(Yankee batting practice, Yankee Stadium, Derek Jeter just steps out of the batting cage)
Jorge Posada: Hey Jeter come over here.
Derek Jeter: What’s up dawg?
Jorge Posada: Hey I want you to meet somebody. This is Judge Sotomayor, she is a big Yankee fan and wanted you to meet her nephews (under his breath) she fixed a couple of parking tickets for me man, somebody you should know.
Derek Jeter: Nice to meet you judge. Hey fellas are you Yankee fans?
Conner and Corey: Yes sir.
Derek Jeter: Well let me get you guys a couple of autographed balls and maybe a couple of autographed bats.
Judge Sotomayor: Thank you Mr. Jeter.
Derek Jeter: You can call me Derek, Judge.
Judge Sotomayor: You can me Judge Sotomayor.
Derek Jeter: Sure thing Judge. Say do you guys know the three most important things about being a Yankee Fan?
Corey: Yes it’s great to be young and a Yankee.
Conner: It’s not over till it’s over.
Judge Sotomayor: Boston Sucks.
Derek Jeter: Hey you guys really are fans.
(A-Rod comes running out of the dugout)
Corey and Conner: Hey Mr. Rodriquez can we have an autograph.
A-Rod: Fuck off kids your mother is ugly.
Jorge Posada: (under his breath) what an asshole… (In a normal voice) Ah don’t pay attention to him guys,he is a little upset because he hasn’t been feeling well. He hurt his hip. I think he caught it from Madonna. All those old people have problems with their hips.
Derek Jeter: Sorry about that Judge. I hope you don’t hold it against the Yankees?
Judge Sotomayor: Never Derek. I have always been a big time Yankees fan.
Derek Jeter: Well there is one good thing.
Judge Sotomayor: What’s that?
Derek Jeter: A-Rod’s divorce should be coming up soon.
Judge Sotomayor: Great idea Derek. Can I leave the boys with you for a minute; I have to make a call.
Derek Jeter: Sure thing Judge. Com’on fella’s let me take you into the dugout. We can give Sabathia a hot foot. He’s so fat he can’t see his feet.
Corey and Conner: Cool.
She's a player, not an umpire!
Hey, was that too political?
Is that background sign about personal hygiene?
This Sonia has natural pectorals, but she's no Plenty O'toole. Do the Supreme Court Justices lean over the bench to distract the Arguing attorneys?
Hey Troop, don't forget to tell A-Rod to watch out for that bitch Kate Hudson. Look what she did to Chris Robinson.
Looks like you may be able to dress a SC justice. She must be ten-cent lovin' of the lesbian kind.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
There's definitely a nipple in that picture. New poll: whose nipple would you most like to see--O'Connor, Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Miers, or Judge Judy?
Write in for Judge Milian.
Is she like Madonna or Angelina? I mean did he buy those kids offa the street somewheres?
She probably didn't pay no sales tax neither.
I thought that sign would be the theme of Troop's post.
Your choices made me gouge my own eyes out (after I finish typing this comment).
You got it. Obama nominees despise paying their own taxes.
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