Thursday, May 10, 2012

Commenter Memories Number 138 Seven Machos likes to feel pretty!

He not such a mean guy.

He likes to fee pretty.

And he loves his dollies.

He just plays a tough guy on the internets.


ricpic said...

A woman in a mask is strangely hot,
But I'm not so sure about Seven;
Her air of mystery spices the pot,
He does unspeakable things with Kevin.

chickelit said...

Troop's been reading TOP again.

chickelit said...


Trooper York said...

I confess that I was curious about the Allie Crack Wars.

I am weak. What can I tell you.

Trooper York said...

It is perfect to read when I am taking a dump.

Trooper York said...

I do see that Nick is back in their good graces.


Chip S. said...

I missed that exchange. Of course, since I skip over about 3/4 of the threads there now, that's not unusual.

Where was it?

chickelit said...

It was nasty--you don't want to go there, Chip.

Just look for the last thread what went over 200.

Chip S. said...

Speaking of TOP, I did see that weirdo Alex being even more psychotic than usual today.

It's like everyone there has doubled down on their shtick.

Trooper York said...

I think the effect lingered and Allie got a little upset for a while.

Crack does that to women sometimes.

And to guys too.

But mostly guys who act like women. Just sayn'

ricpic said...

Not me! I got no shtick. Or I am my shtick. Or something.

chickelit said...

I got a schtick here. It's to try and keep up with the excellent comedians which is challenging. I do fall back on my core personality which more or less is what you see on El Pollo Real.

TOP makes me strap on all my old Madison and Wisconsin residue, so that's why that's a little different.

Anonymous said...

It was only one war. And even after all that I still like him better than some folks, because I think he is sincere in everything he says and doesn't play games.

I think threatening to beat someone up went too far, but I will forgive him. I'm not like that. But any man that woud try to hit me..... Would be sorry and in jail.

Chip S. said...

chicklit, who is wise, said, "you don't want to go there."

Chip S., who is foolish, went there anyway.

I did LOL twice, tho. Once at the term "smegma cannon," which I'm still trying to figure out as a way to dis a woman.

The other funny was ndspinelli saying, I don't like conflict, it makes me uncomfortable.

But where the fuck was the gardener during all that? Making a battery run to Radio Shack?

chickelit said...

Maybe it has something to do with Troop's last comment above?

Somebody noticed Alex acting wierd. I lunged at him today. It's was his inexplicable Palinoia--something it didn't recall seeing from him--others, yes.

chickelit said...

But shit, here we are talking TOP.

Titus said...

Knock it off everyone.

TOP is not that interesting.

Bundle, bundle.

Anonymous said...

I do think there was some VERY funny stuff on Cracks' and my war thread though, I was laughing as much as I Wa PO'd.

So come on Cracky, you see old Ho Allie likes you anyway?

Anonymous said...


TTBurnett said...

Still the Althouse Annex, eh?

MamaM said...

TJ's declaration on free men meshes nicely with the MTM thread:

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.”

While Sockman sails in FTW:

“The hope of free man in a frightened world is the values which man puts ahead of inventions when his back is to the wall. These values are beauty, truth, goodness and having a faith, all of which are bombproof.”

blake said...

I guess I'm the only one who doesn't go there any more? (Except the occasional blind links from Insty.)

Titus said...

Allie does have some interest in Crack!

She wants some confrontation.

No, don't do it.

Live, breath and bundle.

And I just want to say thank you Mr. President for what you did yesterday. I know it was horrible and all about money but it meant a fucking lot to a lot of fags.


Anonymous said...

No Titus, I don't want a confrontation, I want peace and harmony, I just want to let Crack know that he can come here and I won't try to make him mad.

As I said, and I meant it I don't hate him, he may hate me, that's OK. I forgive him for saying violent things.

TTBurnett said...

No, I'm the other one, blake.

And I also look for where links are taking me, and bail at the merest hint of Althousia. Haven't taken a peek in months. I'm much happier.

In fact, I've changed my online habits considerably. Now, I avoid politics, law, public policy, &c. almost completely. Nothing good ever comes from blathering about those things. I'm happy to read analysis by people who know what they are talking about. But that excludes 98% of blog commenters.

No, I'm back to astronomy and music blogs, creating the illusion of conviviality on Facebook, and dropping occasional snark on Twitter. I've gone to ground with my core interests, and do not waste my time with insult or pointless chit-chat otherwise.

I highly recommend it.

Anonymous said...

TTB what I really need to get me offline so much is warm weather, my grandkids staying with me for the summer and lots and lots of visitors at the lake to keep me very very busy. I am high energy and if I don't have anything constructive to do, I get myself in trouble.

Once summer really starts its going to be a whirlwind, wedding plans, wedding showers, shopping, my garden, and all the great socializing, when all the summer people come.

I would probably be better served moving to Madison, where it's busy, and be nearer to my daughter.

I also need to learn that no one's mind is ever changed and if you don't watch out, it's ones own mind that gets changed, wich might not be a bad thing.

Titus said...

TT, sounds like you are living a much healthier and happier internet experience.

Congrats to you.

I believe it happens to all of us.

Chick, could it happen to you?

Or maybe me?


blake said...

Well, I didn't stop out of any particular angst, although I do have less time to waste, tragically. I just lost interest.

It started about the time she hooked up with Meade. I have no explanation for that.

Titus said...

Allie, please, you have so much going on.

Get off the internet, and enjoy the nice weather.

I bet you will be much happier.

My mom only reads funny emails she gets from her friends. Doesn't that seem like a much more peaceful life?

blake said...

Darcy's inspired me to do the Warrior Run.

So that's fun. This summer, I hope I can get some tweeps for a Run tweet-up.

I wanna get a music set-up going again, too. It's been too long. But I'm working three jobs. Which, I've discovered is a lot.

Anonymous said...

Yes Titus, but I would die of boredom pretty quickly. I'm isolated in this god forsaken Waukesha County, lol, my daughter lives in Madison, another daughter a couple hours away, another daughter in Afghanistan and my son out of state.

All my best friends are in Chicago, so it's either Madison, or Chicago in winter, no more winters at the lake for me. Too boring.

Or I'll move to Brooklyn and work in Trooper's dress shop during the winter, hehe. I'll be really nice to the customers, truly. I'll never try to get in front of a camera, oh noooo.

Anonymous said...

OR I'll move to Oceanside, for the winter, when my daughter gets back from Afghanistan!

blake said...

Yeah, if you're basing your decision on weather, that's what they call "a no-brainer".

Anonymous said...

Wow Blake you and Darcy must be in good shape, I'm too old for running, I just want to keep walking.

Anonymous said...

Yes, warm ocean breezes. She will be there for at least another year when she gets back.

blake said...

Actually, not that great.

But, see, Darcy did the hard part: She went and ran it when she could barely run 5K—and this is 5K plus obstacles.

She's got true grit. (It's going to be way easier for me, knowing what she went through.)

Part of it is not giving up. It's fine to walk, but I'm not done running. And running isn't something I was ever good at. I did the couch-to-5K running program in February and went from barely being able to do 60 seconds to hitting 5K before my birthday. I'm up to 7.5K and will hit 10K before May's up.

Slower than something really, really slow. But getting there.

I figure as long as I can lift a little more and run a little farther and faster, I have that much better a shot at staying functional in the coming decades.

I know it'll happen, of course: Something will break and it won't be fixable.

I'm just not ready to give up.

I'm just taking it slow and steady. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

Anonymous said...

No, that IS amazing! I've heard of the couch to 5K. So as long as your joints hold up, more power to ya and Darcy! I'm seriously thinking of starting Pilates, for core strength, at my age I need it, I had some pretty bad flare ups with a couple disks and sciatica a few years back.

Well off to bed, not on California time yet. Nite.

windbag said...

If anyone does the Warrior Dash in North Georgia, I'm right next door. Lots of friends ran it; they say it's a hoot.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper, I am hardly in good graces. I never "Emailed me" as lawnboy said several times. As I worked as a PI over decades I got cases from attorneys and insurance companies that were very difficult and sometimes also dangerous. I was never flashy and not the stereotypical gumshoe. I just knew my trade and was as more than one client has called me.."Relentless." My easy-going nature lets me just shrug off the small shit. But on important stuff I won't give a fucking inch. I have not given one inch w/ TOP.

You response and others will be they just want comments. Let me tell you all, they don't want some of my comments. But, I hammered them w/ the obvious hypocrisy and they relented. I know these folks and others like them. My ability to read people has literally saved my life. I'm recently retired although I do have clients I like ask me to take a case now and then and I do. You see, when I was working 60, 70, 80 hours a week doing battle I never wanted any battles in my spare time. I volunteer tutoring kids and may get back into coaching or umpiring baseball. I am engaging but I am also an introvert. These blogs offer me the opporunity to engage, learn, laugh, bust balls, and when needed, to be relentless. I do get out, I walk @ least 5 miles a day. When we're in San Diego, 10-12 a day. This place is my bar. TOP is my battlefield. I need both.

blake said...


I had knee trouble when running in the past. This time, I haven't. Since I'm (obviously) older, I can only attribute it to the weight lifting, which I started 6-7 months before trying to run seriously.

I used to feel it in my knees as a 140 pound teenager (who did 4-5 hours of karate a day), but not now. I can't really explain it.

windbag said...

FWIW, fuck TOP.

Want some fun? Go over to Instapundit, where there are a slew of guest posters. Without looking at the identity of who's posting, guess which ones are from the EBL (non-bovine variety, that is). It isn't hard to pick them out.

blake said...


