Wednesday, May 30, 2012

In the Belly of the Beast

Then we went to tape a couple of segments for NPR. They agreed to pump the show so what the hell we decided to do it. Only Lisa got to speak but I went into the booth with her. The disc jockey was in Washington
so we were alone in the studio.

We got there early so the receptionist lead us to a holding area that he called the "Lounge." It had a few chairs and couches and a coffee table with a bunch of magazines like a dentists office. But the best thing they had was a wall of autographed photos of all the big names. Terry Gross. Amy Goodman. Brian Lerher. So there was only one thing I could do.

I went into the conference room and found a piece of paper and a big sharpie.

I printed out a sign and my granddaughter took a photo of me holding it and pointing at the stars on the wall.

I felt a little bad after they were so nice to us and all.

Actually, I didn't feel all that bad.


Anonymous said...

Hey, that's my comrades!

Chip S. said...

Ha ha. Great shot!

This is the best reason for taking the blog private. Imagine the calls from network suits o/w!!

Trooper York said...

Hay the day was just begining. I managed to piss off Alice.

blake said...

Who's Alice?

Also, you gotta get that online shopping boutique goin', dude.

blake said...

Oh, there it is. Ask and ye shall receive.

Chip S. said...

I thought that was a Honeymooners reference until I saw the post above this one.

From the look of her I'd say it doesn't take much to piss her off. Sucks to outlive your career by multiple decades, I guess.

Titus said...

dont ask alice

The Dude said...

Damn, boy, now you are acting like me, and let me tell you, that kind of behavior can be career limiting. Severely career limiting. They may be commies, well, there is no "may", they are flat out Che-sucking reds, but they are powerful.

Tread lightly my friend - do not allow them to be in a position where they can interfere with your cash flow. It's better to butter up those commie cocksuckers and sell them product. Works for me.

ndspinelli said...

You should have brought a picture of Juan Williams and put it up there.

ndspinelli said...

You needed some makeup, even if it is radio.

rcocean said...

Funny. I like Fresh Air but Terry Gross *is* a commie - and damn she's ugly. But a great voice.

ndspinelli said...

rocean, I had a very goood psych professor who did voice work. Her website described her voice as an "NPR voice", and the description was spot on. Smooth as silk.

Chip S. said...

I always pictured Terry Gross as much younger than that, and kind of attractive.

And she's still 7 years younger than Nina Totenberg!

They're like tenured professors. Except for Juan Williams, of course.

rcocean said...

Yep, Its like being on 60 minutes or a Federal Judge, you only leave feet first. Just don't say anything good about FOX.

rcocean said...

Nd, a great voice. But she pushes the concept of a "face for radio" to the extreme.