Bush" tag. Every curse he let out might have applied to her as well as Zach. It was like he was having a mental breakdown over there until I called him on it.
Palladian was cursing and had a nervous breakdown? What post were you reading Jason. It was just the ususal excellent Palladian takedown IMO.
Palladian take a special delight in going after all the other fags on Althouse.
He doesn't want anyone else being the fag to Althouse's hag.
What post were you reading Jason.
It was this one.
Jason, Come again?
Zach pop culture stuff is great and originial in it's way. I certainly don't agree with ten percent of what he says but I think he is a talented writer.True--he can be very, very funny. It's hard not to like him. But like you said in another thread, if you jump on one of those political threads and call everybody "crazy" or whatever, you're going to get swarmed.
The funny makes up for a lot. For me anyway.
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