Plenty O'Toole: Hi, I'm Plenty.
James Bond: But of course you are.
Plenty O'Toole: Plenty O'Toole.
James Bond: Named after your father perhaps?
Plenty O'Toole: No after my mother. She was named Good and Plenty.
James Bond:Was she named that because she was similarly blessed.
Plenty O'Toole: Actually it was because she had one white and one pink nipple.
James Bond: But of course she did.
She also had Uncle Mike and Uncle Ike who were *ahem* discolored in their fruity bits.
Best Playboy shoot evah! I think I was about 10 yo
"It's time for poke her after dark."
Let me guess. The guys are all-in?
Just remember, there is only ONE winner. Well usually there's only one winner, but here at Troop's who knows? House rules or no rules at all, perhaps.
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