Friday, November 25, 2011

Commenter Memories Number 120 Allie remembers when the buck stopped at her table!

Allie remembers her first Thanksgiving in America. Harry Truman came to eat dinner over the house because they were good Democrats.

But then he tried to nationalize the turkey farmers and break thier union and Allies father tossed him out on his bowtie.

Thanksgiving memories.


ricpic said...

It was a double job for Allie: getting FDR to notice her and fending off Eleanor's gropes.

Roger J. said...

a HST story (the last of the good dems)--Mr Truman visited Washington National AP in the winter of 44--my dad was stationed there and both my dad and Mr Truman played piano--They were invited to play a duet on the pianos (alcohol may have been involved)

I figure that makes me one degree of separation from FDR Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Harry sat me on his lap and told me the story of the first Thanksgiving and how the Indians showed the pilgrims how to play this funny game using a turkey feather, I forgot what It was called.

Then my Dad tossed him out on his ear, I always thought it was because of the breakup of the turkey growers union.

Trooper York said...

It was also really white of you to invite Adam Clayton Powell to Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

My parents liked the schwartzers. They shared a love of hog head cheese and it was a favorite at the holiday table. We embraced America and all it's peoples.

ndspinelli said...

My old man loved head cheese. I just like head, then some cheese a little later.

chickelit said...

This thread has become smegmatic and detersive.

I'm outta here!