Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hey help a sister out!

"Hey help a sister out!"
"You know where you have to shop."
"You will really be doing a mitzva. But we can't talk about it. But you know you want to help me make some cheese. Seriously."
"I have so many nice things. My precious."


ricpic said...

Buy the bloody rickshaw and have your man get a Madison medallion and clean up with the carriage trade. Get it?..rickshaw...carriage...sorry.

ndspinelli said...

You are a unique man, Trooper.

ndspinelli said...

I actually saw this flick..Batteries not Included. It was cute.

Fred4Pres said...

Who is that supposed to symbolise?

ndspinelli said...

Fred, I believe she represents the EBL and her shilling for Amazon. Myself and a few others have been busting her balls. She doesn't allow comments on her posts where she sells Amazon, and she's been called on it. I dubbed it The Thin Skin Proclamation.

Trooper York said...

It's crazy when you don't to be somewhere and people fill you in on what is happening.

It's the fuckin' Kremlin or something.