Now I think you are either cool or you are not. If you have to think about it you definitely are not. If you have to strike a pose no way.
Steve McQueen is cool, Tom Cruise not so much.
You can't recapture your youth if you thought you were cool back in the day. Because you see people laugh at that. Just as much as they laugh at somebody who is old trying to be young. A sixty year old broad with a tramp stamp or a piercing. A fiftyish guy with a sports car and a fancy hair cut. You can be cool if you are old. Just be honest and do cool shit. Then people will want to do what you are doing because it is cool. Not because you are a poser.
Derek Jeter cool, A-Rod not so much.
Most of all to be cool, be true to yourself. Have your own style and not give a shit what other people think. Don't try to force them to agree to what you think or how you act. If it is cool don't worry people will laugh and enjoy it or even follow along and get the joke.
Titus cool, Jeremy/Michael/Luckyoldson not so much.
So be cool.
Interesting tidbit was in the Great Escape, McQueen did most of the riding during the motorcycle chase scenes. In fact, he also was one of the Germans 'chasing himself' on the motorcycle. He insisted on doing the riding scenes but the insurance company would not underwrite the stunt scenes where he tried jumping the barbed wire barrier that blocked his escape to Switzerland.
Oh and I exude cool. Well as cool as a Hoosier can be anyway.
Cool! I'm putting "The Great Escape" at the top of my Netflix queue- mainly for my son who is into absorbing manly behavior right now, but allso, I haven't seen it for years.
Oh, I like this cool mood better than the uncoolness a few thread ago.
Take it a step further CL and just buy it. It's a classic that you can watch all the time. That cast is stellar to boot.
Another factoid is Blythe the forger was played by Donald Pleasance who IRL was in the RAF and was shot down over France in 1944 and spent the rest of the war as a POW.
And in keeping with the previous Bond thread, Desmond Llewelyn served in the British Army and was captured in France in 1940 and spent 5 years as a POW.
Knowing useless but interesting trivia is also cool.
By the way Desmond Llewelyn played Q in the Bond series. Now I know all the males here would know that tidbit but I figured just in case Darcy or Titus dropped by, they would need the info.
As you were.
Steve McQueen was waaay cool, and a great motorcycle rider. His movie stunts, especially in the Great Escape, however, were done by Bud Edkins.
McQueen did ride his own bike in Bruce Brown's wonderful movie, On Any Sunday
Titus is not, and has never been cool. He is a fool. And, apparently, full of shit.
He is a hateful neurotic who is so materialistic that he values no human relations.
He is spiteful and mean spirited. I get the sense that he is very unhappy individual.
Some find him funny, but he is the very definition of tedious.
Yikes NKVD you sound angry.
I am actually pretty happy. Not HAPPY happy but fairly content.
I am not sure where the full of shit comes from...maybe by my pinching loaves comments.
I am actually not that materialistic either. Yes, I like to buy clothes but HELLO I am a fag.
And I have really great relationships. I have wonderful loving parents. I have written about them indepth in many of my postings. I speak with my mother every night. I love them both very much. They are wonderful, loving, supportive parents. I cherish them and so happy I have them.
I also have wonderful friends that mean the world to me. I travel with them to Ptown, Maine and Fire Island every year and we share wonderful times.
I work hard, have a good job, make decent money, have great relationships at work and overall am relatively happy with my job.
I try to be healthy by working hard at the gym and running which gives me energy and makes me feel pretty good too.
All and all I feel pretty good about my life. Things could always be better but they could definitely be worse.
Right now I am looking at a rare clumber, who is a comedian, parade around the loft carrying 3 tennis balls in his mouth. He likes to keep balls in his mouth.
And if I provoke such disgust from you I suggest you ignore it.
Your Karma sounds disturbed when thinking about me. When a Karma is disturbed it can cause many unhealthy consequences.
Think happy thoughts. Be Present in your thoughts.
I kind of like his glasses.
Hey, NKVD,
Fuck you. Titus is cool. What kind of name is NKVD? Is that some kind of venereal disease? Titus celebrates his life and shares it with the rest of us. That is about as cool as you can get. OK, maybe he gets a little disgusting at times, but he is honest and forthright. Unlike a lot of other people.
I may not agree with Titus or his musings all the time, but I will defend him to the death- yours if need be. Titus is one of the most honest people on blogs I have read.
Hey Titus, YOU ARE COOL!!!!!
Man I knew I reeked of something...maybe it's cool!
The president has been known to reek of KOOL.
I'm not cool enough to post in this thread.
Blake, you're too cool to post about being not cool enough to post in this thread!
Cool contains authenticity. Being real is not enough, but it is a prerequisite to being cool.
Peter V. Bella said...
"What kind of name is NKVD?"
It was what the KGB was called in Stalin's day.
Very nice, Peter. Someone disagrees with you and you want to kill them.
I am not angry, I have just read what Titus has written - losing a 300 dollar shirt, hating his wealthy neighbor, claiming everyone is gay, wondering if he was straight - trust me - that is one seriously messed up dude.
Titus writes that he slings his pussy - now think about that, Peter - does that make sense on any level? How is a guy slinging his "pussy" cool? Would Steve McQueen do that? Even with a name like "McQueen" he wouldn't.
So love him if you care to, but there is no way that his behavior is cool. Pathetic, sure, but not cool.
And Titus, I never said I was disgusted. That is your choice of language. I said you were tedious. You are.
Someone who goes out of their way to talk shit on another commenter, especially when that commenter has not said anything to that person, is really not cool.
How thoughtful of you, Hoosier Daddy! Thanks. :)
I hope this is cool. I would love to see your brother's work.
/link nazi off/
I don't recall every claiming everyone is gay?
I did lose a $300.00 shirt yes, my bad.
I have said sling my pussy yes, my gay friends say that to each other, very very bad.
My wealthy neighbor is a bitch. He's rude. He traveled for a month during the Christmas holiday and I collected all his books from the reception area for him and he never said thank you. He has loud parties in which friends of his have parked in my parking spot and after one of his parties a pair of my Prada shoes that were outside my door were missing. I don't like him.
And if I have ever wondered about being straight it was a joke. I am gay as a three dollar bill Mary.
You really don't even know me but that's ok.
I wish you a wonderful day anyway.
Big hugs and kisses your way!
Why do straight people always think gays think everyone is gay?
I only think Zach, Palladian and Jason the Commenter are gay.
The rest of you are all straight. Very straight. Straight as an arrow. No gay tendencys, none.
Oh I thought David Souter was gay but so did many others.
Anyhoo, have an amazing day.
Make every minute count!
Lastly, I don't think I am very cool but thanks for the compliment Troop.
I think you are Super Cool. I said that really gay, Like Big Gay Al from South Park.
And thanks for reminding me about losing that shirt. I forgot about that. It looked really good. That sucks. It was Marc Jacobs. I went back to the store to see if they had another one and they were all sold out...bummer. I did by a replacement Marc Jacobs but it isn't nearly as cute.
That was last summer. Wow, you have really followed what I write. Interesting.
NKVD : I am not angry, I have just read what Titus has written - losing a 300 dollar shirt, hating his wealthy neighbor, claiming everyone is gay, wondering if he was straight - trust me - that is one seriously messed up dude.
Please, he's said much worse than that, like the time he threatened to kill sweet little blogging cockroach!
Oh and lastly lastly about the neighbor.
I resent him a little because he lives in a plus million dollar penthouse and is 25 year old and going to college. It took me 15 years to work my ass off and save to buy the next door unit and his parents paid for it in full for him.
He is also very snobby. I don't like snobs.
Being resentful is not a good quality. There are other 20somethings in the building who's parents paid for their places but they are nice and hold the elevator for you and say hello so I don't have a problem with them. But him, he's just a bitch.
I'm an all American Girl from the Midwest and I am friendly and very nice. Whenever any of the other dog owners go away for trips I always take care of their dogs.
Why the hell am I justifying myself to a complete stranger who's name I have never seen on this blog or Althouses?
Hey...Trooper said you were cool, Titus. That's golden. ;-)
You can only be yourself. If yourself is cool -- so much the better. But cool can't be forced. So be yourself. Yourself and cool is great. But yourself is good enough.
ricpic! Missed you.
Hy Darce. Computer went out. Didn't do anything about it because I was about to go on a trip. Came back, unplugged and replugged the computer and voila! it came back on. The adventure continues.
There are only 2 kinds of people, easily determined with this question, a yes or no answer, tells me all I need to know.
Do you wear your seatbelt?
Well do you, punk?
@HD & Trooper:
"The Great Escape" shipping today, watching this weekend- how cool is that?
Big hugs Ricpic.
welcome back.
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