Well Evil triumphs once again as the aging douche bag Donald Trump names octogenarian succubus Joan Rivers the Celebrity Apprentice. What a ripoff.
The finals were judged on four bogus criteria only one of which was fund raising. Annie Duke the poker player who was my favorite raised $300,000 more in her event but that didn't mean squat. They retarded decorations and drag queens in Rivers party were judged superior. Not that there is anything wrong with drag queens, I mean I am pretty sure that Joan and Melissa Rivers are both dudes anyway. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Now if you were following this as I have you would have seem the meltdown where this cunt Melissa was fired and totally attacked and demeaned the staff as she stormed off. Nothing gets me more pissed off than when cunts with a sense of entitlement go off on working people who are just doing their jobs. I am sure that is Trump's MO so I guess he didn't think it was such a big deal. The Rivers are so horrible that the event staff that was working on their party quit and both groups got screwed. Then when it was brought up in the boardroom the Rivers screamed that it was a lie when we saw it right in front of our eyes. How Trump could pick her after that just shows you why he has declared bankruptcy so many times.
This is the last time I will watch or talk about the Celebrity Apprentice. They lost me forever. I mean if it is a game there is absolutely no way that Annie Duke should have lost. If it is all bullshit as it proved to be why watch it all. The answer is that I was foolish to follow it.
I will now add Joan Rivers to that list which includes Robin Williams, Sarah Jessica Parker, the BJ Hunnicut guy and Tim Robbins. When I see them in the credits, I change the fucking channel.
\What a fucking joke.
I've been waiting for this post FOREVER!
Joan and Melissa couldn't even pretend to be happy Annie raised so much money. I think the whole point of letting Joan win was to try and make up for showing the world what a monster she is. For that I can be grateful, because before I saw this show I thought she was okay.
And what was all that crap about Annie being "beneath" Joan? Like Joan is royalty instead of a stand up comic. If Annie is dirt than so am I, so are a lot of people. Annie is an angel as far as I'm concerned.
But how can anyone watch this show again? Now that Joan Rivers is a "winner" she could pop up as a judge. I'm not risking being exposed to that.
Right on brother. I was just too disheartened to write it yesterday.
Even "Spaceballs"?
Kind of weird to think any of these shows have "credibility".
But I guess they do and I guess they can lose it. Seems not smart. Actually, stuff like this seems like it could easily poison someone against the whole genre.
I'm right there! F the Riverses+Donald Douchewad!
Even with the $250K prize, Joan still brought in less money than Annie!
Well you know what they say...
"There's NO business like SHOW business".
Other than politics maybe.
They're all laughing on the way to the bank, including Annie Duke.
Trump and Rivers were on Larry King the other night and Trump was practically licking her pussy saying how wonderful and smart and ambitious she is. I wanted to puke.
I got the sense that they are big buds and he was going to pick her to win all along.
I just can't get over that face of hers. She is so frightening looking. Why oh why would anyone do that to their face?
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