Sunday, June 8, 2014


It seems that this Sunday Night will end badly as we had predicted. Leisure Suit Larry has a compulsion to come to Lem's place to stir the shit. While beclowning himself.

His latest gem:

"Clearly, ever since the extremely costly coverups of the priest abuse cases became public, the institution has been scurrying to figure out how to deal with the "homosexuality" within its ranks.

About time."

And then this gem:
"Oh I do know. Do know that many "conservatives" in the Catholic Church have fought tooth and nail to scapegoat "homosexuals" as the root cause of the clergy abuse of children? It has been a big debate within the institution. Much hand-wringing. As I'm sure you can imagine."

So let me get this straight. The men that abused male children were not homosexuals. They were something else. Larry thinks the Church has to deal with the many homosexuals in their midst. You know what? I agree. If there had been no homosexuals in the priesthood there would have not been a molestation crises. It is as simple as that.

Is that what he means?

He is compelled to be a fool.


windbag said...

Far more children are raped by public school employees than by Catholic priests. And the glaringly obvious fact that you pointed out is that male-on-male sex, whether consensual or rape, is a homosexual act. I can't think of an instance in which a priest was accused of raping a minor girl (not that it hasn't occurred, just can't recall it). So, homosexuality is an obvious, contributing factor.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

If there were LSL in the church, there would be a rash of dog rapings.

windbag said...

Oh, funny that the subject of perverted public teachers came up. This just popped up in the news.

rcocean said...

"I can't think of an instance in which a priest was accused of raping a minor girl (not that it hasn't occurred, just can't recall it)."

Or molestation. It always seemed to involve young boys.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Well, I just posted a few barbs at LSL on Lems, but since it is late back east I guess they must be passed out. Plus it is about my bed time here out nighty night.

What a pathetic dweeb. Neither of them are as smart as they think they are.

Michael Haz said...

I read that entire sorry thread, and then read his wife's miserable thread on the same topic.

They paint with a very broad brush. And they do it in the way that good liberals accuse others of doing. I am overusing the word 'vile' today, but the description fits.

The lawyering of quotes form scripture, without having studied that history and context, is what amateur, secular theologians do all the time.

I can't help wonder if they even know someone who is observant? Is there anyone in their circle of friends or co-workers who is and observant Catholic, for example? I'd bet not. And I'd bet that if there is, neither of them has taken time to talk with that person about why they are observant, or why they believe what they believe.

Their ignorance and hatred are simply astounding. It is akin to the horrible racism in parts of America decades ago. They simply hate people because of their religious faith. It's nothing more than that. Ugly, vile hatred. It isn't sophisticated, it isn't nuanced, it's just plain hateful and ugly.

One of my grandnephews is going to marry his girlfriend this summer. Both recently graduated from UW. They are looking for a home to buy. We were talking about the homes they've been through, and the girlfriend pipes up and tell us that one of the houses was okay, but she didn't like it because it "had pictures of Jesus everywhere." So they took it off the list of possible homes. They've been indoctrinated by people like Althouse, at the university, in the dorms, and sadly, in their homes.

Keep fighting the good fight. Hearts and minds are won one at a time, in quiet conversation, and not in flame wars with sick, hateful people.

ndspinelli said...

Fuck 'em. Our best revenge is leading a happy life w/ good friends and family.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...


Well said.

Your future grand niece-in-law would pass up on a good home buy because the owners have pictures of Jesus?

Hey, she has the right to decorate a home anyway she wants (I had a relative who had a holgraphic image that switched between Jesus and the Shroud of Turin that freaked me out--although I wish I had it now). Don't they know the Jesus pictures tend to go with the seller after they move out?

Boy you have to be carefully taught to come up with that. Thanks UW!

Trooper York said...

My Grand Aunt had a shrine to Frank Sinatra in her house. With candles and flowers and everything.

You just never know.

windbag said...

I know some folks who have several velvet Elvis paintings throughout their house. Nicest people God ever put on the face of the earth, but they define unsophistication.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Elvis black velvet paintings are awesome!

Shouting Thomas said...

Larry is busy over at LEMs.

He cannot leave people alone.

His wife is a spoiled brat monster.

Shouting Thomas said...

What cause lawnboy to freak out over at LEMs?

I seem to have missed something.

Shouting Thomas said...

Did the evil professor's first husband walk out on her so that he could fuck men?

That would explain a lot.

Michael Haz said...

After deleting LSL's comment four or five times, I turned off comments on the Gracious and Magnonamous thread for a while.


Oh. Look. It's cocktail time in Madison.

windbag said...

Elvis black velvet paintings are awesome!

I'll introduce you sometime.

Michael Haz said...

Did the evil professor's first husband walk out on her so that he could fuck men?

I believe he has remarried (a woman). Better guess is that he just couldn't take her shit any longer.

Shouting Thomas said...

I've decided that nothing good can come from being around that woman.

I'm trying to build as much distance as possible.

Trooper York said...

Good plan.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Pop goes the weasel…