(Family quarters, upstairs at the White House)
Michelle Obama: (walking in back from working out) Mama I‘m home!
Marian Robinson (Michelle’s mom) Thank God you are home. Your dumb ass husband just called and said he is bringing the new Supreme Court Justice for dinner. Don’t he know that Auntie Medea is gonna go crazy?
Michelle Obama: Now Mama don’t start what’s the problem. I am very tied and can’t get into this now. I was busy reading to the school children and toning my arms by putting Nancy Pelosi in a choke hold. That bitch ain’t gonna make us look bad no mo. I told her I would show her some torture. Waterboard my ass.
Marian Robinson: I don’t care about your foolishness. You best get this straighted out before that rice and beans bitch gets here and there is salsa all over the floor.
Michelle Obama (picks up phone) Hi, can you ask the President to come upstairs. Thank you.
President Barrack Obama: (Comes rushing in) Is every thing OK, are the girls all right?
Michelle Obama: My mother wants to talk to you.
President Barrack Obama (mutters under his breath) Oh shit. What now!
Marian Robinson: What did you say you skinny assed fool.
President Barrack Obama: Nothing Mother. You do know that I am President of the United States. You might show me just a little respect.
Marian Robinson: You better watch yourself you half a Muslim mofro or I’ll whip your bean pie ass. Don’t you know you are going to make Auntie Meada lose her shit?
President Barrack Obama: Oh no …what’s the matter with that crazy old bat now?
Marian Robinson: Madea come on out here!
Madea: (comes into the room) There he is that fool boy. What is this that I hear that your appointing someone called Sort-a-rican to the Supreme Court? What you couldn’t find a brother. What’s the matter with you boy? Do I have to whip your skinny ass so you can pick a fine brother like that nice Clarence Thomas?
President Barack Obama: But Auntie Madea it is time to put a Hispanic on the court. And I invited her for dinner tonight and I want you to watch what you say. She is a very accomplished and wise Latina lady and you should show some respect.
Madea: Show some respect. How can you respect one of those fool Mexicans who work for peanuts and take those maid jobs away from the sisters. Just because they don’t habla ingelish don’t mean I have to respect them. Let em stay in Mexico and eat taco’s. And I hear this bitch only eats the fish taco besides.
President Barack Obama: Now, now Judge Sotomayor is a fine judge and a good woman. And she is Puerto Rican not Mexican.
Madea: What do you know you pansy ass fool? Those Rican’s are worse than the Mexicans. Didn’t you ever see West Side Story? All they do is dance around in tight Capri pants and stab white boys. Well that’s one thing in their favor but still.
President Barack Obama: Here she comes now. NOW BEHAVE MEDEA! (he goes to the door to usher in the new Supreme Court justice) Come right in Judge and let me introduce you to my family.
Judge Sonia Sotomayor: Jelloo, everyones. It is pleasorre to meet with youselfs. Gracias for inviting me to ju casa.
Madea: This ain’t no jew casa you dimwitted beaner. Onliest black people live here. How stupid are you?
Judge Sonia Sotomayor: Jupid, I is no jupid. They onliest reverse thres out of quarto of mi descionies. I am aqui por me intellegencia. I did not even have to do the cucci-cucci to get here. Si es verdad.
Marian Robinson: This not going to go well
Michelle Obama: Come lets try to sit down and have some dinner at least. We can talk and get to know each other.
Judge Sonia Sotomayor: Beuno, Senora Michelle. Por Fabor can I have a fish Taco?
Madea: See, see what did I tell you?
President Barack Obama:(under his breath) Why did I ever give up community organizing?....(then loudly) Great idea Judge, fish tacos for everyone.
This one is keeper, Trooper. This why I keep coming back.
[inserts article and verb]
This one is a keeper, Trooper. This is why I keep coming back.
I kind of liked the first one, CL. Sort of "Frankenstein Posts from Oceanside".
Hey, Troop, is "Sort-a-rican" local slang? I love that.
After they all partook of the fish tacos, they gave the sortirican a Bronx cheer.
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