Sunday, May 27, 2012

I have to concerntrate on the business side of things....

I have to concentrate on the business side of things since I have been pretty much marginalized in the show and won't been seen hardly at all. The original concept was that it was about the two of us and the family and how we ran the shop but that went by the wayside pretty quickly as they decided to focus on Lisa and make it more or less a plus size "What Not to Wear." So the focus is solely on Lisa and making over the women. In other words "Dress Boss."

I saw the opening of the show and it just has Lisa in it as she is running around and doing stuff. I won't be part of most of the interviews. Lisa will be on the Today show on Tuesday May 29th at 8:30am with Stacy. Our daughter Melissa will be one of the models as they talk about fashion. Lisa will also be featured on NPR that afternoon since they figured I was too ugly for radio. A segment was already filmed for WPIX which had Lisa and all the girls in the store modeling clothing. I am tentatively scheduled to appear with Lisa no "Live at Five" on WNBC TV but who knows if that is going to happen.

I just have to concentrate on maximizing the money we can make off of this wonderful marketing opportunity. So I will be monitoring the on-line sales and the store so we can cash out as much as we can.


Dust Bunny Queen said...

Everyone plays their part in the success of the whole. When the show is all will still have the shop and the business.

It takes a team to pull the plow.

Trooper York said...

I know and I am proud to be the horses ass.

Trooper York said...

Still I wanted a chance to tell Matt Laurer that he was a fuckin commie.

The Dude said...

Everyone wants that opportunity, well, except for other commies.

ricpic said...

Allie Oop has a crush on Matt. But only when he wears his toupee.

AllenS said...

You know, you coulda been somebody.

Michael Haz said...

Will there be tee shirts? I want to buy a tee shirt.

Anonymous said...

Naw, I think Matt Lauer is kinda gross. Don't tell him I said so!

rcocean said...

Rejected by NPR? Wow, that must hurt.

Remember there are no small parts, only small reality peeps.

blake said...

*knock knock knock*

"Yacht Salesman!"