Ok our new poll is to determine who is the coolest. And remember you are not judging only on fund raising ability. It's the guy you would most want to be. The best lifestyle. The way you want to walk the walk. The nominees:
James Bond, the Sean Connery version not any of the gay ones (not that there's anything wrong with that)
Bullitt with the turtleneck and the Camarro.
Al Swearengen don't make get the sled and send you over to Mr. Wu.
Derek Jeter a true Yankee and a guy who sees more pussy than the port-a-potty at the Lillith fair.
Mr. Freeze who is one cool dude.
Let's vote and see who is the coolest cat going.
I want Jem's lifestyle. She's truly outrageous, and not all slutty like Hanna Montana or Barbie.
Confession time: I have never watched a James Bond film in my life, although I had a cool 007 lunchbox when I was a kid. It had some underwater picture on it. I'm sitting this one out after the disappointment of the last poll.
Somehow I managed to get the first vote, so at this point, my choice is winning.
Number 1 with a Bullitt!!!
Well, it would have been funny if Ruth Ann would have said it!
Hey you have to do it again. Blogger ate the first poll. But you are officially first.
Aw geeze! I just came into the comments to brag that I was the first to vote: Well, maybe first on the 2nd poll, or maybe Edjamikated's finally showed up and mine never registered...
I just voted again Trooper; Two votes for Bullitt!
Not that Connery ain't cool, but I've never seen him behind the wheel of an American Muscle Car!
Will there be a swimsuit competition?
James Bond, the Sean Connery version not any of the gay ones
You better not be referring to Daniel Craig, or you are dead to me.
Anyway, Bullit, natch.
Despite my sitting this one out, here's a scorecard on the pics:
bachelor #1: has a drink in hand, but that's negated by the bowtie around his neck
bachelor #2: appears to be wearing two holsters. Weapons are a plus.
bachelor #3: drink in hand, two--count 'em, two!!--scantily clad ladies in the backround, despite looking like he has a belly on him.
bachelor #4: the man is wearing leather...calling Titus
bachelor #5: wearing polar bear slippers, only cool if they're real.
Well, I'd say Mr. Freeze, but he's turned out to be a bit of a bust as a governor.
Then there's Bullitt. Who's cool and all. But just not my style to delve into the underground rooting out gangstas.
Now, Swearingen? Small businessman. Straight shooter. (Sort of.) Kidney problems. That's a guy I can relate to.
It's like asking who is the greatest ballplayer of all time. Gotta be The Babe. Everyone else is an also ran. Even Ty Cobb. Even Walter Johnson.
Who is the coolest dude of all time? Gotta be Steve McQueen. Everyone else is an also ran.
Speaking of Swearingen: I can't forgive Troop for mentioning the eye gouge fight scene in Deadwood. I went over to YouTube, watched it and have been having nightmares ever since. DON'T DO IT!
I voted for bullitt. If history is any guide, he's toast in this poll.
Bond. James Bond.
Has to be Bond, doesn't it?
If you guys ever saw Al Swearingen pass the gleat OR do auto-psycho-analysis while also instructing the whore how to give him a Lewinsky, then you'd have to say it's Swidgen, hands down.
And that's from a gal who loves her the Scottish laddies.
Come to think of it, Ian McShane might qualify in the Scottish Laddies group, no? [check wiki] SON of a Scott....close enuf.
It's not cool to have the Herp.
Simon : Has to be Bond, doesn't it?
Who wants a lifestyle where you can't take a single vacation without every waiter, local ninja, and sex kitten trying to kill you? Also, your close friends and lovers are always horribly killed or at best never talk to you again after a few days.
Of course if you were married to Sarah Jessica Parker I could see how that last bit might be a plus, especially the killing part.
I gotta go with Bond. I have had what seems like a lifetime crush on Connery, so...yeah. Bond.
Everyone else is very cool too, though.
I'm splitting my two votes this time: one for Steve, one for Bond. I wanna win for once dammit!
ChickenLittle: There's an old expression--"If you chase two rabbits you won't catch either one."
Who is Al Swearingen?
Al Swearingen was a real life settler of Deadwood. In the HBO mini-series, he was portrayed by British actor [of Scottish heritage] Ian MacShane. One of the most brilliant shows ever. [Right up there with 'The Wire.'] You have to realize that they swore a blue streak and recalibrate your ear to the most rapid-fire barrage of indecencies.
Trooper: Don't you think Gerald MacRainy [another of the Laddies] was fabulous in his menacing role of Hearst?
The Mister Freeze photo is great but my vote goes to Jeter. He is the hottest in my eyes.
I have never watched a James Bond movie either.
You people are a disgrace!
In the coolness sweepstakes there is Bullitt (Steve McQueen) and only Bullitt!!!
For shame.
ricpic said:
You people are a disgrace!
I think you missed it, but just look what happened in the last "poll".
I'm pretty sure that the last poll results were rigged by some unholy alliance of the feminists and teh gays.
Bronson, obviously. So where is he in the poll?
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