Based on a recommendation from ace commenter chickenlittle we want to know what is your favorite ethnic food. Now a wise latina once told me that although she loved the fish taco she did love to pop some balls into her mouth. Meatballs that is. So the choices are as follows:
Italian (macaroni with peas and prosciutto)
Mexican (bean burrito)
Greek (moussaka)
Indian (some shit I googled because I hate Indian food it smells like dead cat)
Chinese (beef with broccoli)
In coming days I will share some recipes for my favorite dishes in each of these cuisines (except Indian because that shit sucks). The only downside for chickenlittle is that they will all be chicken dishes.
Sometimes the worst thing you can get is exactly what you asked for. Hee.
Thai or Lebanese would have to be my no.1 faves. Voted for Italian.
I wanted to put Thai but I went with chickenlittle's picks.
What's lebanese food?
I mean except for the fish taco?
knox, I used to like Thai, but it all tastes the same to me, so now I stick with Vietnamese. It's cheaper and more creative-- all those noodle dishes and the crazy drinks. They got me to like coffee.
The bean burrito has to represent Mexican cuisine? Try pazole, it's easy to make and doesn't give you indigestion.
I can't eat too many tamales.
Mexican! Mexican! Mexican!
But my favorite restaurant is an Italian one. Go figure.
Thai or Lebanese would have to be my no.1 faves.
I'm more of a breast man than a thai man, so it's OK he left them off.
I really only want Italian or Mexican to win, and I honestly can't decide at this point. The inclusion of Greek was inspired on your part Troop-I didn't suggest that. Good choice though-I love lamb, pita, tzatziki.
Wow, I could go on about when and how each of these cuisines was introduced to the Midwest, at least from my POV.
The only downside for chickenlittle is that they will all be chicken dishes.
I love donner parties!
If we lived in Europe, would hamburgers be an ethnic food?
What's up with all the indian food fans in the early going?
That shit is horrible. I start to puke a little in my mouth the minute I smell it.
Beef with broccoli among those choices, but what about a good lamb dish from the Lebanese?
MMMMM food.
I voted for Italian even though my favorite ethnic food is Japanese.
Or is it Chinese Dim Sum, Chow Fun...love those Har Gow....or maybe Mexican...real Mexican!! not the crap you get at Taco Bell.
I have a good Greek pastisto recipe if anyone is interested.
Dang. I like them all. Now I'm hungry.
"Dang. I like them all. Now I'm hungry."
That's the plan.
I had a meatball hero, a spinach pie and a Tsing Tao for lunch.
Obviously when the wife couldn't see me and make me eat salad.
I guess I'll have to be the douchebag who points out that there's a wide number of styles in most (if not all) of these countries and it's very silly (if very typically American) to lump them all together.
I love southern Italian (pasta) but am not all that crazy about northern Italian (rice). I like Tex-Mex more than straight Mex. India and China are best regarded as continents when it comes to food, vastly different from end to the other.
Blake you are not a douchebag. But here at Trooper York we have certain conventions we all must abide by:
Westerns are the best movies.
Sixties TV was the best TV ever.
Betty Rubble is the hottest Cartoon slut.
Democrats are communists.
Boston Sucks.
Sarah Jessica Parker is a horsefaced twat.
Robin Williams is the Anti-Christ.
And food groups are to be associated with the their most common manisfestations. Or the ones I like best. Thus Italian is southern Italian especially from Naples. Greek is like the food you get from that greek joint in Astoria. Chinese is old style Cantonese like at Yees cafe. Mexican is what you get at Mezcals on Court St and not some weird Tex/mex yuppie horseshit. And Indian food sucks ass.
We like to call it the convential wisdom.
Wow, the TY catechism!
I'll say seven "Hail Plenty"s and four "Our Barbeau"s.
Here is an easy Indian recipe that anyone can do and everyone, even Trooper will like.
My Favorite ethnic food has to be German- give me a good Schmankerlplatte any day (http://www.hofbrauhausnewport.com/images/HBNfallmenu08.pdf)but if I have to pick off the current menu I have to go Italian, especially Lasagna.
Just how do Italians eat all that Italian food with wine? I think pasta just crys out for a beer chaser!
I have no strong opinion on any of these. My votes are for sale. Bidding can commence.
I plan on changing my vote daily, depending on which catches my fancy that day.
Thursday it's the beef and broccoli.
So, we're actually voting for specific dishes, verses cuisine?
Generally, I'd take Italian, but I don't know about the mac dish. I'll reserve judgment.
Otherwise, beef with broccoli is definitely my thing.
Not specific dishes per se Blake. Just the style you like. Think the popularized everyday man on the street food you associate with these cusines.
Meat Balls and spaghetti. Gyros and spinach pie. Chop suey. And whatever crap Indian food is.
Oh, no doubt, Italian then. Spaghetti and meat balls, lasagna, ravioli, garlic bread, pizza--I like the authentic Italian stuff just as much as I like the American versions.
Mmmmm. I hate being healthy.
I was never a big fan of Indian food until I ate at the Cavalry Club in Edinburgh. If you ever have the chance, I highly recommend it.
Indian food is in the lead! WTF?
The only item on there that I'd die for is Mexican food.
I love a big, spicy burrito.
Gotta go with Italian. But Indian can be good. I love Tandoori chicken, curry chicken, and Nan.
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