Sunday, June 29, 2014

I felt like the "Responsorial Psalm" was in repsonse to my musing.

"The angel of the Lord will rescue those who fear him"

It was pretty funny that was the psalm this Sunday. I had described the scene I witnessed on Friday on my way to the store. There was the hipster tattooed mom with a seven year old son who refused to do whatever she wanted him to do. It looked like he wanted to dash across Court St. She had a hold of him and they were struggling. She lifted him up in her arms and started to carry him down the street. He hauled off and started punching her. Really hard. In the back. In the head. It must of hurt but he was still a scrawny kid so she just kept walking. How in any universe is it ok to put your hands on your mother?

I mused that we have gone to much to one side of the spectrum. All love all the time without any fear. There has to be a healthy fear of consequences for bad behavior. I think the Church went away from that starting in the sixties. Once they dropped the Latin Mass and started playing guitars and all of that nonsense more and more people started leaving the church. Everyone who thinks they are smarter then me is saying that the old way was the wrong way. That it is much better to have this new way (well not so new way of doing things since it is fifty years old now) is so much better. So what has it meant? Many fewer people in church. Fewer priests and nuns. The end of Catholic education. People saying that they don't have to find God by going to church. That they only had to show up for marriages, funerals, Christmas and Easter.

The thing is there might come a time when they want to go to the church and it won't be there anymore. 

I am not saying we should go back to the nuns beating the crap out of you for your transgression. Necessarily.  Although there are many, many kids that need a ruler across the head now and again. But the way things are now is too far the other way. Every kid and every transgression is fine and dandy. Everybody gets a trophy and a ribbon no matter what they do or how badly the behave. There is no accountability for anything. Without a healthy fear of the consequences it will all go to crap. The President will break the law with impunity. Legislators will get into phony marriages to become resident aliens so they can run for office so they can give their tribe more free stuff. Nobody would pay their taxes. People love their country but they fear the IRS.

Aridog said much better than me: "I think when Trooper refers to "fear" he is really referring to an imbued sense of consequences. Failing to respect others may one day find you face to face in battle, trying to kill each other. Consequences. Failing to be reliable, from a kid's perspective, usually means they won't find adults reliable either. The STFU lesson in discretion is best learned on the block IMO, among your peers. is a two way exchange. A reliable adult will more easily influence a kid to be the see way...they see positive consequences."

That is the nub of it I think. There is no fear of consequences anymore. So haul off and punch your mother in the face. Nobody is going to say anything. Nobody is going to do anything. Nobody is going to think it is anything out of the ordinary.  It is all of a piece with these couples I see every night sitting in front of the bar with one kid in the stroller and another in papoose sack with their dog tied to the table while they drink beer.  

This is going to be a really messed up place when these kids are in their teens.

Because those precious darlings will have been loved to pieces. But soon enough they will be feared.

Just a little musing on a Sunday afternoon.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Corporal punishment can be a force of good.

When it is administered with love.

Even Snoop Dogg gets it. He says timeouts don't work with his boys.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper has become the Sultan of Generalities. He just needs Mr. Peabody to put him in the Way Back Machine. Whether is be religion, sports, politics, movies, literature, food, you fuckin' name it, he wants it back to the 50's/60's. Back when he could still get it up.

Trooper York said...

It was a better time. In so many ways. I wish I could go back.

I guess it is a function of aging. I remember how my Dad and my uncles would talk nostalgically about the Depression.

Trooper York said...

I feel like the Duke with his bad toupee trying to push his gut up on the horse in "The Sons of Katie Elder."

MamaM said...


The MamaM is Mad tag made me laugh.

When you really want to get down and dirty on the subject of fear and discipline, a clear description of what awful things you did as a young boy in school that caused the nuns to be "always mad" at you back in the day along with if or how they responded to that anger would be enlightning.

Go ahead. Say what it was. It isn't and wasn't MamaM who's mad.

TrooperYork said...

Well I ran a pool on the Ali-Frazier fight. Father Mariani won.

I booked for the entire school and introduced the losers to my Nunzio who was a Schlock.

TrooperYork said...

Then there was the time in the fourth grade when we put a snapping turtle in the girls bathroom.

TrooperYork said...

Then the time we sort of "borrowed" some school supplies that were sort of "laying around" and sold them on Henry Street.

TrooperYork said...

The kicker was when we embedded fire crackers in the votive candles in front of the state of Mother Cabrini.

That was good for a beating from everyone up to and including my grandmother.

TrooperYork said...

I was a little bastard.

So I know of where I speak.

Trooper York said...

Some of those stories might make it into Joey Gallo Laments.

Trooper York said...

Oh and he wasn't my Nunzio.

He was my friend Nunzio.

He became a "friend of ours" if you know what I mean.

He didn't make it past Gaspipe though.

MamaM said...

Gosh, and there I was thinking you got it on the knuckles for being a smart ass!

Those definitely would make some good stories for the Joey Journal.

Trooper York said...

Oh getting on the knuckles for being a smart ass was a given. They even got discouraged around the fifth grade. All the nuns gave up.

Well except for Mother Assunta. She was going to fix me if it killed me.

It almost did.

Trooper York said...

Man I can't spell for shit.

Nunzio was a shylock.

And it was the statue of Mother Cabrini.

We got famous for that one.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm back to re-learning the Latin Mass so that I can do it for special ceremonies.

I've discovered that I really miss the Latin Mass.

It was better.

Trooper York said...

Way better. Singing along was a pleasure. It was a real experience not the mumblethon you have now.

Michael Haz said...

Speaking of musicals.....

*waits while people wonder what the heck*

Here's a shopping tip for those on or near the Eastern seaboard: Buy tickets now for Sting's musical The Last Ship opening on Broadway September 29. You may not be able to get tickets if you wait until it opens.

Mrs H and I watched the preview in a theater in Chicago last week. Musicals and plays that may be hits are dry-run in Chicago before moving to NYC. She's on her computer now trying to get tix to see it again before it closes in Chicago in ten days.

The Last Ship is the most brilliant, best written, best composed musical we've seen in three decades of being Chicago theater rats. Better than Disney, better than Andrew Lloyd Weber.

There's an hour and twenty minute YouTube of Sting and his musicians singing the musical's songs at a theater in London, also worth your time.

*back to the topic*

I've discovered that I really miss the Latin Mass.

Finding a parish near home that offers the Latin (Tridentine) Mass twice every Sunday is what brought me back to the church.

Stick with learning it, and order one of these,

blake said...

Eh. Not a fan of corporal punishment, at least not in the form of beating.

Push-ups can be effective. Some kind of physical activity. But hitting?

Sure, you teach the kid something, but you have no idea what.