Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Take that back McMahon!

The longer I hang around commenting on the internet the more and more I realize it is exacting the same as professional wrestling..

Think about. People choose names and characters and personality traits. They can change over time. You can go from being a hero to being a "heel." Every match is different. Sometimes when you are in a bout your buddies rush the ring. When you are not looking somebody will hit  you with a chair. It is basically all fixed. Basically all bullshit. Some people have managers who set them up and others have tag teams.

Now the tag team is an interesting phenomena. Two separate wrestlers are partners in crime. They tag each other in and go and wail on the opponent. When they are villains or "heels" they cheat and try to double team an opponent. Or one distracts the ref while the other does something dirty.

One of the more interesting tag teams starred the Adorable Adrian Adonis. Adonis started out  as  a biker dude but morphed into a sort of gay wrestler who wore makeup and pink tutus. So he started out as a regular guy but turns into a gay activist. To make money. Sound like somebody you know?

Adrian Adonis  had a big feud with a black wrestler know as the Junkyard Dog who wore a chain around his neck and carried a bone. He was like a dog with a bone complaining that people were cheating him because he was black. Sound like anybody you know?

Now imagine that the Adorable Adrian Adonis and the Junkyard Dog teamed up as a tag team. Going from venue to venue causing trouble and distracting the ref while they toss stuff in peoples eyes and gouging them with foreign objects. It seems to be going on lately everywhere you go.

So I think that I am going to term those people Adorable Adrian Adonis and the Junkyard Dog. It seems appropriate.


chickelit said...

My dad used to watch that stuff on TV. He called it "wrastling." I never understood that about it him. But then, the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

The rule of Lemnity said...

My favorite was Jimmy Snuka. He used to climb up to one of the corner poles of the ring and jump on top of his opponent.

His opponent never moved or got out of the way. Except for one time.

windbag said...

Wrestling is the macho version of soap operas. Scripted events, passed off as reality that draw the viewers in and manipulate their emotions. Brilliant. Prototype of reality tv.

blake said...

Inspired by the passing of the Ultimate Warrior?

Trooper York said...

Inspired by the new tag team that is all over the internets these days.

Aridog said...

Dude...when you write an analogy bit, you always seem to hit the mark exactly. This is one of the best.

No wonder you've managed to get me to read fiction (at least yours) again. You could probably sell me a bra or girdle too...not that I need either of course.

rcocean said...

Even though its fake, they always draw a crowd though.

ndspinelli said...

This explains your love of reality TV.

Methadras said...

You just had to bring up dogs didn't you. Now you dog whistled the dog diddler in Wisconsin.