Sunday, April 13, 2014

Ari nails it.

So I wander over to Lem's and I notice that Leisure Suit Larry trolls a serious topic right out of the box. Aridog calls him on it and of course there is a tit for tat. Ari rightfully calls out Lem who as usual is silent on the matter. I have been mulling over this very subject for a while.

I think if Leisure Suit Larry is a continuing welcome presence on Lem's Levity then I will be scaling back my participation there in a big way. I don't want or need contact with those people. It might be time to step back. If the idea is to call out Larry and his pet Bubbles then it is time to move on.


Trooper York said...

I was luck enough to find the new photograph of the evil blogger lady.

blake said...

Life ain't getting any longer, dude.

Trooper York said...

Ain't that the truth.

Trooper York said...

Hey how is the new Captain America Movie. Should I wait for it to come to pay per view or go see it in the theater?

Trooper York said...

I mean you have not been reviewing stuff as much. I have been reading if not commenting. What gives?

ndspinelli said...

blake, There was an article in USA Today about Redford playing a villain in the new CA flick and how he always wanted to play a villain. BULLSHIT!! If he wanted to play a villain he could of @ anytime. His ego couldn't handle it. But now that even Hollywood types snicker @ his movies he plays a villain. REAL actors play villains all the time. Their ego can handle people not liking them. Fuck, John Lithgow plays serious roles, silly roles, and one of the best fucking villains ever, the Trinity Killer in Dexter.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper, I read a review of a brand new John Wayne bio. Looks pretty good.

ndspinelli said...

The review was in yesterday's WSJ.

Trooper York said...

Lithgow was also great as the white rabbit in "Once Upon A Time in Wonderland."

Trooper York said...

The new John Wayne bio is on my kindle. Right now I am reading Gavin MacLeod, Tim Conway and Carl Reiner's autobiographies. As well as a dual biography of Fred and Ethel Mertz.

I doubt I will learn anything new about the Duke but I never miss a chance to get a new biography.

Shouting Thomas said...

Life is better when I don't pay any attention to the EBL or to Leisure Suit Larry and his Steppin' Fetchit routine.

The Dude said...

Meade there is just like phx here - what's the big deal? A troll is a troll.

Shouting Thomas said...

An that is a remarkable likeness of the EBL!

blake said...


Yeah, I'm behind. I'm learning a new (to me) technology and it's pretty much eating my brain. I may be burning out on the review thing, too.

Winter Soldier is very good, maybe on a par with Spider-Man 2 and X-Men 2. The Boy and I are kinda burnt out on the superhero stuff—I had to talk him into it, but everything else out looked "meh" and had terrible reviews to boot.

That said, Redford is...not good. He makes a terrible bad guy. Not as bad as Jodie Foster did in that dumb Matt Damon movie last summer...Elysium. They have no concept of evil, except that it sorta, you know, looks like a Republican.

You can get a sense of my biases vis a vis Redford from my review of his last movie An Idiot In A Boat.

Nick, I'm not sure sure that's true that Redford could've played villains in the past. (I'd say it was kind of a spoiler that he's a villain in this, except it's so obvious from the moment he steps on screen.) Redford is one of the last contract players, and made his star being "All American Good Guy", right?

Even his lovable rogues were more lovable than rogue. And his Americanness was such that, despite his learning an English accent, Pollack decided he should keep his American accent for Out Of Africa, rendering his role completely incoherent. (Speaking of "worst movies to win Best Picture".)

That said, you're right to say that better actors managed. Hell, Paul Newman managed to be all over the map and still come across as All American.

But not as many: You didn't get big names strategizing like they do today. Damon and Affleck even joke about it in a movie where they play themselves; whatever their respective skill levels, they also play all over the map.

In earlier times, there was a sense that you didn't want to do anything beneath you, or that would soil your brand (not that they'd use those words), so you took fewer chances.

If it was his dream, though, he should've done it, and he should've done it younger, because I don't think he has the chops now any more than Jodie Foster does. If I had to guess I'd say both of them personalize their roles too much; have too much ego invested, as you say, to be the bad guy.

Sometimes you feel bad for what might have been, like Stallone wanting to play Edgar Allan Poe. Stallone was a critical darling for about five years following Rocky and he chose to do 5 sequels, 5 Rambo movies, and a bunch of cop movies.

I think he could've done it and not spent his life typecast as a meathead but, hey, he's a multi-millionaire and was the #1 box office draw for years so...a little hard to cry for him.

Aridog said...

If the idea is to call out Larry and his pet Bubbles then it is time to move on.

Heh heh. LSL is beginning to sound something like "Iron Fist" on LGF long ago. Now there was some grit to Iron fist, a reality...but then he wasn't a toad little schmuck with a professorial sugar mommy either. The chin up bit and his arrogance about "danger" lately is where I am coming from. He's pushing the "tough guy " bit and one day it will be too much. The little fucker has never met danger, but he might.

When I was threatened on LGF, say in the Terry Schiavo debates, I posted my full name and address and invited whomever to visit me...I'd even buy the ticket. Of course, that was stupid and I've grown up a little bit since then...but not much.

Aridog said...

BTW Trooper and Blake...I have access to "Demand" stuff on cable and all the guys might just get me watching a movie or two one of these days...just like Trooper got me to read fiction with fascination, something I thought impossible other than for Rudyard Kipling et al.

Damnit...I am too old to gain more, maybe not...we'll see. :-))

Aridog said...

Oh, and that looks like a nice Santo Domingo turquoise necklace the evil blogger lady is wearing.

So long as it is not an imported Chinese/Tibetan turquoise job that is hardened with wax....that goes away as you wear it and the crap stones crumble.

sakredkow said...

Meade there is just like phx here - what's the big deal? A troll is a troll.

Goddamn. you are one fixated donkey.

sakredkow said...

I missed all the drama when it went down at TOP, so when I see Meade he doesn't seem all that bad to me. Maybe because I'm missing the context.

One thing for sure though, he's definitely not as stupid as that moron Sixty Grit.

ndspinelli said...

Wasn't Darcy supposed to be running up stairs in Chicago today? Anyone go cheer her on? Spent the last 2 nights in Durango and Salida Co. Both great southern Co. towns. Durango was having a bluegrass festival, heard some good music. Durango is where the uranium for the Manhattan Project was mined. Had a superb meal @ Season's Grill. Rabbit sausage w/ crispy polenta and morels. The bride had seared halibut w/ a great lemon aioli. Salida is a smaller town. Had a few drinks @ Wood's Distillery. The make gin and barley whiskey. Tried a couple drinks, very good.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Hey troop, hold on a minute.

I think he came over because I used one of their pictures.

Its probably my fault for doing that.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Big papi just missed hitting a homerun at the stadium.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Troop, we cant let other people make decisions like that for us.

If he is trolling, we do what is suggested.

Don't feed the trolls.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I appreciate your company and not just yours. everybody's.

You've been there form day one. In the fat and the lean times.

I appreciate that very much, that you make a little time, a very valuable time of a shop keeper, to visit, check in and say hello.

Aridog said...

Oh, and I wasted a day of my life on Lem's this evening.

It won't happen again...back to ignoring the hobbit. And Lems' sooner than later if he won't step up. We know he won't, right...ole Top hobbit gave him $5or something of mommy's money back in the day...and that's big stuff, eh...never my my $100 periodically.

Fuck this...why do I do this to myself.

Cuz I am stupid.

Aridog said...

Lem said ...

If he is trolling, we do what is suggested.

Hey, try to emulate Haz's policy on the matter. Even Deb had a whack-a hammer. Jesus on a f'ing pogo stick...what does it take to for you to notice?

I liked your post today that I stepped in the hobbit shit on...too bad we couldn't have actually discussed your ideas.

The hobbit is out to wreck your place and he IS succeeding.

Why do you tolerate it?

Aridog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aridog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aridog said...

Oh, wait, I the "other people" you refer to?

I fucking sure can fix that if that is your opinion.

sakredkow said...

I think he means Meade, Ari.

Aridog said...

Phx...Lem can speak for himself. I've asked enough today.

Meade destroyed a man, emotionally, on Lem's blog masthead with 101% lies and bullshit. I am not guessing, I can prove what I say with documentation.

If Lem thinks that is okie- dokey, by his silence, then what can I say?

sakredkow said...

I know Ari.

I WAS there for part of that deal with Meade and that person you speak of though. So I can speak for myself as well. I think you're overdoing it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

too bad we couldn't have actually discussed your ideas.

I was disappointed too.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The "other people" are the trolls.

In time they can be rehabilitated.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Bases loaded for Carp.

Aridog said...

I was disappointed too.

Really? Prove it.

In time they can be rehabilitated.

Never mind.

You just do not get you think what shit-face punk boy Meade did to Palladian was fair? Even reasonable? It was 101% a LIE! And I can prove that (and so can others), as I said, with documents and history per se.

Palladian left your masthead for a reason, and the name is Meade, they whiny punk fucking snot nosed lying asshole Meade. period.

I care about Palladian and will help him anyway I can. Meade was and is a liar on the subject, but we all knew that, didn't we?

I find this very sad, Lem. I get the ecumenical part. I am the same way, but not with proven liars and disruption specialists.

You believe what you will take you down in the end, as the hobbit wants. How dare you compete, even a bit, with his mummy?

Never mind you are far better than TOP, go ahead and let them tear you down to snot stains on the floor.

Good luck.

Trooper York said...

Phx what Larry did to that commenter was the worst thing I have even seen on the internet. I don't forgive that. I also don't forgive the people who defended, made excuses or enable him.

I think I have come to know you a little. That is why I am glad you agreed to post here. That is why I invited you. I don't think you would countenance such behavior. Even if it was against someone who you totally disagreed with.

Trooper York said...

Lem I have to respectfully disagree with you. You can not rehabilitate a "real troll." Some of us like to exhibit troll like behavior at times. I do it. Shouting does it. Nick does it. A lot of us do. But real trolls lack something. They are relentless and without honor and decency. People like Larry, Crack, Inga and Titus are true trolls who only want to destroy your site. It is your site and you have to run it the way you want. But as long as you let Meade post there he will actively work to destroy your blog.

You of course have to make up your own mind about this. I just ask that you look at it a little closer.

Trooper York said...

I am just watching the Yankees Red Sox game tonight.

Trooper York said...

Looks like they took three out of four from those losers.

Poor Lem.

sakredkow said...

TY I'm glad you invited me to post here as a matter of fact. I don't expect it's going to be conditional on me agreeing with you or keeping shut about certain points of view that are verboten.

The person in question is/was a tough guy. He dished it, or dishes it out plenty often.

Sure I might have come to his defense - if he ever took a moment to say anything besides fuck you to me.

sakredkow said...

I always try to get along with Palladian. He deliberately doesn't make it easy, that's for sure.

sakredkow said...

I never lifted a finger to encourage Meade, or to involve myself in that or in Palladian's personal problems in any way. I don't know if I owed him that but I gave him that.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Will get you guys at Fenway, troop.

The home plate umpire was lousy tonight.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I just don't have the fighting spirit you guys believe I should have.

I'm sorry. I want to enjoy what I'm doing despite the people that want to cause trouble.

The people that continue to cause trouble, at some point, it becomes too much and they go. and they should.

If you guys believe it's time for him to go, I'm not going to argue.

He is gone tonight.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I was remembering the other day how Meade sent to bed one night and I didn't snap or anything. I just took it... it was a little you know... humiliating.

Althouse never did that. out of all the times I would stay up posting music. she never made me feel unwelcome. until he showed up.

The rule of Lemnity said...

But, you know... I don't hold grudge. I'm not saying that to make myself like I'm running for sainthood. What I mean to say is that I've been very fortunate to share with you guys and gals.

All of youse guys and gals.

Aridog said...

Shit, finally get it? If so, hot damn and let's dance!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Thanks Ari. I value your straightforwardness, and your help in funding the blog.

I really do.

Trooper York said...

Lem you have to look into your heart and do the right thing. I always trusted that you would.

I have faith in you amigo.

Trooper York said...

Phx I am sure you will agree that it is hardest to stand up for people who are nasty to you and that you really disagree with. Palladian was tough guy and mixed it up pretty well. But when he was down it was very instructive as to who stepped up to help like Ari and who just wanted to step on him like Larry.

People reveal who they are by what they do.

Aridog said...

I need to clarify a few things about my participation. My financial support is nominal at best, hardly a vesting so to speak, and I suspect others have done far more. My reason for participating is interest in the posts and the masthead folks. Lem has done a good job of assembling a good team of folks. Lem doesn't dictate the topics or what various opinions are...that said I believe he has the right to edit out malicious off topic trolls just looking to spoil a thread.

Next, although I did help a couple people along the way, that isn't something I find exceptional, it is just what one does. I was raised that way. I know for a stone fact that my help in those cases was nominal compared to some others here who also stepped up. I know because I've spoken with them, either by phone or email, and with the recipients who were in need.

You do not need to be within spittin' distance to be friendly and helpful when it appears warranted. At least not if you are reasonably honest about who you are and what you believe.

Okay, back to the crosswords...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Ari

I know. Meade is an annoying troll. What would really annoy HIM would be to talk ABOUT him but NOT to him. Continue our discussions as if he isn't even there.

Trolls want a reaction that they can feed upon. Don't give it to them. If we calmly discuss amongst ourselves and speculate what is wrong with the troll as if he is not even there and do not respond directly to it, this will drive him crazy.

Think of it as being the technique you use when your toddler is throwing a snot nosed temper tantrum. Calmly ignore the screaming child on the floor, as if they don't, at this moment, exist and continue on with your usual activities. This is how I dealt with my child's tantrums and it worked very well. When she was all worn out from thrashing about...I would ask. "Are you done now?" and we would then continue on with normal life.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

PHX: "I don't expect it's going to be conditional on me agreeing with you or keeping shut about certain points of view that are verboten. "

I would hope NOT. How boring would that be? If everyone only expressed the same opinions it would be nothing more than an echo chamber. Boring.

sakredkow said...

Well when I agree with you DBQ, that's far from boring for me.

I agree with your last two posts, lady.

Chip S. said...

Insty has a link to the latest law blog traffic rankings.

Number Two, as it were, is hanging on to that spot, barely, despite an 18.8% drop in traffic over last year.

Would undoubtedly have fallen a good bit further w/o all those Insty links.

It's probably the top borrowed-dog blog, tho, by a wide margin.

blake said...


The trick to culture is to like what you like. Seems obvious and even dumb, but when 12 Years A Slave wins an Oscar because the Academy voted for it without even seeing it, it bears repeating.

I like opera and Ed Wood movies. (I have a dream of writing an opera of Ed Wood's life, using his writing as the libretto.)

I like grindhouse stuff, documentaries, pretentious, boring French films, Pixar, the Saw series.

Sometimes I can't get enough Kubrick, other times I can't watch him. I've never felt engaged in a Martin Scorcese flick.

When I review something I'm always first and foremost trying to represent my bias.

Don't do "culture" you hate. Hell, the way all the on-demand stuff works, there's no reason to finish something that's not engaging you.

"Culture" isn't supposed to be punishment.

Michael Haz said...

Nick - if you are still in Colorado - Stop at this place for a meal.

Wandered in there during a motorcycle ride and had the best meal, ever. The owner and her father are wonderful people, on top of everything else.

blake said...

Some trolls can be rehabbed. Especially if there's a group of people trolling, you can sometimes peel the ringleader off, and the others are less comfortable with being assholes.

However, if your community does not have a strong BAN HAMMER, you will not get heartfelt discussion. You will particularly never get to the core issues that keep people fighting over stupid things.

blake said...


Darcy went with a bunch of girlfriends. She posted pix on her Twitter feed. (I think she aced the stairs.)

blake said...

For giggles some time, google "Althouse and Meade Inc".

She used to break a million visitors sporadically every other month or so. Since the meltdown, she has not even come close.


Shouting Thomas said...

Wow, over 60 comments and still going!

Aridog said...

DBQ...I get what you are saying about trolls. But...I have this one exception that always irks me...I despise liars, especially ones who use lies to attack other people.

Without re-hashing the entire summer melt-down and migration to Lem's, let me say that the TOP hobbit lied repeatedly and never withdrew a word of it. Little shit was reimbursed for any funds advanced, for a minuscule order for a print, not an original, by the person he called a fraud. Where is the fraud? Little snot didn't like the he was made whole. Period.

Wasn't his money anyway, right? Most recently he pops in out of the blue with a wisecrack about those noted liberals Reagan and Nixon ... on a thread about Rumsfeld and governance per se.

Lem had a point to discuss and shit face de-railed it early on and blamed me for it.

Aridog said...

BTW...I forget to mention it....but anyone who actually thinks TOP is a "law blog" even slightly is deluded...and that includes me until I awoke from that delusion.

TrooperYork said...

It was always performance art Ari. Never really a scholarly thing.

Sometimes you enjoy and artist and then over time they start to grate on you. I used to be a big Neil Young fan. Had all his albums. Knew all of his songs. Even the more obscure ones. But in time his politics and general craziness made me care less and less about his music. I still like certain songs of his but I don't listen to him like I once did.

You move on. You know what I mean?

ndspinelli said...

blake, Thanks. I thought you would have been there!!!

ndspinelli said...

blake, Thanks. I thought you would have been there!!!

blake said...

Ha! I would've loved that but I didn't want to horn in on Darcy's GNO, or GWO in this case.

Besides, she runs with a wild crowd. Dancing on bars, makin' out with deers...

windbag said...

I used to be a big Neil Young fan. Had all his albums. Knew all of his songs. Even the more obscure ones. But in time his politics and general craziness made me care less andless about his music.

A Southern man don't need him around anyhow.

I was never a huge Young fan to begin with, so I didn't make that migration, but I did with Bruce Springsteen. Someone gave me a DVD of one of his concerts years and years ago and I still haven't had an urge to watch it.

MamaM said...

Since the meltdown, she has not even come close.

It's looking to me as if she may be heading down the path to another one. Lately, the tone I've been hearing her use to respond to commenters who annoy by disagreeing with her or holding her accountable for something previously said, has the same peevish, haughty quality that was present prior to and following the July meltdown.

Aging isn't easy, neither is coming to the end of an identity while facing the loss of the control, privilege and respect that was once more easily commanded. Turning into an "old white woman" (on par with the "old white men" being mocked and marginalized) without the joy of grandchildren to ease the way is not for the fainthearted.

Trooper York said...

Ouch MamaM you might have drawn some old white woman blood with that one.

Trooper York said...

I hear she is promoting Larry's friend Bubbles again with a blog post flogging his appearances.

MamaM said...

Lol! I'm in the mood! When the Red Rooster starts preening, strutting, crowing, and attacking with spurs over at Lem's to claim turf and protect the old hen, somebody needs to remember they're two strokes away from a chicken dinner.

MamaM said...

Oops. I better fix that. That should read: "two strokes of the axe away from a chicken dinner".

chickelit said...

Well said at 7:27, MamaM.

In the words of the inimitable vbspurs:

An Althouse divided against itself cannot stand.

Shouting Thomas said...

Got no pity for Althouse.

After all, who are those "homophobes" she and her idiot husband have been attacking?

They are parents who want grandchildren. Of their own blood.

That is what a "homophobe" is.

Althouse has been ridiculing and defaming people for wanting that most primal satisfaction that humans have sought for thousands of years, the continuation of their lineage.

chickelit said...

Shouting Thomas said...
Got no pity for Althouse.

Pity is something I never thought of feeling for Althouse. I think she projects emotions poorly, and it's hard for me to empathize.

I think she wants respect from her readers and she's losing it in spades.

If Crack were here, he call me a racist.

blake said...

It's not hard (for me) to feel pity (and empathy, even) for someone who ends up at a point in their life where they're unhappy, maybe confused, maybe not sure how they got there, increasingly afraid to admit to having made even the tiniest mistake for fear one's whole world view will completely collapse.

I think a whole lot of people end up that way. Even though it's of their own making, it's human frailty, and we're all capable of it to some degree or another.

Shouting Thomas said...

I had a Facebook chat with a partner at one of NY's most high powered law firms today.

He actually argued that a practicing Catholic should not be sitting on Federal courts, and in particular the Supreme Court, because anybody who actually subscribes to the Church's teachings on homosexuality is a bigot.

chickelit said...

It's not hard (for me) to feel pity (and empathy, even) for someone who ends up at a point in their life where they're unhappy, maybe confused, maybe not sure how they got there, increasingly afraid to admit to having made even the tiniest mistake for fear one's whole world view will completely collapse.

Except for the last part about not admitting even the tiniest error, I don't think that describes Althouse. I think she's defiantly triumphal about her life.

I read MamaM's critique as being more harsh truth about aging and impending retirement.

ndspinelli said...

Althouse is 0 for 2 in having hetero husbands, and 1 for 2 w/ sons.

ndspinelli said...

Althouse still thinks she's a law student w/ a nice rack and guys wanting to fuck her. "I'm ready for my closeup now, Mr. DeMmille."

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I agree that Merde feeds on attention and would wither if ignored.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Dammit, phx -- I was going to comment on your comment.

sakredkow said...

Althouse has been ridiculing and defaming people for wanting that most primal satisfaction that humans have sought for thousands of years

Some parents would look at their gay children and shrug and say You can't always get what you want. There are a lot of reasons why some people won't have grandchildren no matter how bad they want it.

It's the way you deal with the fact that the world isn't centered around you, that the universe isn't going to change its mind and make your son straight because you say it would be your "most primal satisfaction" if you have grandchildren.

I know people in a lot worse straights than that and they somehow manage.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Some parents would look at their gay children and shrug and say You can't always get what you want. There are a lot of reasons why some humans will never attain their primal satisfaction. It's the way you deal with that makes the only important difference.

First of all, I'm not reading or feeling Althouse's alleged desire for grandchildren. When has she expressed this?

I'd like to see ST provide an example of Althouse's dissing of people's primal desire.

Shouting Thomas said...

Both you and Althouse, phx, have turned the world on its head.

You have disowned the concept of filial obligation.

In the not so distant past, that homosexual son was expected to keep his mouth shut about what he did, get married to a woman and produce grandchildren.

The person who is being selfish here is the son who has abandoned his filial responsibility to his parents.

You're incredibly confused. The moron propaganda has blinded you.

Nobody wants to make the son straight. In a sane world, the idiot son doesn't tell his parents anything about what he does with his dick and he does his duty.

chickelit said...

There are a lot of reasons why some people won't have grandchildren no matter how bad they want it.

The biggest reason is probability. The fewer kids people have, the less the chances for grandchildren. It's a population death spiral.

Darcy said...

Hi Nick!

I climbed up 52 floors in 10:47. I am happy! I was very worried that I hadn't trained hard enough for it.

Thank you for asking!

And yes, pics are up on Twitter of my friends and myself on the town.

Oy. It looks wilder than it was. but funny story:

We ate at a place called La Scarola on Sunday night. We were in heaven, with three of us ordering chicken piccata and one of us (me) ordering pasta vesuvio. So delicious. And then hazelnut gelato with frangelico.

And THEN! We hailed a cab and it took us a half a block to explain to the cabbie that we wanted to go to the nearest Irish pub. The cabbie looked at me and said with a huge smile "gonna be a short trip!". It was. He circled the block and we exited the cab in front of an Irish pub on the same street, same block as the Italian place. In fact about 40 feet from it.

Dumb broads. :)

Shouting Thomas said...

The gay son's tender feelings about his homosexuality and his need to have those feelings considered don't amount to shit.

Shouting Thomas said...

In other words, phx, it is you who is advancing a childish, selfish agenda.

You have appropriate some silly feel good propaganda.

Do you have anything serious to say?

Shouting Thomas said...

The proper place for gays is in the closet.

Doesn't hurt them. In fact, if gay men had stayed in the closet, tens of millions of them would still be alive today.

The filial responsibility of the child to the parent trumps the child's selfish interest in sexual satisfaction.

chickelit said...

The proper place for gays is in the closet.

What about Paul Lynde? He was pretty funny being himself.

chickelit said...

@ST "Filial irresponsibility" is an age-old problem. Children normally defy their parents' wishes in some way. I know I did.

Shouting Thomas said...

No doubt.

The problem here is the goofball fetish that developed in the 60s that defined "living with hypocrisy" as the ultimate in pain.

People live with hypocrisy all the time. It's often necessary and often a very good practice.

Our failure to live by a decent moral code is not an argument to abandon that moral code.

Shouting Thomas said...

The desire to pass on one's lineage is not a simple "desire."

It is something that animals fight and kill to attain.

It is, indeed, next to eating, our most primal urge.

MamaM said...

I read MamaM's critique as being more harsh truth about aging and impending retirement.

And that's how it was written and intended to be read. What I said is what I know. Aging isn't easy. Neither is dealing with the irreversible losses and changes are part of that experience.

The thread over at Lem's on "Faith" with comments on death and gravity, was another good one. I'm wondering if the variety and quality of some of the posts and comments appearing at the "off shoot" is another reason Meade comes over to be obnoxious. Even though Lem's blog won't challenge the Althouse numbers, it corralled and created a home for some of the prized livestock that used to graze the Althouse pasture and make their farm look good.

blake said...


One of the things I like about TY is that people here post little vignettes of their lives, and there's a kind of satisfaction there that communicates without triumphalism.

Whether it's a ride or carving or cooking or even problems at the store (to say nothing of hiking up stairs, yay, Darcy!), the stories people tell here of themselves are genuine.

Maybe it's the difference between feeling blessed and feeling like you're so awesome the world can barely reward you enough, but if you think Althouse is happy, that she's not confused, and that she understands how she got where she is, you haven't been reading her very closely.

The inability to admit error is probably the biggest tell any of us have. Ask yourself, "What circumstances am I in that I could not possibly be wrong about?" and ironically you'll be looking right at the thing you have the least certainty of (or confidence in).

blake said...

I articulated something similar on my blog six years ago, Shouting Thomas, when considering The Gay Marriage Issue.

MamaM said... haven't been reading her very closely.

Surely, the pollo known as chickenlittle deserves a noble prize for not only reading Althouse closely through the years but also remembering clouds full of pertinent comments. I've rarely seen him miss the boat when it comes to insight with regard to her behavior, insight that served him well as Prime Chirbit Jester. He was also one of the few who was able to perceive what was genuine beneath the fracas of controversy that surrounded me when I first arrived here, and I'm still grateful to him for that.

There's a both/and awareness that recognizes the outer ego reality ("defiantly triumphal about her life")as well as the possibility of inner unhappiness and confusion without the self awareness necessary to reconcile the known outer and unknown inner into a whole.

My 92 year old mother functions like this.

Michael Haz said...

The thread over at Lem's on "Faith" with comments on death and gravity, was another good one.

Thank you. I had no idea what to expect when I posted that topic. I was hoping it would engage Paddy and Father Fox, as I enjoy reading both.

sakredkow said...

In the not so distant past, that homosexual son was expected to keep his mouth shut about what he did, get married to a woman and produce grandchildren.

The person who is being selfish here is the son who has abandoned his filial responsibility to his parents.

So, just to be clear. You advocate gays pretend to be straight and marry and have children to fulfill their filial responsibilities.

You want these children to lie to their parents, to their spouses and their children, and to their communities for all of their lives?

And you say I'm the one advancing a childish and selfish agenda? How's that again?

Shouting Thomas said...

I don't want them to lie.

I want them to shut up.

Shouting Thomas said...

They don't need to lie.

Take care of their responsibility.

If they need to suck cock or take it up the ass, do it on their own time and keep their mouths shut about it.

Doing the confessional thing with all those people you listed is just abuse.

Chip S. said...

I agree w/ ST's suggestion to view the gay issue from the perspective of biological imperatives. So accepting the axiom that people want to have grandchildren (and on and on...), I think about a hypothetical condition that renders people unable to reproduce, altho healthy in all other ways. This condition is found in about 5% of the population. How would people in general react?

I think they'd fund research into the causes of this condition, b/c how they'd react would depend crucially on whether it was transmittable in some way. And the results would probably be contentious no matter what they turned out to be.

Whatever the cause, people would strongly prefer that their kids didn't acquire this condition. If they thought it was transmittable--even partially--they'd take steps to reduce the chances that their kids would get it. But if their kids did get it, tho they may feel regret, they'd still love them, b/c they'd still be their own kids. Other parents--or potential parents--wouldn't hate them, but they'd take steps that they thought would minimize the chances that their own kids would acquire the condition.

Now suppose that research indicated that some, but not all, of the cases of this condition appeared to have been acquired rather than inherited. And that greater social mainstreaming of the condition raised--however slightly--its incidence.

Well then, you'd have an argument that would closely track the one about gay marriage.

Michael Haz said...

It doesn't mater to me whether a person is gay, lesbian or straight. I judge people by the content of their character, character is not bound by gender.

People are the way they were made. That's how I view it.

ndspinelli said...

Darcy, You strike me as someone who is always diligent but worries she's not. I had no doubts you would be ready!! I've been to Emmett's but not LaScarola. It looks real good.

sakredkow said...

Chip S you have an interesting take here. What makes it really problematic however is our apparent inability (for the time being) to tease out who's gay from interitance and who from acquistion. Personally I think until *science* can tell us otherwise the default assumption for any pariticular individual should be they were born that way.

"People are the way they are made," as a great man once said.

Aridog said...

Darcy...I am very impressed by your effort to race to the top. What building was than again? Hancock? Sears? No matter, long ago I ceased being able to come close.

All for the gay, straight, lesbian issue...I just do NOT care. I have had friends on both sides since college...e.g. 1960-1968. This new shit is horseshit.

I have no respect for the "trannies" because it is well established that we ALL have traits of both male and female. In other words, it is not unusual...just a gimmick to draw attention to what is otherwise normal.

That said, however, I am having dinner next Tuesday with my daughter and two good friends who are gay and I intend to ask them specifically about this "trannie" issue.

And please, do NOT bring up the real trans-gender issue unless you know actual hermaphrodites as I do. That is a real easy social solution.

Aridog said...

And, yes... I am, as "lindyhop" suggests, an insufferable prick. :-))

Darcy said...

You read me right. :)


The Hancock Building. There was a full climb (94 floors) going on at the same time as the half climb race. Just different stairwells.

Shouting Thomas said...

Jesus fucking Christ, I am sick of this stupid obsessing over the fags!

The fags never gave a shit about me. I lived among them in the bit cities for 35 years, and the fags never gave a shit about anybody but themselves. Why should I give a fuck about them?

Don't dislike them or care what they do.

But, I'm fed up with obsessing over the fucking fags.

Darcy said...

Because they are loved by God just as much as I am and I really hate the word fag.

Michael Haz said...

I am sick of this stupid obsessing over the fags!

Then stop doing it. No offense, but your history is to jump on any thread regarding gays and pop your gaskets.

Shouting Thomas said...

I lived among the fags in NYC and SF for 35 years.

Some were great friends and co-workers.

But, here's the record for gays as a group.

Gay men started the AIDS epidemic, when we acceded to their demand to come out of the closet.

Then they blamed the AIDS epidemic on straight men. Then fag hags like Althouse created a myth about oppression and violence in an effort to explain where those 10s of thousands of gay men went. They actually died of AIDs. The low life asshole fag hags like Althouse (and I met 'em by the hundreds) tried to pin that shit on straight men.

Then a generation of asshole fag white guys indoctrinated in the colleges in their victimhood swamped the offices with their Diversity creed, once again using straight white men as their whipping boys.

Fuck these assholes. The fags haven't given a damn what they did to me. I don't give a fuck about them. I don't want vengeance against these assholes, because I don't live my life that way.

I don't owe the fags shit. They've been using straight men like me as their bogey men for 50 years.

Shouting Thomas said...

The truth is that straight white men have a grievance against the goddamned fags, not the other way around.

Every one of you jackasses is a fucking liar.

Shouting Thomas said...

Now, can you stupid fucking assholes shut up?

You are fucking idiots.

sakredkow said...

tick tick boom

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm pretty proud of the way straight white men have responded.

My gay friends often commend me on this. But, then again, my gay men friends are decent people.

Straight white men have refused to engage in the victim bitching and the racial and sexual vendettas.

We're better people than you fucking bitching assholes bent on revenge.

Shouting Thomas said...

You're one of them, phx.

Piss ant.

Shouting Thomas said...

I proud to be a straight white men.

We're the best.

That why all you fucking assholes are jealous of us.

That doesn't mean I have to eat your shit.

Shouting Thomas said...

Now, if it pisses you off that I'm tired of every fucking whiner in the world pointing the finger of blame at my kind, fuck off.

Michael Haz said...


It isn't easy now, and wasn't easy back when no one knew how AIDS was transferred from person to person.

Michael Haz said...

But I'm supposed to fuck off.

Perhaps that's what I'll do.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yeah, you could say that.

But, I saw what those gay men were doing back in 1976, and I knew then that they were killing themselves, and I told them so when they asked me to go to the party.

I don't even give a fuck that they killed themselves. That's their privilege.

But, the assholes in the activists groups have built a phony history that absolves themselves and lays the blame at the feet of hetero white men.

And, the fag hags like Althouse have worked overtime to ignore the obvious and blame abstractions like oppression for what was actually predictable self-destruction.

Shouting Thomas said...

As I said, hetero straight men have a bitch against gay men, not vice versa.

I can feel compassion for people.

When they want to use me as the bogey man to blame for their own self-destruction, then the bastards are in for a fight.

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

I learned long ago the truth about that violence that gay men fear. I learned it from my gay men friends.

When you engage in anonymous sex with pickups in public places, it's inevitable that you're going to encounter somebody with a screw loose.

Sooner or later, you're going to have to fight for your life with one of your gay pickups.

The violence gay men fear is violence from other gay men.

Once again, the fags and fag hags have used straight men as the bogey man.

Straight men have a bitch against the fags, not the other way around.

Chip S. said...

phx, I am not extremely well-read on the extent to which homosexuality is a choice rather than being determined by nature. However, I have seen one interesting attempt at a partial answer to that. The "punch line" of that paper is this:

I present evidence that AIDS causes some men to shift from homosexual to heterosexual behavior, whereas AIDS causes some women to shift from heterosexual to homosexual behavior. Thus, sexual behavior may respond to incentives. I consider alternative hypotheses, including biological theories of sexual orientation and stigma-related survey bias, and argue that they are unlikely to explain the results.

My guess is that there is both a congenital predisposition and a degree of choice, based on nothing more than the gays that I have known both as casual acquaintances and as good friends.

Shouting Thomas said...

You just cannot believe what a relief it is to be out of the fucking office.

I don't gave to eat fag and fag hag shit any more. Jesus, they were awful. Talk about oppression. The conniving, vicious game that fags and fag hags play in the office is disgusting.

I don't comment at Althouse any more, precisely because I've eaten enough fag hag shit to last me for a life time. She's as bad ass fag hag.

I thought that Trooper's place might be free from the ass kissing of the fags and fag hags. Here it is again. Fag and fag hags are hell on earth.

When I'm incompetent and stuck in a bed in my old age, there will be another fag hag like Inga making me eat her shit and telling me that she's doing it out of compassion. I figure I've got ten to 15 years to be free from the fucking fags and fag hags.

Until then, my house is paid for, I'm financially secure, I've got my grandkid and another one on the way, and my time is my own.

I'm free from the fucking fags and fag hags. Hallelujah!

blake said...


I've corresponded with a number of trannies over the year. The 'net, particularly the early, pre-Web 'net, was a hotbed of sexual deviancy. (It still is, but proportionally, back in the '80s and '90s? Hoo-boy.)

I have never met a more tortured group of people. (All guys->girls, I've never corresponded with a girl->guy, though I've met one or two.) As a man, I find it impossible to not cringe, when a fellow man speaks longingly of that time when he can afford to be castrated.

Testosterone causes actual pain, he says.

These are transsexuals I'm referring to, not transvestites. TVs actually tend to be macho hetero types (H-wood stereotypes notwithstanding). Though even that's not simple.

I mentioned my fondness for Hollywood's second greatest TV director, Ed Wood, and he was a macho ladies man, war hero—but having read some of his books, I'm not sure that the TS wasn't just below the surface.

Dan Bunten, basically the inventor of the online cooperative game, had a really bad fight with his wife, at the end of which (when she asked him what he wanted to do), he said "I guess I'll become a woman."

Just freaking snapped. And recorded a warning to others. There are others expressing regrets on that page.

The most brilliant thing I saw last year pointed this out: If we treated anorexia like we treated transsexualism, when a 5' 6" 90# girl complained of being fat, we'd schedule her for liposuction.

The world's a damned mess.

Aridog said...

Shouting T .... maybe I missed, but where at Troopers and where on the this thread do you find all these "fag kissers" who'd place them above ordinary men or women?

Aridog said...

And BTW, I think ChipS has made some valid points, and contributed positively to this discussion, about what we do not know for sure. Especially the last one.

So thank you for that, ChipS....both your biological imperative comment and the latter one about choices.

Maybe my "problem" if you will is that I have never been able to "kiss ass" ...anywhere, anytime, anyplace. I am, as Lindy-do-da-day said, an arrogant and "insufferable prick."

It has its advantages. :)

Michael Haz said...

Blake, Ari:

I know two post-op transgendered people. Both were told from childhood on that mother or father wanted a baby of the opposite sex. I can't help think that that expectation played a role in their gender confusion and desire to change sexual identity. Both have regrets about having had the hormonal and surgical remedies.

blake said...


Yeah, there ain't no "undo" on that crap.

"South Park" had the best take on it, I think. They had the one teacher who was male and had a sex change.

But then they had the little Jewish kid who wanted to be an NBA player, so they did "racial reassignment surgery" to make him taller and blacker.

Then there was his dad, who wanted to be a dolphin, so they did a "species reassignment".

You get the idea.

blake said...

Actually, all this talk has made me think of late father, who had no use for homosexuals as a group and wasn't "sensitive" enough to not throw around the word "fag" from time-to-time.

Back in the early '70s, he'd hired a guy, a gay man, to do data entry, and said the guy was legitimately grateful that someone would pay him fairly. Then, as my dad observed that he was truly excellent at his job, he paid him more and more. He became the best paid employee my dad had, and was just beside himself.

Soon, my dad had a bunch of gay men working for him, 'cause, back in the '70s, being treated fairly was a legitimate big deal.

By current standards, he'd be considered a "homophobe".

Michael Haz said...

On the other had, I have a distant relative now in her late 50s who dated men while in college, then announced before graduation that she was bi.

After that she entered into three long-term relationships that she called marriages with three different women. We welcomed all of them into our family.

Then she 'divorced' wife number three, and announced that she was now interested in dating men, completely changed her look to upscale suburban wife, and found a guy to marry.

I doubt that she fits into the 'gay from birth' category, and I don't know how to best describe her circumstances other than using the word opportunistic.

Shouting Thomas said...

I suggest that you folks read Isaac Bashevis Singer's short story The Gentleman from Cracow.

It is where we are headed.

Gays were in the closet for a reason. The cycle will be completed at some point in the future, and they will be back there again, for the same reason.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm going to have to consider whether I'm going to spend any more time here at Trooper's blog.

Somehow, I thought this might be a place where I didn't have to endure the whining and obsessing about the fags and fag hags.

Apparently, that is not the case.

blake said...

Darcy--beat me to it!

Michael Haz said...

I feel like I'm reading a parody account.

Trooper York said...

Wow. Shouting Thomas really want to live up to his name right out of the box!

Trooper York said...

Listen. We love unreasonable blowhards at Trooper York. With Nick Spinelli and Trooper York you have two of the biggest blowhards on the internet.

But you have to know your audience.

You can spout off most any nonsense you want but you have to expect push back. I welcome all viewpoints even people I really disagree with like Ritmo and phx.

I just think we have to have a little respect for each other. I wouldn't flouce off if people don't agree with me.

That's so gay man. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

I agree with a lot of what Shouting Thomas says. I personally think tolerance is overrated. But I don't stress so much about people who disagree. That's on them. Not me.

Trooper York said...

As far as whining and obsessing about the gays....he who smelt it dealt it dude.

Trooper York said...

Let's talk about how the Yankees are going to bitch slap those Cubbies this week.

Michael Haz said...

Wait. I thought we were done talking about whining.

Michael Haz said...

Brewers are 10-3, by the way. Heh.

sakredkow said...

I'm going to have to consider whether I'm going to spend any more time here at Trooper's blog.

Blackmailing blog owners seems to be a thing lately.

sakredkow said...

I welcome all viewpoints even people I really disagree with like Ritmo and phx.

Wait. I thought you agreed with me. I'm gonna have to reconsider how much time I spend here.

sakredkow said...

Let's talk about how the Yankees are going to bitch slap those Cubbies this week.

Interleague play. Fucking gay.

Shouting Thomas said...

South Park had a long discussion of the he who smelt it dealt it theme last night.

What do I have to blackmail Trooper with? Besides ignoring him. He'll probably survive that.

For Christ's sake, doesn't anybody talk about hetero fucking anymore?

Trooper York said...

Dude. Stick around. This blog is all about hetero fucking.

Of course it is with the starlets of the 1960's.

I am even branching out to the 1970's.

It was a tough choice but I figure I have to expand my horizons.

Trooper York said...

This calls for a poll.

Trooper York said...

Also I want to acknowledge the Brewers success.

Time for a few episodes of "The Sixto Sense."

"I see Brawtwursts."

Wait that's too gay!

blake said...

Gawdayam, English chicks in the '60s were just...yummy.

I was watching some old school "Doctor Who" and this delightful lass came up. And on the previous episode (many episodes are lost), they managed to have young lass bent over a console in her tight jumpsuit for several minutes. (I was actually a little surprised at how blatant it was.)

I needn't mention Diana Riggs, I'm sure. Check out Helen Mirren and Judi Dench in the '60s, too. Yowza.

Also from the Dr. Who site, the late <a href=">Sarah Jane Smith</a>. '70s, but just cute as a button.

English girls used to be so cute: What happened?

blake said...

Huh. My Sarah Jane link didn't work. Well, you can find her on that site, if you wish.

Aridog said...

Blake .... I don't think any of the long ago women featured on TY have more sex appeal than this one. Makes this dirty old man yearn for the 50's again. Where did women who looked like that go?

chickelit said...

Trooper York said...
This calls for a poll.

I'm "up" for it!

chickelit said...

Shouting Thomas said...

Every one of you jackasses is a fucking liar.

This could have been written by Crack...

Trooper York said...

We well he is not wrong.

We all lie to ourselves all the time.

blake said...

I think, particularly among celebrity/sex-symbol women, the push for leaner bodies has been devastating. A lot of today's beautiful women look hard, sharp around the edges, even masculine.

And they end up aging rapidly in the face and then getting plastic surgery, and before you know it: Cat people!

But I digress.

Fun fact: Yvette Vickers' last film was "Evil Spirits", directed by Gary Graver, and starring Karen Black, Martine Beswick, Artie Johnson (!) and Virginia Mayo (!!).

Johnson was also in a movie called "Evil Toons" not long after that, just sorta skulking around the set, it seemed. I actually thought he died shortly after making that film, but he's still alive.

And to get off on a further tangent, Ruth Buzzi is also still alive and on Twitter, and a sprightly 70-something. Meaning she was in her 30s playing the crotchety old lady who used to smack Artie Johnson on the park bench in "Laugh In".

chickelit said...

Trooper York said...

We all lie to ourselves all the time.

This must, by definition, also include ST. So why should one listen to a liar accusing people of lying?

chickelit said...

I'm not trying to be contentious, Troop. One of the secrets of your blog was the even-handed ballbusting.

Sometimes I guess it's giving people enough soft rope or necktie along with closet door space so that they take care of themselves. This is something lacking at TOP, which is what upsets people, IMO.

sakredkow said...

We all lie to ourselves all the time.

Yeah? What do you think we lie to ourselves about?

blake said...

Yeah? What do you think we lie to ourselves about?

Weight, primarily.

Trooper York said...

I think we lie to ourselves that our opinions really matter so much in this crazy mixed up world.

We lie to ourselves when we think that our way is the only way. Other people have other ways. They might be the best way. But they are a way.

Trooper York said...

I mean they might not be the best way. I think my way is the best way. I pity those who don't do it my way. Because I am always right. But I would lie to myself if I said it was the only way.

Trooper York said...

I always give people enough rope. It is up to them what they do with it. But I won't judge anybody on one day. They have to get the feel of the place. I ask we cut each other a break. Even if the other guy seems like a prime asshole. Time will tell.

chickelit said...

blake wrote: English girls used to be so cute: What happened?

Hammer stopped making films?

You could always count on them for showcasing busty wenches.

chickelit said...

Whose your favorite Hammer Glamour girl?

windbag said...

Other people have other ways.

One of my former business partners just couldn't comprehend that there is a right way, a wrong way, and a different way. It was the third one that he couldn't acknowledge. It makes life much more of a struggle when you force everything into the remaining two categories.

chickelit said...

Here's a more complete list of Hammer starlets.

sakredkow said...

Okay, here's one. Do you feel like you are changing? As a human being?

Trooper York said...

Yes. Very much so. I am less willing to be tolerant of nonsense. That is my prerogative as an old white guy.

It is called the Mr. Nelson Manifesto, Get off my lawn section.

sakredkow said...

That sounds the total opposite of what you were just saying about being nonjudgmental about the other people's ways.


Trooper York said...

I guess I didn't say it right. Or I was not clear which happens a lot. I am judgmental. Very judgmental. My way is best. But I don't really give a shit what you do as long as you do it over there. Tolerance is overrated. Indifference is king. I am over here. Leave me alone.


Aridog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aridog said...

Phx .... we all are changing as we go along, unless brain dead or something. Lately I've had some of my daughter's friends refer to me as the guy in Grand Torino.


However, the truth is this old coot has developed a new affection for young kids .... they seem far less affected & phony and even when fibbing they grin if you call them on it. You learn to laugh back at it....a change for me because I made it clear despise liars per se who are more than fibbing, they are grifting. About a dozen kids, boys and girls, ages 4 to 12 populate our back yard on any given day to just play with "Dera" the big ferocious German Shepherd (Not, just acts like it)....whose brain never developed past wanting to play all the time. Kids = perfect to "Dera."

It pays off as well...yesterday "Dera" managed to escape out the front door....way out of character and training for her...none-the-less there she went. She was heading straigt for a 7 year old girl she knows from the yard...I yelled for the girl to grab "Dera" and she virtually tackled the dog and held on until I caught up...71 year old slow versus 85 energetic GSD. The little girl is fearless, doing what about 90% of adults here abouts wouldn't even try.

Today I am going to tell her parents about how cool their daughter really is, and how knowledgeable about animals even at 7...then offer to do anything they might like me to do to honor their daughter in some kid appropriate way.

So yes, I think we all change...and I pity those who cannot. And I do include changing to be less tolerant of nonsense from life shortens there is no time for nonsense.

BTW: all these kids who visit "Dera" are from Shiite Muslim families who a not used to dogs, big dogs especially. I suspect the kids get a kick out of being able to do something mom & pop cannot.

In deference to the moms and pops...I keep a large half gallon size jug of towelettes, several pairs of gloves for those who want them, and hot/cold running water for those who need it, with nice gym towels to dry off with to boot. I'm Catholic, but not incapable of showing respect for others who do me no harm....a sliver of a chance is that I might make a positive impression, infidel or not.