Pipkin: [while all are digging in the rain] What's happening back home, I wonder? Remember, when we lived in our old burrow? Dry, soft, warm bodies huddled together in a pile...
Dandelion: [to Hazel] Look, we can't go on like this. There is just too much to do here in the new burrow. We could be lazy in the old burrow. Like rabbits should be.
Silver: It keeps getting worse and worse. No matter how much we dig nobody is happy. They just keep complaining that we don’t do enough. How many holes can we make in one day?
Hazel: It won't be much longer, then we can all rest. You know we have big plans. Once we get the burrow just right we will have a lot of help. I promise.
Silver: How MUCH longer?
Pipkin: We never should have left.
Blackberry: Suppose Fiver's all wrong? Suppose we should have stayed at the old burrow.
Pipkin: Do you want to go back and find out.
Hazel: Go back? After all we've been through? I don’t think so. I mean we can go for a visit but we don’t want to live there. You don’t remember all the bad things. You remember how she liked to have a few drinks and start fights with all the people in the garden. I know she likes her cocktails.
Bigwig: That’s’ right. Everyone is always fighting over there. And people are always leaving and saying they will never come back. The lady who owns the garden is always getting in fights with everyone. She made that woodpecker leave and take all his holes with him. And the senile old cat left to live in the Hamptons and lick himself in the sun. She even got in a fight with a ghost and a cockroach. Who fights with a cockroach?
Hazel: She does like to stir things up. She is always talking about some Eskimo Lady and all these people that started a band in the city banging drums and stuff. The regular things that happen have gone by the wayside. Nobody waters the flowers. She doesn’t nibble on a nice carrot like she used to. And I guess nobody wants to munch on her lettuce anymore.
Dandelion: I don’t know this lady. What is she like?
Bigwig: It’s hard to describe. She likes to show off but then she gets mad when people talk about what she is doing. It’s hard to understand. She is not like rabbits. Rabbits just do it and don’t worry about who is watching. As long it is not elil.
Pipkin: Well you should be fair. She has her friends. And the farmer who lives with her now. I think he said that he likes to toss her lettuce.
Dandelion: Ewwwwwwww!!!
Hazel: Yes it is true. She always sat around showing everything to everyone. That is why so many people would stop by. It was very crowded. But there were a lot of arguments and fights. Rabbits like it peaceful. Maybe it will be better for rabbits now. Things could change for the better. Bigwig, you can lead a patrol over there soon. Then we will know what to do.