Saturday, November 19, 2011

Even with an ugly outfit

I still am looking good.

Comon. Smell under my arm. I know you want to.

You pervert you.


chickelit said...

Wasn't there an old TV deordant slogan, "Strong enough for a man, but made by a woman"?

That sexist stuff would never fly these days.

chickelit said...

BTW, she's not inviting axilism if that's what you were thinking.

Whose the prevert now?

windbag said...

I know that ad, chickenlittle, but it's a secret and I'm not telling.

rcommal said...

..."Strong enough for a man, but made by a woman"?

Made *for*, not made *by."

Which changes the spin.

ndspinelli said...

Still can't see her bellybutton. Maybe it wasn't the censors that covered it up on tv..maybe she has an ugly one?

chickelit said...

windbag said...
I know that ad, chickenlittle, but it's a secret and I'm not telling.

You jiggled my memmory--I think the deoderant was called Secretion.

ricpic said...

She's got that crazed look. Always a good indicator of liveliness in the sack.

What's axilism?

The Dude said...

ricpic, I would say that Google is your friend, but having looked it up, all I can say is there are some things one cannot unread, once read.

Trooper York said...

Isn't axilism where you want to have sex with Axel Rose?

The Dude said...

For the love of God, make it stop!

Leave the roses, take the gun.

Fred4Pres said...

Sheeep? Ewe betcha!