Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hey I made the bulletin!

One of biggest supporters is our parish priest Father Chris Cashman. Every week he always asks how it is going with the show and what is happening with us. He wanted to put an announcement in the bulletin and kept reminding me about it. But I was so busy I never got a chance to bring it to the rectory.

So when I walk in he is in the back of the church getting ready to do the entrance march and runs over to me. "Hey I went on the website and got all the information and put it in the bulletin!"

That's the first time I made the bulletin since 1969 when I broke the church window.

He told me something I will be hearing a lot as time goes on. He saw the new promo that you can see here and said "That promo is great but they should have more of you in it."  But TV is a lot like Highlander: There can be only one.

Still it is a pretty cool promo. The last bit with the both of us was from the big commercial shoot in early January. We are going to see a lot more of that.


Anonymous said...

You are infamous!

ndspinelli said...

Great promo. Now see, the good Padre forgave you for Ash Wednesday. Hopefully you went to confession, said your perfect Act of Contrition, and have put that behind you.

I can't wait to hear your voice. Are you a tenor or baritone?

chickelit said...

Still it is a pretty cool porno. The last bit with the both of us was from the big commercial shoot in early January.

That's what it read like to me first pass.

Trooper York said...

I am sort of a monotone.

Trooper York said...

And nobody wants to see an Irish guy in a porno.

Instead of 3D glasses they will have to give out magnifying glasses. Jus saying.

MamaM said...

What are you holding??? A pin cushion? It looks like the Forbidden Fruit.

Dynamic promo and no 3-D glasses needed to see the priest's good stuff because it's right there, hanging out as care, encouragement and faith are revealed in action. 'Course the Big Guy himself liked to hang with those who knew how throw the nets and haul 'em in.

Darcy said...

Ohhh. The ending with the both of you in it is adorbs! I mean the whole thing is great, but you two are so cute!

I can't wait to watch this.

Michael Haz said...

Wonderful! I can already sense there's a sequel - Jim Dolan fitting big guys with proper suits and shirts and pants. Seriously. This should happen.

Maybe Jim Dolan could fit Cardinal Dolan. He was back here two weeks ago - wow - he's added some poundage!

ndspinelli said...

The Cardinal apparently discovered real pizza.

Trooper York said...

That was a pin cushion. It was part of the TLC "Red Door" promotion that a bunch of shows took part in during the filmed promos back in January.

There might be more of them. The promotional stuff is going really good so might get to do a lot more of them.

Trooper York said...

We are even going to be on NPR.

I wonder if I can get to ask Ellen Goodman or Brian Lerher if Barry is a commie?

Ruth Anne Adams said...

The blonde customer looked a lot like the comedienne Brett Butler. But it wasn't her, right?

I'm hoping to get you guys to do some promotional stuff on The Dennis Miller Show . He loves [really, his wife] reality TV. You guys could do a helluva interview.

Really. Dynamite waiting to ignite.

ricpic said...

Hey Dolan, you're all bobble head in that promo. Maybe that's why the TV people want the show to be all Lisa. I mean I know we're not supposed to say anything negative but I wouldn't want to watch a bobble headed guy. Get your head under control and they'll make you a stah.

The Dude said...

I'm guessing your voice sounds like Peewee Herman. HA!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I guess he figures the snakes and poison of television will not harm you. At least that is what I hear!

Trooper York said...

Hey you have no idea what your normal mannerisms will look like on TV. I know I didn't.

We did that little thing for an hour and they picked the worst one. At least from my perpective. For them it worked great because they love to make fun of the fat white straight guy.

The Dude said...

"because they love to make fun of the fat white straight guy"

So you are good, right?

Chip S. said...

Season 2, baby! Trooper breaks out!

Like ebola.

(I just couldn't leave that hanging there for spinelli.)

MamaM said...

Season 2, baby! Trooper breaks out!

Hucklebuck city.

blake said...

At least they're not making you do the truffle shuffle.

TerriW said...

Congrats on making the bulletin: that's the big time.

(My grandma was telling me that back in the day, they used to print how much each family gave in their envelopes the previous week in the bulletins and I didn't get it as a kid, but now that blows my fucking mind. They sure don't do that anymore.)