The reason why Yogi had to quit the race had nothing to do with his drinking or his sexual exploits. It really had more to do with his mental health. You see Yogi had lost it when Cindy left him and he began to have vicious mood swings. He be happy and jovial one minute banging his bear sluts in the grotto two at a time. And then he would flip and go eat garbage out of the cans by the pininic tables and maul the tourists who protested. You see Yogi had turned into a Bi-Polar bear.
(Rudy Wendelin, Where there’s Smoke, The E True Hollywood Story of Smokey the Bear)
(Rudy Wendelin, Where there’s Smoke, The E True Hollywood Story of Smokey the Bear)
1 comment:
For all his problems, I really thought this younger generation of bears (Boog Bear in Open Season, Vincent Bear in Over The Hedge) owed him his dues.
I mean, come on, Angela Lansbury gets a series and all the old-timers get a cameo. These guys couldn't find a spot for Yogi? Bastards.
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