Sunday, April 6, 2014

Previously TV

Well since Television Without Pity is closing down I have to find a new place to read about my favorite TV shows. It seems that everyone from TWOP has migrated over to Previously TV which has sort of the same format.

I registered under the name of Trooper York so we have to see how long it takes for them to ban me. I usually lasted about a week on TWOP before they eighty sixed me.

My strategy is to comment on less popular shows. Maybe I can stay off the radar for a while.


blake said...

Maybe talk less about how awesome your bedsheets fit when you go out for you weekend lynching.

Trooper York said...

Hey I take the weekends off.

I only lynch on Monday's through Fridays.

Trooper York said...

I dropped some anti-Kennedy comments there. Should be banned shortly.

Trooper York said...

I noticed after I did that the moderator is a big Carol Radzwill fan. Oops!

blake said...

I don't get the "Real Housewife" stuff, y'know.

ndspinelli said...

blake, NO ONE but Troop does.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I think I'll join you Troop. Though I must confess I don't watch much tv. Cartoons on Saturday night and a little cable news every now and then.

If I have to watch something I'll wait until is on Netflix.

MamaM said...

I registered under the name of Trooper York so we have to see how long it takes for them to ban me. I usually lasted about a week on TWOP...

Why not pick something smoother and peppier sounding, like Butternut, and trot out a new strategy of positivity, camaraderie, and pseudo-intimacy that will allow you to slip in the zingers unnoticed and extend your stay.

They won't believe it's not butter.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

You should start your own TV public site.

Chip S. said...

I recommend the new hbo show "Silicon Valley".

windbag said...

Finished up Lilyhammer. Entertaining and very funny in places. The final episode of the second season had some funny surprises. Netflix signed them up for a third season.

Trooper York said...

I gotta be me MamaM. So far so good. I am enjoying throwing in comments in obscure threads like Adam 12 and Emergency.

I think I want to see if I could actually start a few like ones for "The Rifleman" and "Bonanza."

MamaM said...

I gotta be me MamaM.

I know. That was me being sarcastic about deborah's MO over at Lem's. It's the same people who went for Althouse's (and Inga's) shtick who appear to enjoy her manipulations. She does liven up the place, I'll say that.

Aridog said... were on the money, perhaps more than you know, about who stepped up to help whom a while back. Memories are short.

Trooper York said...

Memories are woefully short. But I think it was nipped in the bud pretty effectively.

No need to go to Defcom Whatever over it. If Meade is deleted that is good enough for me.

Tit for tat so to speak.

And you know how we love the tit at Trooper York's joint.

MamaM said...

Aridog, You were also on the money with your recent comment about "amusement" being the name of the game over at Althouse. Sometimes it seems as though a similar game goes on at Lem's under the guise of genuine personal interest before the dig or directive is delivered.

While the one who put up the post on Crack's radio gig looks to be a hero for deleting Meade, the set-up smells unclean to me. Which is what happens when old shit is "innocently" stirred with a post that provides the poster with an opportunity to laud someone who comments as a racist and push the idea of him being a reasonable guy trying to discuss a topic that's too hot "between him and us". No, the problem is not the topic or the heat. The problem is Crack's non-relational and abusive way of commenting, and spinning it otherwise is disingenuous behavior.

Trooper York said...

You are absolutely right MamaM.

Meade is back to show his ass. Again. Let's see how Little Debbie plays it.

Trooper York said...

It just gets worse and worse.

When you conjure up a demon it will come and infect you with it's evil.

Michael Haz said...

You watch Real Housewives? Isn't that just a latter-day Golden Girls?

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

Hey if you are always late is that a case of fucktardiness?

Trooper York said...

The wife and I watched a Doris Day movie today on our day off and had a great time.

Darcy said...

A friend referred to a woman at a bar as a "barfly" and someone "looking for a meal ticket" this weekend. Little did this person know that "barfly" was a woman who'd recently lost a son to suicide.

I know we make judgments based on the information we have, but very often there is a lot more to the story. The story maybe people don't offer because it's too revealing or too painful.

Doesn't excuse hateful behavior. I am not saying that at all. Actions and behavior definitely have consequences and that's for our own good.

I have a heart for the sinner, though. I am one.

Darcy said...

Trooper, I love Doris Day. She was so lovely. That woman had a glow that seemed to come from the inside, didn't she? I like to think that.

Plus, she had the most wonderful wardrobes in her movies. Unique to her, I think. I buy clothing that reminds me of her style if I can find it, and I think I have a good eye for it.

Michael Haz said...

Lem is a weak-minded illiterate asshole. That much never changes.

Sixty, with all respect as someone who truly enjoys reading your comments, that comment isn't called for. You may not agree with something Lem has said, that's fine, but keep it in the context of what was said, and skip the personal stuff.

windbag said...

Uh oh, Sixty, the conscience of the internet has spoken. Better tread lightly.

Darcy said...

I adore Sixty. But he's wrong about Lem, IMO.

The guy is very bright. Very subtle, though. You can miss his brilliance.

The Dude said...

You are right, I was wrong, I was pissed, but that's no excuse.

I'll take a time out.

Michael Haz said...

It happens. No problem.

Trooper York said...

Hey if we fight among ourselves then Leisure Suit Larry has won. I don't know if Little Debbie is part of it yet. I know MamaM has her suspicions.

I just don't think we need to disturb our comity for the likes of Crack and Evil Blogger Lady.

rcocean said...

"Trooper, I love Doris Day. She was so lovely. That woman had a glow that seemed to come from the inside, didn't she? I like to think that."

Darcy, I love her voice. Got a couple of her CDs.

Darcy said...

Oh, yes. Beautiful, sexy voice, too.

rcocean said...

I actually listened to some of the show. Its funny that Crack had to say he was an Atheist within the first 2 minutes. "As an Atheist, I like fudge." Good he sounds happy and upbeat.

The DJ was annoying. Another rich white boy (from NJ) who thinks he's an honorary "brother".

sakredkow said...

I have a heart for the sinner, though. I am one.

If there is a God I don't think he could hold you to account for not loving your fellow man or your neighbor. You don't feel it, what can you do?

But you could be called to account for not being merciful. At the least you can make yourself do that.

Michael Haz said...

If there is a God I don't think he could hold you to account for not loving your fellow man or your neighbor. You don't feel it, what can you do?

The thing is, one of the laws handed down is to love others as you live yourself. We who have chosen to believe that also believe that we will be held to account for following that and other laws.

sakredkow said...

The thing is, one of the laws handed down is to love others as you live yourself. We who have chosen to believe that also believe that we will be held to account for following that and other laws.

I know you do. I was just pointing out there's an alternate way of looking at that.

sakredkow said...

Some people might think you can't "command" someone to love others.

Some of those people might also agree you could however demand of yourself that you be merciful.

ndspinelli said...

Debbie is a manipulator who can be manipulated.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I don't know if Little Debbie is part of it yet. I know MamaM has her suspicions.

MammaM is, as always, perceptive. Deb is just too smarmy for my tastes. Agrees with everyone....on the surface....yet has that same streak of pursed lip hypocritical sanctimony that irritates me in other commenters. Meade is one of the worst for that. People like this have junior high tendencies to try to stir the pot and appear to keep their hands clean.

Darcy said...

Has Cody been around?

MamaM said...

Has Cody been around?

No. He's been gone a while (several months). According to what he said here, he also at one point tried to engage with Crack in a serious way and help financially.

I'm hoping he didn't expire over the winter.

Darcy said...

I hope he's okay too, MamaM.

Trooper York said...

I think Cody is just taking a break. He said that he goes off the grid for months at a time. Hey that might be healthier than what we do. You know what I mean?

Trooper York said...

I have to say that I am coming to the conclusion that MamaM is exactly right about Deborah. The shit stirring has led to an extended appearance by Meade and a sock puppet attack of the most vicious sort on MamaM.

I have to give some thought to the proper response.

Darcy said...

I think breaks are good, Troop. Just like to know how people I care about are doing.

I think Meade just ends up looking the ass whenever he shows up and anyone defending him or his pal looks pretty gullible and silly as well.

I shake my head at his antics. They try so hard to portray themselves as so blissfully happy and blessed. My take is that people in that state don't care so much about what others think.

In short: Spinelli's right.

Trooper York said...

I noticed that we fed the beast by provided the bulk of the comments on the Crack thread. I will not reply to Meade directly no matter the provocation. But I think we all made a mistake reacting to Debbie's manipulation.

So I might take the tack of Isaiah Thomas and Magic in the All-Star game. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

I might have to email her directly and express my concerns and doubts.

Trooper York said...

For example Lem just posted another Crack centric post that Leisure Suit Larry jumped on right out of the gate. I will not be commenting there.

Aridog said...


TOP's hobbit is just like the typical short little guy in a country bar who jumps up, starts a fight, then hides behind the table and doesn't participate.

The hobbit's references to "danger" today are classic examples of "Carlos Danger" level dementia.

Darcy said...

He is JUST like that, Aridog. And racist, too.

One of the most disgusting things he's done is to cheerlead Crack's meltdown. It's sick and cruel. And, I contend, racist.

Michael Haz said...

I need a vacation.

Trooper York said...

Hey I think Lem is steering in the wrong direction. To continue the dog metaphor do not encourage bad behavior. Just don't post on Meade centric threads.

I am extremely sorry I gave traction to the original Crack post. My mistake.

Trooper York said...

Meade lives for this. Just don't engage with him and he will lose it.

I think he engages in a lot of sadomasochistic games with his meal ticket and he wants to extend it to other people. Don't buy into it.

windbag said...

Some people might think you can't "command" someone to love others.

FWIW, it depends on the definition you're using for love. If it's warm, fuzzy feelings, then I agree that it's hard to conjure up the emotion. However, if you define love in a practical sense, then it is possible to love on command. For argument's sake, let's accept the definition of love as this: putting another's well-being ahead of your own. You can do that--love--without the emotion.

Darcy said...

Yes, I think that's very close to the kind of love believers are commanded to extend, windbag.

Michael Haz said...

Here's a thing I don't understand.

Why do readers of large blogs (say >10,000 page views per day) believe that they should have a personal relationship with the editor/publisher of the blog?

I understand the smaller blogs can develop a family-like group of regular commenters who want to meet each other and the blog editor. We have that here, and probably over at Lem's as well.

But why cultivate a relationship with someone who has a large blog? Isn't that like expecting to get friendly with the editor of a large newspaper? Who does that? It's creepy, to say the least.

I'm going to be in Knoxville later this month. I can't imagine sending Glenn Reynolds a message suggesting we meet for a beer or a sandwich, even though I've read his books and followed his blog since...I don't know, right after its inception, probably.

And I'm not going to call the editor of the Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel and offer a meet-up downtown somewhere one Saturday afternoon. It makes no sense, and it's really stalker-y.

I don't get it.

Trooper York said...

There is a false sense of intimacy in blogging. Especially when they blogger reacts to your comments and talks to you in a one on one fashion.

Once the blogger starts doing commenter meet-ups then they open themselves up to this. So they reap what they sow.

Trooper York said...

Of course I can only think of one proprietor of a big time blog that ended up fucking one of the commenters. Once that happens it is kind of silly to strike that above the fray kind of pose doncha think?

Trooper York said...

What I don't understand is when a big time blogger drives off a bunch of commenters because they don't like what they have to say....and then follows them to taunt them and incite them. It would be as though Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs followed his commenters to Powerline or something. It makes no sense.

Unless that blogger is a fucking psycho. Then it makes perfect sense.

Trooper York said...

Now Crack has shown up and polluted the atmosphere. Little Debbie has a lot to answer for in that regard.

rcocean said...

"It would be as though Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs followed his commenters to Powerline or something. It makes no sense."

Poor example. While CJ wouldn't do that, he's still a fucking psycho in other ways.

rcocean said...

I don't understand this constant, "I won't talk to Crack, I won't talk to Crack." And then when Crack shows up its:

"Hey Crack, you said this, but you're wrong, etc."

I read through the new Crack thread, and I had to re-check the dates on most of the comments. I was almost positive the whole thing had been cut and pasted from six months ago.

chickelit said...

I read through the new Crack thread, and I had to re-check the dates on most of the comments. I was almost positive the whole thing had been cut and pasted from six months ago.

I commented on that thread and wrote about old unresolved issues because they are unresolved. Just because time passes doesn't mean much when you're talking about a written record like blogs.

Twitter is different -- old tweets are mostly forgotten.

blake said...

Y'all are Crack addicts.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
blake said...

Love is an element of understanding and—this is gonna be hard for a lot of people—includes a willingness to be object of would-be affinity.

Try that one on for a moment: You can love something by keeping it at an arm's distance.

chickelit said...

Love is an element of understanding and—this is gonna be hard for a lot of people—includes a willingness to be object of would-be affinity.

Try that one on for a moment: You can love something by keeping it at an arm's distance.


chickelit said...

I mean, I read the first part as saying that love must be two-way.

The second part says no, love can be just one way. No reason to let it in.

What you say usually resonates with me, blake, but in this case I'm not getting you.

MamaM said...

Disconnecting from emotional attachment (drama, hooks, unspoken agendas, unacknowledged needs, hidden desires) is different from deliberately ignoring another, a behavior which defines the other as non-existent and is not a form of love.

If emotional disconnect is what was meant by the statement that "You can love something by keeping it at an arm's distance", than I'm in agreement. If not, I'd be interested in hearing more of what's involved with the arm's distance approach.

blake said...

Sorry, guys:

That's supposed to be "You can't love something by keeping it at an arm's distance."

Good works != Love

It's kind of like when you decide you're not going to let a person provoke negative reactions from you, so when you see them you choke down the bad feelings and respond politely and so on.

You've still let them provoke the negative reaction, you just hid it.

Likewise, if you treat someone well as a mask for hating them, you still hate them.

blake said...

Well, I fumbled this, too:

"a willingness to be object of would-be affinity."

should be

"a willingness to be THE object of would-be affinity."

You can't love something you're repulsed by, no matter how you act.

Society just demands (or used to demand) politeness. Christianity has higher standards.

MamaM said...

There is a false sense of intimacy in blogging. Especially when they blogger reacts to your comments and talks to you in a one on one fashion.

Yes. It's my belief such a false sense of intimacy accounts for much of the hurt and resentment that resulted when Althouse, a blogger who initially presented as someone who valued community and the commenters she engaged with on a personal level (with guessing games, jokes, pokes, affirmations and back and forth remarks), began making it clear she valued control, admiration and the ability to arbitrarily enforce unclear boundaries more. My first "things are not as they seem" awareness occurred when I answered a question she'd asked about what new thing she should do with her summer. I'd mistakenly presumed the question to be an open one and suggested she try painting some large scale canvas, paint and brush pictures of her photos. Since that was something I really wanted to do myself, the suggestion may not have been totally clean, but I was surprised by the tone of her answer. I'd apparently crossed an unspoken boundary and stepped on something important.

When agenda is clear, I believe it's possible to realize relationships of mutual respect online in varying degrees, within appropriate boundaries. On the minimal end, I once sent an email to Glenn Reynolds in the early days of blogging and unexpectedly received a personal reply from him that was short, to the point and real in a way that went beyond polite acknowledgement. Both of us had behaved within the bounds of respect and social convention, with no assumed intimacies or expectations present on either end.

One of my difficulties in understanding and accepting the false intimacies present at Lem's involves my previous experience with Althouse and my sense of another under the surface agenda present. The same "wouldn't it be nice if bygones could be bygones and Meade could come back to Lem's to shoot the shit" was trotted out again yesterday with Crack's name in place of Meade's. It was as if the answer clearly given back then (No, that would be enablement with acknowledgement of behavior needed for restoration) had never happened. When considerations like that are totally disregarded in favor of something else, agenda trumps.

Darcy said...

I agree that Althouse fostered that sense of intimacy with her commenters and that it was naive and delusional for her commenters (me included) to think it was at all real. But, live and learn.

I'm over the initial sting of awareness of my delusion, but the ongoing train wreck is still fascinating for me to watch.

Also cannot help but be grateful for the online friendships that blog has gifted me with. Those are real.

Aridog said...

MamaM...hey you suggested a way for her to expand her "art" (5 hosannas here please!) on earth dare you?!

Yeah, I went there too on a different topic, same response.

Trooper York said...

The same "wouldn't it be nice if bygones could be bygones and Meade could come back to Lem's to shoot the shit" was trotted out again yesterday with Crack's name in place of Meade's. It was as if the answer clearly given back then (No, that would be enablement with acknowledgement of behavior needed for restoration) had never happened. When considerations like that are totally disregarded in favor of something else, agenda trumps.

Right on the money as usual. It is disheartening when you have to fight the same battle over and over again. It starts to feel like World War One trench warfare or something.

Aridog said...

Meade is a little punk shit squatting sitzspinkling toad. He can never be rehabilitated. Too bad all (some do..including Deb) the masthead folk at Lem's don't get it...he arrives only to shit on the thread, nothing more. His current "tough guy danger dude" persona is just too funny. He is the white mother-f**ker they mock in rap bits...and is too clueless to know it. TMR is milking him like a dairy cow. And...I approve.

With apologies to EBL, of course :)

MamaM said...

In the Best of Chickenlittle Category, the comment he posted at the tail end of the Crack Radio thread, following Crack's wrap up, changed the "ending" of that thread by putting a different frame around the picture and quote presented. That he did it his typical way, with a turn, a quote and good chemistry heartens me.

As does this from Darcy: Also cannot help but be grateful for the online friendships that blog has gifted me with. Those are real.

I second that too.

Aridog, you made me smile. To hear something similar happened to you is also heart affirming. I almost took that story out of the comment, because it seemed small, but it marked a turning point for me. I didn't realize until now that I was messing around with the "art"!

Michael Haz said...

I, too, second Darcy's gratitude for online friendships.

Sometime in my 50s I became increasingly aware of the passing of time. That awareness has increased a little more each year. My supply of time is inelastic, its shelf life is that each moment instantly expires, never to be used again. Its 'born on' and 'use by' dates are identical.

I'm a fatalist, I know. I apologize for it. And I'm okay with that.

Point is, I've come to value the time I'm given more than I did in the past. And with that appreciation, I've lost any inclination to waste time arguing with people in the internet.

There is no benefit, and the time wasted on it could be better used doing other things. So much of the arguing seems like it's high-schoolish, anyhow. Name calling, circular reasoning, snarkiness, insults, grudges, childish behaviors. Why bother to engage in that?

I really enjoy good conversations, exchanges of ideas and views; and I'd not give that up because it is so worth the time invested.

But the rest of it is now off my plate.

Trooper York said...

It is just not worth it. You're procedure of deleting is best. That as you know is why I have a private blog. I am always willing to be generous and give people a chance even when others have said no way. Some become great commenters here from every side of the political spectrum. Others are dropped because they have earned our scorn. Life is too short.

MamaM said...

Relationship involves conflict. There's no getting around it. So does standing up for what matters most. Where to devote one's energy is an ongoing choice.

Engaging in emotional drama is different from recognizing what is, addressing behavior, or saying what doesn't seem appropriate or feel comfortable. The jester humor used by Chickenlittle, TY, and Evi also serves a purpose beyond emotional engagement.

It's my opinion that most of what goes on in the "highschooler" category of behavior involves power plays and pain protection and no human is completely immune from participation in either category no matter how old or wise they grow to be.

I didn't summon Inga on the Crack thread. She showed up on her own volition and I engaged with her in a way that worked for me. I don't need to hide, cower, pretend to ignore her or allow the behavior I've seen to go without note as a measure of sanity or maturity. Same way when "Bitch" is used as a name. Boundary crossing is what it is.

Figuring out what matters and where my own intensity comes from has been a life long process and I don't expect that to change. Meanwhile I savor the clarity, confidence and centeredness that's been showing up as a result, in myself and others.

The way chickenlittle addressed Crack's "I'm the problem" declaration mattered and changed the tone.

Aridog too, appeared to know what to say at the end and his words also appeared clear, confident and centered. No easy task to accomplish when mutual humanity is constantly getting in the way.

I have not yet figured out the Magic Johnson/Isaiah Thomas reference and need a hint. The best I could find was a video in Spanish of a three minute segment of the All star game and I couldn't decipher the play involved or the game within the game.

ndspinelli said...

MaMaM, Thomas and Magic kissed. I don't understand Mr. Obtuse but that's probably the reference. Trooper is always clear in his own porn addled mind.

MamaM said...

Thanks, Nick. Who knows??? Now I have to figure out the deal with Bad Scooter and the Big Man.

In my search I managed to find something in addition to the kiss after wading through a collection of Spanish videos of the 1992 game and reading some of the history.

Here's the fun finish to the last three minutes of the 92 game where Magic owned the floor as Stars from the East took him on one by one and he answered with his own brand of Magic!

Trooper York said...

The answer is what did Magic Johnson and Isiah Thomas do to Michael Jordan in his first All Star game.

MamaM said...

Thanks for the story. Not one I knew or would have found on my own.

Read tonight about the group protest forming that caused H. Clinton to cancel her San Diego appearance. Based on Hillary's "What difference...does it make?" response when questioned on Benghazi, the group's name is: "The Difference Matters."

And it does. That's the hope that helps sustain life (along with humor) when the disheartening stuff happens over and over.