Sunday, June 29, 2014

I had a good night last night

The wife was busy working on the website putting up photos and new products. I wasn't feeling well so after I cooked dinner she told me to sit with my feet up and watch some of my favorite tv stuff. I caught the Yankee/Red Sox game which was exciting but a disappointment. Then I went to Amazon Prime. You see she gave me permission to watch a Western.

It's not that I really need permission. But I normally watch them when she is not watching with me because she claims it is boring. Of course if she ends up watching them she always enjoys them and asks a million questions but still the idea of it bugs her for some reason.

So I decided to catch one of my old favorites. "The Sons of Katie Elder." From the Duke's later period costarring Dean Martin and Earl Holliman the luckiest man in show business. Also with great supporting actors like James Gregory, George Kennedy, Dennis Hopper, Strother Martin and Paul Fix. I first saw it with my Dad and a couple of friends of mine in the theater back in the day.

What is funny about the story is the fact of who the historical Katie Elder was in real life. Big Nose Kate who was Doc Holliday's mistress and a pretty famous whore. I guess they just appropriated her name and stuff.

The Duke is old and creaky. Bad fitting hair piece and a double for almost every scene. I think he had his lung taken out by then so he was in tough shape. Dean Martin played the same cowboy role he always plays by ripping off the performance that Howard Hawks got out of him. Everybody does what they usually do. It was comforting.

Like a warm blanket on a cold night.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I did not know that about Katie Elder! Wow.

blake said...

I like that one.

When I was a kid, one of the big magazines ran a story "Did American kill John Wayne?"

It's easy to hate the media.