Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hey Bobby the only thing that sucks more than Boston is you!

This can't get any better. The Red Sox are hiring Bobby Valentine as their manager. Whatz the manna they could get Wes Westrum? Art Howe? Joe Frazier?

When you go to get a manager you go to one of the worst managers from one of the worst franchises in baseball history?

Thank you Red Sox morons.

It is gonna be a fun summer!


ndspinelli said...

Trooper, Here's the best part..we don't have to look @ his smug kisser on ESPN every fucking night!

Trooper York said...


Trooper York said...

If Bobby Valentine ever had a blog he would never allow comments. Just sayn'

The Dude said...

Doesn't he comment over at EBL's place? You delete him here...

ndspinelli said...

I've been busting EBL's balls for censoring. I gave an homage to you on a thread w/ Allie. She's a tough broad..just got to get Allie's mind right once in awhile. We all need an ass kickin' once in awhile. "I got my mind right, boss."

One of the strangest experinces I had was working @ Leavenworth and having southern inmates call me "Boss" or "Boss Man." Here I was, a dude right out of college who loved Cool Hand Luke and now I'm "The man w/ no eyes." It was a slap upside the're not in school any more asshole! But, I was in Kansas.

ricpic said...

Sox nation wins going away in 2012!

Trooper York said...

Hey we would all win if they would just go away. Just sayn'

ndspinelli said...

No, Sox Nation is just going away...quickly.

Trooper York said...

I have a post about both the shopping and your time in Kansas Nd.

Check it out.

The Dude said...

ricpic wrote...

"Sox nation ... going away in 2012!"

You read it here first, folks!

TTBurnett said...

Bobby Valentine was hired to preside over the 100th anniversary of Fenway Park. Fenway will be the stah of next year, not the usual 2nd-place suspects playing in it.

Valentine will add color and lots of hit-and-run aggressive play. The Sox will still lose, but who cares? It should be a fun season.

Once the Sox make a gazillion dollars in '12 off every Fenway nostalgia gimmick you can think of, they'll dump Valentine and hire a real manager for the following year, with the Pennant in mind for '14. Maybe '13, if they're lucky.

Valentine's a showman. Winning games? Not so good. But pissing off old Yankee fans is a bonus.

Sox will get real as soon as the hoopla's over.

All this is conventional sports-talk wisdom in Boston.

TTBurnett said...

Plus, there're LOTS of other maneuverings of trades, player acquisitions, etc., that have to be made to put together a functional team again. What kind of role Valentine has in this is questionable.

Again, conventional wisdom is "not too big."

Now, we could get into detailed Sox talk for the next 150 comments, but I realize this blog is only for zombie Yankee fans, growling in their sepulchral voices, arms extended in fron of them as they file into Yankee Stadium, "Yankees win...Yankees win...Yankees win...."

TTBurnett said...

"...trades, player acquisitions, etc...." is too wordy and dumb.

Should be, "trades and acquisitions," plain and simple.

Coaching staff. Don't forget the coaching staff.

Another hardy perennial of non-zombified sports talk.

TTBurnett said...

It would be really cool if the Sox won another World Series on the 10th anniversary of the last time.

I think that's the plan.

The Yankees are like cockroaches in your apartment: They never completely go away, but if you take firm enough measures, you might get rid of them for a while.

The Dude said...

I guess, based on the volume of comments, that Tiny Tim Burnett's latest flounce off is over and that he had some pent up effluvia, too. That's too bad. It was nice around here without his long-winded pontificating.

Trooper York said...

Now, now Sixty be nice. Tim is a good friend and is always welcome here.

It is just sad he remains a Bosox fan.

Some people just have to revel in their misery.

Trooper York said...

Anybody who thinks Bobby Valentine is going to be anything but a disaster is got another thing coming.

The Red Sox dumped the guys that finally won the Series for them pretty quickly after all.

Trooper York said...

Loyalty. Not a Red Sox thingy.

The Dude said...

That was nice, Troop. No bad language, merely pointed out that Timmy had a hissy fit, again, flounced off, again, and was back, again.

Any publicity is good publicity, right? Public acknowledgement and whatnot. Like the old story about the gay pitcher who played for the Redsox. But that's a story for another day.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, You need to be more specific about gay Red Sox hurlers. Are you speaking about Mel Parnell, Dick Radatz, Luis Tiant, Bill Lee, Bruce Hurst, Bob Stanley, Al Nipper, Oil Can Boyd, Roger Clemens, Calvin Schiraldi..I could go on but please help narrow it down for pink hatter!

The Dude said...

I wear a white hat, not a pink one. Like Duke.

TTBurnett said...

Sixty protests far too much about gays.

The Dude said...

I have yet to protest. I do think Titus is a phony. But then again, I think the same of you.

TTBurnett said...

Well, I think you're a lying coward, whose only purpose in life has been to serve as a passage for dung, so I suppose we're equal.

TTBurnett said...

You know, Sixty, I use my REAL name. I am publicly identifiable. Everything I say is the truth and verifiable, or my opinion, and obviously so.

You are an anonymous troll, hurling insults at strangers on the internet.

There is no reason for any rational person to pay the slightest attention to you.

The Dude said...

I have yet to lie in these comments. Would that you could say the same. You are an emotional train wreck, too delicate to live in the real world.

Aren't you overdue for your next flouncing? As for dung production, your mother won that contest.

Remember when you claimed that Trooper was blasphemous? Remember when you wrote the comment that consisted solely of the words "Fuck you!" Then you deleted it? You are such a religious hypocrite that it's not even funny.

How about that time that you couldn't even distinguish between the words "could" and "couldn't"? You are such an erudite little twit that even your wife laughed at you for that one.

The Dude said...

Whoa, you accused me of talking to myself, Tim, yet there you go doing it. And, by paying attention to me you once again prove that in addition to being profoundly stupid you are irrational, by your own definition.

As for your real name - which one - Theo Boehm? Tim? The Blogging Cockroach? The dead guy? You claim to be honest, but you are too fucked up to even see honesty from where you live.

TTBurnett said...

Do you think I am an 18th century ghost or a cockroach?

I have stated publicly numerous times that "Theo Boehm" was a screen name.

I now post under my real name.

What is yours? Where do you live?

You won't say, will you?

You remain an anonymous, cowardly, hateful, lying troll to whom no rational person should pay the slightest attention.

TTBurnett said...

End of discussion, as far as I am concerned.

Fred4Pres said...

Clemens is gay. A giant poofter. Not that there is any wrong with that. But he could not be denied, he had to play for the gayest team of all...

and George Steinbrenner made his dream come true and he retired a Yankee.

MamaM said...

Well, at least is was a "the only thing that sucks more than you" thread.

Where is Titus when this shit starts down the pipe? Sleeping on the clumber and dreaming of tree tits.

The Dude said...

You are a liar, Tim Burnett, it is never over with you. You are an angry little clarinet puffer who goes from zero to irate without even pausing at humor. But you have repeatedly stated that you are irrational - that much I believe.

TTBurnett said...

I thought this was a thread about Bobby Valentine and the Sox. I came back to talk about that. Seemed like a fun topic. Oh well.

Here's some more on the actual subject of the post:

There are lots of theories out there. I gave you one of them: Bobby Valentine is not a long-term hire. He was only brought in to liven things up, maybe pretending to clean house in the process. But the Herald today has a headline, "My Way or the Highway," about the depth of Bobby Valentine's willingness to kick ass.

Who knows? This could be fun stuff. Here's some food for thought from The Soxaholix:

Murray Chass looks down upon the idea of being a hardass manager who sets rules for the benefit of the entire team, and expects players to conform, even the superstars. It only pisses off the players and makes other teams try harder against you, he says. Will never work, he says. So, Bill Belichick, is he right?

Is Bobby Valentine the new Bill Belichick? Or will he be full of sound and fury, signifying nothing? Cromwell or Mussolini?

My vote is for Mussolini played by Lou Costello.

More than two years, and this isn't going to end well.

Trooper York said...

He won't last out the season. You see the Mets only get the second team sports writers but in Boston they put the varisity on the baseball beat. They will get real tired of Bobby's bullshit by July and they will start the drumbeat to get him canned by August 1st.

Saral Palin gets better press than this shithead.

Trooper York said...

Plus the team is going to blow up. The big pitchers are playing for contracts and Papi has lost it.

It looks bad in Boston which looks good for the rest of America.

TTBurnett said...
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TTBurnett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TTBurnett said...

Someday I'll get this comment right. Sorry for the deletions.

Amnyway, I was originally going to say, "More than one year, and this isn't going to end well," but that sounded too abrupt. It usually takes longer for a new guy to prove himself. You're right, however. One season, max.

I disagree about the team "going to blow up."

It isn't going to blow up.

It has.

September was bad, even by historic Sox slump standards. 20 losses? I've read reports that things got so awful, players were drinking on game days. Before games. Fear and loathing in the clubhouse, etc.

They need to do some serious rebuilding. Can imagine a couple of scenarios how this happens, maybe even with Valentine around for ONE year.

I really hope there's a secret plan to win the Pennant and maybe the Series in '14.

Of course, the last time someone tried to execute a secret plan in late summer of '14, look how that turned out.