Monday, June 30, 2014

Terrorists murder Jewish Kids...Obama warns Israel

Those three Israeli teenagers who were kidnapped were found dead today. Killed by Hamas a terrorist group that Obama enables. He issued a tepid statement but warned Israel to “I also urge all parties to refrain from steps that could further destabilize the situation.”

In other words don't strike back at the murders. Where's the hash tag about "our children?" Or is that only for black or Muslim kids? We know that Obama only cares about his tribe. The question to me is how do Jewish voters accept this shit from this moron.

It never ceases to amaze me.


ndspinelli said...

The Jews know how to respond to these animals.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Fuck you Kerry and Obama. Israel will take care of its own.

Aridog said...

For those of all y'all out there who want up to date Israeli opinion, I recommend this website. The owner is a friend of mine, someone who is willing to be critical of her own leadership, and who usually is ahead of the news. She provides a regular Israeli viewpoint, not necessarily a politically correct one for Israel.

Anne is among those I'd let have my higher compliment from ,me is possible. One of her commenters, "Earl," is also among those I'd trust with my life.

Chip S. said...

No hashtag for them.

They're boys.

blake said...

Best way to stabilize is to flatten the bad guys.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Chip S., no hastag for them. They're Jews. Obama sympathies lie with the other side.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

I'll swap one POTUS for one Israeli Prime Minister. Any takers?