Tuesday, November 29, 2011

One Adam 12......See the Yenta

"What seems to be the problem Ma'am?"
"It's my son ricpic. He doesn't want to go to schul. He won't play with his dradle. He is eating Ham and cheese. And he is obessed with shiksa whores."
"I can't deal with this. This is too meta."
"What like his cousin Zubin? What are you talking about your goyisher dummy. Take his skinny ass to jail right this minute!"
"Sorry we can't do that Ma'am."
"Why do I pay you salary? Oy! Let's go you shemdrake. Enough with this goyisher nonsense."


Tank said...

I think the work you're looking for is:


or possibly:


Just sayin.

ricpic said...

A shlub gets dressed in his finest clothes to go to a high class joint. His two left feet waiter, while approaching the table, trips over himself and spills the soup course all over the shlub's shirtfront. The waiter is the schlemiel (a fuckup) and the shlub is the schlimazl (the one fucked up on, or literally the one without luck (mazl)).

A schmendrik is just flat out stupid.

It's normally the case that a schlimazl is a schmendrik as well, seeing as he lacks the sense to keep his distance from schlemiels.

A schmegegge is a blowhard. Like me.

Tank said...

Thanks ric.

No hat tip to Leo ??