Tuesday, April 1, 2014

It is all coming together.....Amazing

Things are moving at light speed. That is why I have not been posting a lot lately. I started talking to Artie Bucco about stuff. As I suspected he started dropping by the store everyday. You see he wants to get the cachet of being a neighborhood guy instead of an actor guy. So I took him around and introduced him around. He got the in with Marco Polo and the pork store and the bakery guys.

Anyhoo we batted around the idea of a script for "Blue Bloods." But a funny thing happened. I let him read a little of "Joey Gallo's Lament" and he went crazy. He loved it. It took some excepts and showed it to Terrence Winter who wrote a lot of "The Sopranos" and now is the show runner and principal author of "Boardwalk Empire." And you know what? He wants to make it as a mini-series for HBO. Of course Artie wants a part. I convinced him to sell it with him as  Larry Gallo since that is more age appropriate. They are going to try to get some of the old Soprano crew for some of the parts. Johnny (Sack) Cutola as Profaci. Big Pussy as his brother in law the Mook. Steve Buscemi as Joe the Plumber. Jim Caviezel as the Dad. And he is thinking really big for Joey Gallo. He's talking Nicholas Cage. He can play crazy very convincingly.

Things are moving fast. They are already drawing up contracts. Holy shit!


The Dude said...

Yeah, what is today?

Trooper York said...

Your birthday.

Trooper York said...

I thought you were pissed at me. You haven't commented lately.

Stop slacking off there pal. Those cameltoe pics are awaiting your comments.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I figure Sixty could be pissed at me, it comes and goes, but I am glad he is okay and commenting. I thought something bad might have happened.

Hey, Troop writing for Terry Winter would be a hell of a thing (but it is April 1).

ndspinelli said...

Wow!!! I am crying w/ joy big man!!

ndspinelli said...

Cage doesn't need to play crazy, he needs to work hard to play sane.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Not that Troop put a Rick Rolled link in, but this is still April 1 last time I checked.

ndspinelli said...

I don't think this is a joke.

ndspinelli said...

If it is he'll have even fewer comments than the paltry ones of late.

KCFleming said...

Fer real, Troop?

windbag said...


Nicolas Cage? There is a Meade reference at 2:20.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Don't be prankin' us


This would be awesome and would be a really good series. I love the idea of making the viewpoint from the kids on the street.

chickelit said...

Who will you cast as Connie?

chickelit said...

I haven't been as impressed with the "Lament" series because it lacks sex.

Your Westerns all have sex in them Troop. Why not your "Easterns" too?

Too autobiographical?

blake said...

I bought it.

Like I said, if anybody could pull it off, it's Troop.

The Dude said...

I called bullshit immediately. The first sentence was the key, followed by the second, then the third, then the load of manure that tumbled out of the spreader.

Nicholas Cage my ass. Who do you think you are, Cher?

chickelit said...

Snap out of it!

ndspinelli said...

I'll go w/ Sixty. He is a word whisperer. I can tell bullshit just talking w/ someone almost always. I'm not as good in this forum.

Trooper York said...

Sorry April Fools!

Trooper York said...

Although I think it could still happen so don't be surprised if it does.

Parts of it are true.

I just can't tell you which.

MamaM said...

Here's your sign: Farewell

Those who don't know history are doomed, destined and bound to repeat it.

Good luck with the script.

ndspinelli said...

Thanks, Sixty. You can smell bullshit through the internets.

Darcy said...


I'm still mad about the Farewell!

The rule of Lemnity said...

April fools!

Nicolas Cage...