Thursday, April 17, 2014

Holy Thursday Humor

So I was in the bakery across the street getting some coffee when Father Sansone from Sacred Hearts comes in to pick up his pastry. Maria the owner greets him and turns with her back to us to ring up another customer. Now he had double parked outside and he saw the guy at the curb start to pull away and he rushes outside to move his car.

Maria turns around and goes to me "Where did Father go?"

I said "Oh he left. He will be back in three days."

We both had a laugh.


ndspinelli said...

Don't quit your day job.

Shouting Thomas said...

Aw, shit, quit your day job and go for it!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Jack Palance was pretty good.

blake said...


MamaM said...

Holy Thursday has passed over into Good Friday and now the dark of night awaiting Easter morning. Where are you? This three days gone stuff is for the birds.

Wishing you and Lisa a Blessed Easter, while celebrating again the procedure that put your heart back on track.

Michael Haz said...

Happy Easter, Jim, Lisa, and everyone else.

ndspinelli said...

Happy Easter to all. Sixty is calling all the NYC hospitals.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Happy Easter!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Happy Easter!

Aridog said...

Echoing MomaM and ndspinelli, happy Easter. And are you okay?

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm a day late with my Easter wishes.

But, Happy Easter!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I can see why you were not posting this weekend, you were working...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Dirty Ol EBL and Crack!

Chip S. said...

Starting to get just a wee bit concerned....

Are you on the case, nick?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Nick, any word from the big lug?

Trooper York said...

Hey guys sorry but I was resting.

It was a great Easter weekend but very tiring.

Full posting starting tonight.

Chip S. said...

As Peter said on the first Easter, Jesus Christ, where've you been?

ndspinelli said...

Trooper is beat, he just ran the Boston Marathon.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I can't see him running the Boston Marathon, but I could see him running from Boston.

blake said...

He is risen!

(Wait, is that blasphemous?)

rcocean said...

I could see him Running the Boston marathon, he's a take charge kind of guy.

Aridog said...

Rest away man, no need to whole posts when time isn't favoring it....just toss out a wise crack now and then here or elsewhere. You've trained us you know?

Aridog said...

Oh, and OT, but on a similar topic (health)...for those who might give a shit. I had my follow up CT Scan last Thursday (follow up to a 99.5% clean PET/CT Scan two months ago) and my follow-on consultation changes, no growth, no metastasis, no nuttin', just scaring in the lung from the radiation focused beam, etc...and I am maybe the luckiest man alive given the life I've lived. The 0.5% is a very tiny spot (less than 1 millimeter adjacent to the original spot and likely residual..and not growing.)

I'd do a Snoopy happy dance but I dance funny. Pbbffft.

windbag said...

Good news, Aridog.

ndspinelli said...

Aridog, Bravo! Very happy for your and your family!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Good news Ari. Glad to hear it.

Trooper York said...

Great news Ari!

KCFleming said...

Glad to hear that, Ari.

Aridog said...

Thanks all, and I promise no Snoopy Dance...that would hurt your eyes.

windbag said...

I've heard shouts of "Dance, white boy, dance" enough to last me a lifetime.

MamaM said...

What happened with your blog, windbag? Did you announce the finale and I missed it or was it a quiet wind-up?

The reading material is seriously falling off around these parts. I may have to go back to books.

windbag said...

MamaM, I deleted it about a month or so ago. Thanks for noticing.

Darcy said...

Really great news, Aridog. Thanks for sharing.

blake said...

I'm such a lout: I read Ari's clean bill o' health and thought, "Well, that's nice for him."

I'm an ass. Congrats, Ari!