Moneypenny! I understand
Moneypenny. I have the documents. It just seems unlikely that a Negro will be elect President. Yes I know Sammy Davis Jr is very popular. Excuse me for a moment.
Can you get me the number for that red headed girl. I can't take this anymore.
If I were a Bond villain, THIS is when I'd release the sharks.
One of my favorite Connery lines were in Diamonds are Forver.
James Bond: Weren't you a blonde when I came in?
Tiffany Case: Could be.
James Bond: I tend to notice little things like that - whether a girl is a blonde or a brunette.
Tiffany Case: Which do you prefer?
James Bond: Well, as long as the collar and cuffs match...
Yews camp.
OK, so long as it's not for "septic" reasons.
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