Well the Yankees are rolling and the home runs are flying out of the New Stadium.
AJ's Phillies are in town this weekend for a nice ass kicking. I mean they might take a game because we have a streak going that can't last forever but I think we might go two out of three. And Sunday nights game with Sabatia vs Hamels should be a lot of fun.
I think we need a wager. Maybe a Philly cheese steak to a hot pastrami on rye from Katz's. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
So if I said a hot pastami why did I put up a meat ball hero.
Because I am a dick, that's why.
And I am too tired to change it. So eat me.
Wait that's what the meatball hero is trying to say.
Dude, forget the Yanks and Phils. The New Orleans Zephyrs are having a Kiss tribute band of guitar-slinging, tongue wagging midgets do the SSB and a post game concert.
Check 'em out on youtube. They call themselves MiniKiss.
I doubt A-Rod's psyche can hold up to the strain of being ranked #2 behind Pujols. I expect him to go into a combination blue funk and hissy fit and take the team down with him. Remember, you read it here first.
I'll bet you the Phils take the series. How about this?
If I win, you send me two tickets to a future Yanks game (I'll give to my niece).
If you win, I'll send you two tickets to a future Phils game.
Take a look at those sandwiches again. The meatball sandwich has melted mozzarella and the cheese steak has what? Friggin' Cheese Whiz.
Just one tiny example of the differences between New York and Philadelphia.
You're on AJ. But I can't use Phillies tickets because I never get out of the store. So we will come up with something.
Then I'll get you a gift certificate to your favorite saloon. [as if I will lose this bet heh].
Get ready buddy cause the Phillies always suck in the Staduim. And we are red hot right now.
Allright, you got the first one but don't count your chickens before they are molested as RH Hardin would say.
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