I am so sorry to hear that you are having a hard time of it. This recession is terrible and I know that teachers don't get paid enough. Maybe Meade can plant some stuff in his garden and you guys can make some extra money that way. You know you can save a lot of money if you stop drinking that fancy latte stuff and switch to Chock Full of Nuts. It's the Heavenly Coffee you know.
I know that I am just learning how to blog and I don't want to get in trouble. I mean I know you said it is ok to ask people for money for something I do for fun but I don't want to get in trouble like my old friend Soupy. But I am sure you know what you are doing. I don't know, I guess I would feel funny.
But I hope any of the people who come here can go over there and see you and help.
God Bless and hoping for better times,
Your Pal,
When it comes to money what's sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander...or different strokes for different folks...or something.
P.S. The Eight O'Clock Coffee brand markets a very nice hazelnut coffee which isn't pricey at all.
If links were dollars, then beggars would blog.
If wishes were horses, they could star in the Sex in the City Movies.
Soupy Sales!
He had the puppet that went bla ...bla bla bla.... bla?
I buy bags of coffee at Dunkin Dounts on sale it is two bags for like $11.99.
Ha.... I'm old enough to remember actually watching Soupy Sales. Don't remember him asking for us to steal money from Mom's purse though.
White Fang and Black Tooth.
You'd need plenty of coffee to stay awake through Russ Feingold's commencement address, no?
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