So I came home last night and I turn on the TV hoping to catch the replay of American Idol on the DVR. I love that Adam Lambert he is one talented little Mo. He reminds me of David Stockman from the old Regan days. I mean he had the same high pitched wail that could hit the high notes and he loved to wear black eyeliner. So I figured afterward I would catch Idol Tonight on the Fox Reality where they interview the loser and all. I can never get enough of that dead wife guy.
But W wouldn’t give up the remote control. Just like a man. He never wants to take his hands off the remote or his balls. You know sometimes I bet he would rather you take away his balls than the remote. Anyways he was laughing and chortling while he was watching that moron Sean Hannity. It seems that botox beauty Nancy Pelosi is in trouble about lying about what she knew about the interrogation of prisoners during our administration. I mean I know we told that lying sack of shit everything but she pretended that she didn’t know uh gotz. But I wasn’t really surprised because I knew her back in the day and I know how to tell if she was lying. Her lips would be moving. Of course with all the freakin botox she had in her face her lips couldn’t move all that much.
I only think in Eye-talian when I think of that sifty bitch. You see I remember her from our college days. I told you about that summer I spent in New York working with my pal Robin Byrd in the peeps at Show World on 9th Avenue. Well for a couple of weekends Matty the Horse and Joey Pumpkin would take us for ride down to Atlantic City. We wouldn’t do anything too crazy because they didn’t have casinos back then. But they were big time buddies with Skinny D’Amato at the 500 Hundred Club which was the big club back in the day. So whenever Sinatra was in town the guys would take us as their dates to show us off. Now I never had a problem with Matty. I mean he was old even then and he just liked to drink. He never laid a finger on me. And he loved having a hot young chick on his arm. He used to call me his Texas Two Step. Robin really fell hard for Joey Pumpkin. They called him pumpkin because whenever he got some sun he turned orange. It was really funny. I mean his other nickname was Joey Half-a-moolie because they said he look like a moulinyan. Come to think of it he would be the exact same shade as Barry O. Ain’t that a hoot.
Well one night we are there and the boys from Philly came in. You know Angelo Bruno the chicken man and his crew. Little Nicky Scarfo was there with this young Eye-talian girl who looked like she was just out of high school. He bragged to the guys that he was banging the daughter of the Mayor of Baltimore. He just introduced her as Nancy De’Alesandro. But it was really strange. All of the guys were suddenly giggling like little school girls.
So later when we were all sent to the ladies I asked what all the giggling was about. Little Nancy told me her name meant twice told in Sicilian. I asked why that was funny. She told me it was funny because she liked to take on two guys at a time. One in the vage and one in the keister. She loved the way it stretched her out. She called it the full load. So the boys liked to call her Nanny-Two-Ways. Now I was taken aback. So to speak. I mean back door action was a little outré in the early sixties. But Nancy swore by it. Said it was the best thing she ever did. I just shrugged and we went back to the party.
I didn’t see much of my Eye-talian friends since those days. But of course I did run into Nanny-Two-Times all over Washington. She always gave me the fish eye because I don’t think she remembered me. She was drunk most of the time I was with her in Atlantic City. But when she was made Speaker she was all full of piss and vinegar. So I called her in for a little chat. You see I had made a visit to Little Nicky in the federal pen and later that week he got some really interesting photos over to Cheney. You see he had some shots of a three way with Nanny, Nicky and Sammie Davis Jr. So I called that pop eyed cunny into the White House. I was happy to share them with Nanny-Two-Times. I told her she could talk all the shit she wanted but she better not get in the way of anything W wanted to do.
I guess she was back doored one last time. She just didn’t enjoy it as much.
But W wouldn’t give up the remote control. Just like a man. He never wants to take his hands off the remote or his balls. You know sometimes I bet he would rather you take away his balls than the remote. Anyways he was laughing and chortling while he was watching that moron Sean Hannity. It seems that botox beauty Nancy Pelosi is in trouble about lying about what she knew about the interrogation of prisoners during our administration. I mean I know we told that lying sack of shit everything but she pretended that she didn’t know uh gotz. But I wasn’t really surprised because I knew her back in the day and I know how to tell if she was lying. Her lips would be moving. Of course with all the freakin botox she had in her face her lips couldn’t move all that much.
I only think in Eye-talian when I think of that sifty bitch. You see I remember her from our college days. I told you about that summer I spent in New York working with my pal Robin Byrd in the peeps at Show World on 9th Avenue. Well for a couple of weekends Matty the Horse and Joey Pumpkin would take us for ride down to Atlantic City. We wouldn’t do anything too crazy because they didn’t have casinos back then. But they were big time buddies with Skinny D’Amato at the 500 Hundred Club which was the big club back in the day. So whenever Sinatra was in town the guys would take us as their dates to show us off. Now I never had a problem with Matty. I mean he was old even then and he just liked to drink. He never laid a finger on me. And he loved having a hot young chick on his arm. He used to call me his Texas Two Step. Robin really fell hard for Joey Pumpkin. They called him pumpkin because whenever he got some sun he turned orange. It was really funny. I mean his other nickname was Joey Half-a-moolie because they said he look like a moulinyan. Come to think of it he would be the exact same shade as Barry O. Ain’t that a hoot.
Well one night we are there and the boys from Philly came in. You know Angelo Bruno the chicken man and his crew. Little Nicky Scarfo was there with this young Eye-talian girl who looked like she was just out of high school. He bragged to the guys that he was banging the daughter of the Mayor of Baltimore. He just introduced her as Nancy De’Alesandro. But it was really strange. All of the guys were suddenly giggling like little school girls.
So later when we were all sent to the ladies I asked what all the giggling was about. Little Nancy told me her name meant twice told in Sicilian. I asked why that was funny. She told me it was funny because she liked to take on two guys at a time. One in the vage and one in the keister. She loved the way it stretched her out. She called it the full load. So the boys liked to call her Nanny-Two-Ways. Now I was taken aback. So to speak. I mean back door action was a little outré in the early sixties. But Nancy swore by it. Said it was the best thing she ever did. I just shrugged and we went back to the party.
I didn’t see much of my Eye-talian friends since those days. But of course I did run into Nanny-Two-Times all over Washington. She always gave me the fish eye because I don’t think she remembered me. She was drunk most of the time I was with her in Atlantic City. But when she was made Speaker she was all full of piss and vinegar. So I called her in for a little chat. You see I had made a visit to Little Nicky in the federal pen and later that week he got some really interesting photos over to Cheney. You see he had some shots of a three way with Nanny, Nicky and Sammie Davis Jr. So I called that pop eyed cunny into the White House. I was happy to share them with Nanny-Two-Times. I told her she could talk all the shit she wanted but she better not get in the way of anything W wanted to do.
I guess she was back doored one last time. She just didn’t enjoy it as much.
I watched The Reader last night.
It is the story of Kate Winslet's tits in post war Germany.
You see Kate Winslets tits on the bed in the bath in a lake in a bra getting fucked-top and bottom.
If you love a good story about tits you will love The Reader.
A 15 year old hog makes an appearance in the movie as well.
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