Sunday, June 8, 2014

Cat Man Don't

The problem with visiting Aimee and Chuck is that they have too many fucking cats. Too many is technically designated as more then one.

I am very allergic to cats. If I get cat hair on my fingers and touch my eye they well up like I was Chuck Wepner or the Evil Blogger Lady after a Sunday night of blogging and punching with the Lawnboy. So I have to be careful.

But cats are like women. If you don't want anything to do with one they are all over you. This one had to jump next to me on the counter and was looking to stand on my head.

Sometimes pussy will just not leave you alone.



Chip S. said...

Sometimes pussy will just not leave you alone. pussy will just not leave you alone.

The source of so many poor choices in my life.

Very few of which I regret, really.

Trooper York said...

When the cat started staying at me do you know what I said?

"You know what you do to a pussy? You shave it."

Bitch ran away.

MamaM said...
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MamaM said...

What was the cat thinking?

Probably something along the lines of "Don't take that tone with me, Bastard!

But he didn't say it. Cats know when to pounce and when to run. That's how they manage nine lives.

Actually this one looks pretty benign, like he was checking for a primo place to sharpen up rather than draw blood from the wussy in need of a shave.

When it comes to whiskers, cats trump.

Trooper York said...

You hit a real sore spot with the need of a shave.

I was always very clean shaven with just the goatee to cover my triple chins. But since I went on blood thinners the doctors and the wife insist I use an electric razor and that don't shave you for shit.

So now I often do the stubble thing that seems so popular these days. Not because I want to mind you but because the electric razor is such a pain in the balls.

chickelit said...

Does this explain your allergy to Julie Newmar and the reason you always fobbed her off onto Trey?

Trooper York said...


Shouting Thomas said...

The only good cat is a dead cat!

Chuck said...

I just checked in to see what youre up to and found the cat entry!!!

You are too funny.

Angel doesnt think so.