Friday, June 6, 2014

Leisure Suit Larry Strikes Again

I don't know if you have been following the post about the bakers who lost the case about the gay wedding cake on Lem's site. It was an interesting discussion until Leisure Suit Larry slithered onto the scene.

He proceeded to do his usual act. Insulting people. Demanding apologies. Lying. Threatening. Treating Father Fox with an unbelievable lack of respect. The respect due a human let alone a man of the cloth.

Lem was kind enough to shut it down after it took a particularly disgusting turn and deleted a few really bad comments by Lawnboy. I thank him for that.

I think Michael Haz had it right. It is time to disassociate ourselves totally from TOP and the evil duo. They are obviously flailing about trying to drum up blog hits. Lawnboy even stooped to a direct link which is right out of his pet Bubbles bag of tricks. I will not addresss him directly regardless of the nasty stuff he spews about me. I suggest we all do the same. I also hope that those of you who are administrators will simply delete Larry out of hand. As he does at his wife's blog. Most of us left there never to return. It is simply not right to let him follow us to Lem's to start the same crap.

It has been almost a year. Can't we be shut of these shits already?


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TTBurnett said...

I tried to diffuse the situation with my little German comments. Partly, they were just to get everyone to go away from sheer boredom, because it was obvious no good could come from that thread. There were also as witty and impersonal as I could make them—in a cocktail party sort of way—especially if you know a little German. They were not directed at LM, but at the situation. Of course, he was part of it, so he eventually attacked me. His remark about my being a "doll" was clearly homophobic, in contradiction to his putative goal of smacking around anyone who has misgivings about gay marriage.

He was obviously drinking this evening, and his comments started to get embarrassing. I don't usually accuse anyone of drinking on the basis of the quality of their blogging. But LM was smashed and needed to be shown the door.

All this is too bad, because there really are some deeper issues about the Church's relationship with the whole gay marriage issue that were hinted at, but we never quite got into. I was hoping Fr. Fox might do a better job with the metaphysical and procreative aspects of it—deeper than he did—But LM shows up, and well, you know.

This has inspired me to start posting on my "Old Friends" blog again. Who knows if I can dream up anything worthwhile, but it's bound to be better than the 35 words or less people want on Facebook, or the crappy Texas cage matches I stumble into elsewhere.

Trooper York said...

I will comment there Tim if you like.

Trooper York said...

Lot of cross currents and stuff happening because of that post.

I have been really busy and not able to do much work on my own blog. I was able to throw in some comments at Lems.

I was happy that Lem shut it down before it got uglier.

Trooper York said...

They definitely drink on Fridays and all through the weekend. Until the ultimate explosions on Sunday. We have seen that several times before.

Trooper York said...

That lack of respect for Father Fox was particularly repressible.

Chip S. said...

I was dumbfounded when he denied having called someone a thief/grifter/whatever on Lem's blog. That "find the quote or withdraw your comment" bit is straight from the TOP mistress's playbook.

In fact, all Larry's comments seem to me like he goes to Teh Blonde for pointers that he brings back to Lem's and drops like little turds in the punchbowl.

She isn't much brighter than he is, really. But at least she's managed to turn what she's got into decent coinage.

Trooper York said...

I knew was going to pull that crap eventually. That is why I went after Freeman Hunt when she demanded his comments be erased. I knew it was just to protect Meade.

He is beyond reprehensible.

Trooper York said...

They are flailing about because their page hits must really be dropping. To put in a direct link is a move right out of his pet Bubbles playbook.

I understand that they let Bubbles troll TOP in every single thread without a murmur.

It is too laugh man.

TTBurnett said...

Thanks, Troop.

How about "Lost Weekend Larry?"

Chip S. said...

Well it's just so fucking stupid. I mean, if a dozen people say "Of course you said that, you stupid prick," then it doesn't matter whether the actual quote was deleted or not.

Such lawyerly bullshit. Really, today it seemed like SWMNBN had her hand up his ass like a fuckin' ventriloquist.

Chip S. said...

TT, I don't think it's him alone. As Trooper (and spinelli, and 60G) says, it seems like the two of them just read comments and drink and then he writes comments and they drink and read comments and drink until he posts something incredibly stupid.

I wonder if fionamcgee will ever make a comeback.

Michael Haz said...

A few things:

Meade's bi-polar. He has manic commenting episodes, then disappears for a time.

Althouse dictates some of what Meade writes, either that or he's suddenly earned a law degree.

They are livid that Lem's blog is alive and flourishing. Why they feel that way is anyone's guess, for me it's simply pettiness.

Anything that could drive Fr Fox away from Lem's needs to be corralled and hog tied. When he comments, his comments are always very insightful.

There should be a 'delete on sight' policy re LSL's comments.

They hate all things good. They let Crock post an old photo of hanged black men in the freaking D-Day post! And their utter disdain for other views, especially regarding religion and values is nauseating.

Trooper York said...

You are exactly right Michael.

We have many diverse views here and at Lems. It gets rough at times but never as bad as at TOP. Until Larry shows up.

They are terribly upset about Lem's place. Especially that so many valuable commenters are there and not at TOP.

It drives them crazy.

Trooper York said...

You would think that on the day that their cause triumphed in their home state they would be happy. Not spending their time attacking a Catholic priest.

They are agents of the Adversary. Their agenda is clear.

Aridog said...

TTBurnett said ...

This has inspired me to start posting on my "Old Friends" blog again.

I'm not familiar with it, so please provide me the url. I am not long for Lem's if the Meade presence continues. My comparison of one year ago to this week is germane. Nothing has changed.

Your posts are usually insightful, as are Fr. Fox's...and like Trooper has said to me many times recently...I need to keep better company. Short of apprenticing as a bra-fitter anyway :)

Footnote: Fr Fox's post about LSL contacting his lawyer for further contact via snail mail is the only position he can take. Really. Meade says he has no lawyer, yet he is married to one. His vicitm mentality makes him dangerous to anyone in a public position, such as a Priest. Been there, done that. My best friend, bar none, is a Diocesan Priest, and I and my lawyers have been to battle on his behalf. It is not a funny thing for a Priests to deal with lunatics like Meade. Fr. Fox has realized it about now and I've asked him to contact me...due to my experience with similar issues.

If Lem won't stop Meade's negative drive bys I am gone and I'd like a nice intellectual place to land among the other ones I already have. I'm not really the savage barbarian I might seem...well, anyway I don't have to be. I hope you have never witnessed the exchanges with "Iron Fist" on LGF years ago. :(

Aridog said...

Chip S said...

I wonder if fionamcgee will ever make a comeback.

You too?

Chip S. said...

Meade says he has no lawyer, yet he is married to one.

More word games. She's not listed as a member of the WI bar assoc. So he doesn't have a lawyer-lawyer.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Father Karras had the best advice in The Exorcist, don't engage him in conversation.

MamaM said...

because it was obvious no good could come from that thread.

There was good that came from the thread, even as it continued on up to the stopping point. There was also much good that went on prior to and after the page turn. Once again, Meade's lack of integrity was revealed in high def, while on-point and well-spoken words from others provided clear examples in contrast.

Shouting Thomas said...

Probably not going to happen, but I'd like to see LEM remove TOP from his blogroll.

I don't even want to know what's going on over there.

TTBurnett said...

MamaM: Two things made me think that the thread was going to come a-cropper:

1. LM showed up.
2. Fr. Fox was not quite up to his game arguing the Church's position.

Fr. Fox is a fine Priest, and I'm glad he's online. But he's nowhere as good as any number of Catholic bloggers I read, for example, on Patheos. I'm a great fan of Elizabeth Scalia, the mother hen of that enterprise and who can argue the Devil back to Hell. There is quite a range of opinion among the Catholic blogs on Patheos, but most of them could have cut LM's pathetic rhetoric in little pieces and skewered them for barbecue last night.

The core issue in all this is metaphysical. If you're thorough materialists, like i Althousi, then none of it matters. If you understand we are created beings, and that our souls are not a mere side effect of physical complexity, then you might understand the essentially mystical nature of the union of man and woman. The creation of new life is a genuine act of God. It is a prideful illusion to think it is in our hands. Marriage between a man and a woman is about procreation and family. It has its practical side, including the legal niceties of property that lawyers feed on, but in its essence, it is about this mystical union of man and woman to create new life through God's agency.

I can think of other writers who could put this better, some of them bloggers, one of them Chesterton. But, as I say, Fr. Fox was no more up to it last night than I am this morning.

As far as gay domestic arrangements are concerned, our secular government is so far gone from traditional religious principles that it makes no sense for it to be involved in marriage as it has been understood until recently. I think the best answer is a kind of France-on-steriods, where the government presides over domestic partnership agreements. This would entail all the legalities of current marriage, but would be neutral as to gender or anything else. "Marriage" would then be a private, religious matter if the partners so chose.

I have personally seen this in action in France, where a couple first gets married in a civil ceremony, and then traipses across the town square from the Mairie to the local church, where the Curé finishes the job. Something with less charm and more bureaucracy is what I'd expect here. Couples, regardless of gender, would then be free to do what they want to bless their union in a private way, but it would no longer be any of our business.

This is too sensible, however. The goal of gay marriage is not equality within modern society, but a thumb in the eye of traditional religion. This isn't just a Catholic thing. Whatever your religion or philosophy, if it agrees that the parody of traditional marriage needs to be countered as a grave insult, then it needs to be countered effectively, even if that means dealing with smelly drunks when the time comes.

Shouting Thomas said...

Those characters at TOP are non-Christians intent on destroying Christian traditions and institutions.

Their appeals to the precepts of Christianity are entrapment ploys and scams.

They've learned the Alinsky method and they employ it ruthlessly.

Demand that your enemies live up to ideals that you despise. That's the strategy.

Shouting Thomas said...

I disagree that Fr. Fox is not up to the task.

He has not yet understood that Althouse and Meade hate Christianity and the Church and intend to destroy it.

Trooper York said...

I think Father Fox is a kind man and makes the mistake that many priests make. He is tolerant.

It is this tolerance that led to the scandals in the Church by allowing gay priests who molested young boys.

But I guess it is his job to be tolerant and forgiving. It is not mine.

Chip S. said...

TTB, That's an interesting argument, but I'm not sure that it can persuade people who don't share your faith. Now, I think it's very useful for people who do share a faith to clarify for themselves the bases for their policy views. I'm just saying that as a debate strategy I don't think it's going to persuade nonbelievers.

For example, it seems as though your argument provides a basis for fertility testing as a prerequisite for marriage. Is that really going to fly? Does the Catholic Church offer the sacrament of marriage to infertile couples?

One benefit to me of Meade's prodding is that I went back and read the SC's decision striking down DOMA. I didn't know--bc it's pretty much ignored in standard internet arguments over marriage--that it was basically a tax case. Being "married" was worth $363K more to the couple than being in a domestic partnership bc of the IRS code.

I think that some of the opposition to same-sex marriage is the suspicion that the demand for it is largely driven by the desire for tax breaks and spousal benefits. So before I did anything else I'd try to make the tax code as neutral as possible wrt "marriage" vs. "domestic partnership". That alone would've removed the basis for the SC's DOMA ruling. I guess that replacing civil marriage w/ domestic partnerships recognized for tax purposes would do the trick. Personally, I find this appealing on an intellectual level, but then I ask myself why a relabeling of the same arrangement resolves anything. Is there that much power in wording? Maybe so. Anyway, I'd like to see a clear explanation of why this difference matters.

We're where we are today bc the domestic-partnership gambit hasn't satisfied the Althouses of the world. So it looks like gay-marriage opponents do in fact have to argue against gay marriage explicitly. In that case, I'd argue that there are plenty of eligibility rules imposed on marriage by the gov't, so that this clearly isn't a "human rights" issue. That would direct the debate toward the social desirability of hetero-only marriage. I myself am ambivalent about this, and would welcome a good-faith debate. Of course, I don't expect to get one.

The issue of bakers and florists being compelled by the state to violate their personal religious beliefs is something that I think even some (many? a few?) supporters of gay marriage might oppose. This is def. a winnable debate, I think.

Trooper York said...

I doubt that it is a winnable argument with any gay marriage supporter. They will be on to the next phase which is the demand that the Church perform the Sacrament of marriage to same sex couples.

Chip S. said...

Trooper, that's why I think the most important thing is to refute the argument that this is a human-rights issue. If it's just a question of technocratic policymaking, then the Church's side can win.

TTBurnett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TTBurnett said...

Chip, Actually the question of fertility testing (as an extreme example) has come up in Catholic discussions, but only as a jokey point to sharpen the discussion. However, the theological and philosophical point is that the union of a man and a woman contains the POSSIBILITY of procreation. It’s up to God. But that mystical union is the nub of the matter. Even when procreation is not possible, as with aged second marriages, the core idea remains that God made man and woman, and their union is ordained since Creation.

You don’t have to believe in God, specifically, to tumble to similar conclusions. You just have to have an inkling of the transcendent, and a little humility before Nature. For the longest time, the public ethos in this country was vaguely Protestant, and this vague Protestantism—something like the American Civic Religion—eventually protected other sects and faiths. It did so because it still made a passing nod to God, or Nature’s God, or the Intelligence embedded in the Cosmos, or whatever.

Nowadays, the public discourse and the law, driven by plutocratic opinion-makers, is entirely materialistic. With this, “fairness” or “equality” trump everything. Sex is plumbing-neutral coupling, and there is no need to fear to play God, because he’s dead and no longer has ontological status.

Our Founding Fathers were good 18th century gentlemen, and so were decidedly NOT Christian. John Adams was something of an exception, but almost all the rest were Deists, at best. They had, for political reasons, to go along with the yahoos with their religion and guns. (The United States was founded on secular principles, although the Declaration of Independence makes no sense if Man is not created. That, however, is another argument.) Anyway, in a long and dreary history of Catholic persecution, Catholics were targeted by Protestant sectarians, not, for the most part, by rabid atheists. 18th century skepticism had turned into a general revival of Christianity in the 19th century, generating our Protestant protection, even if it was a double-edged sword. They’re gone now. Government in this country is rapidly turning as hostile to Christianity as, say, 2nd century Rome.

Given that, the only logical thing to do legally, and still preserve some authority of the Church, is, as I said, to completely replace any reference to “marriage” in law with domestic partnerships for everybody. That way everyone is equal before the law, and the Church can marry those who wish it as a purely religious matter. That won’t do, of course, because the materialist/atheist goal is the elimination of Christianity. We’ll see how that works out.

windbag said...

Bottom line on all gay issues is that they don't desire equality or acceptance, they crave approval on a visceral level.

ndspinelli said...

Wow! I just got up to speed over @ Lem's. I know the judge who ruled the gay marriage ban in Wi. unconstitutional. She is a lightweight who routinely gets overturned by the 7th District. She is a secular progressive that writes idiotic decisions Judge Posner loves to eviscerate.

ndspinelli said...

Tim, Cheeseheads go out en masse on Fridays for a snoot full and fried fish. Lawnboy had many adult beverages and some fried perch last night, you nailed it.

Michael Haz said...

You'll notice that neither one of them has the stones to write a screed against Baptists, AME, or Muslims.

But hey, let's threaten to sue a priest who out-argues us!

Chip S. said...

nick, I'm not surprised to hear that the judge is an idiot. If I understand the SC's Windsor decision, that ruling was based on the principle that the definition of marriage is left to the states. To accept this fool's reasoning, you've got to accept the following argument:

A federal ban on same-sex marriage is an unconstitutional abridgment of state's rights, but a state ban on same-sex marriage is an unconstitutional violation of the equal-protection clause.


Trooper York said...

Get ready for another Bloody Sunday. They have been oiling it up since Thursday so we are due for an epic explosion this Sunday Night.

Chip S. said...

I hope that means the return of fiona.

She's sort of the Cersei Lannister of Lem's, w/o the MILFy goodness.

Trooper York said...

The Drunken Duo is really off of the charts. The Evil Blogger Lady is reportedly losing it with her anti-religious rants on TOP and the Lawnboy is over at Lem's attacking Father Fox and saying he does not exist.

I think we are going to end up with a Phil Hartman type situation.

Trooper York said...

If we are lucky.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Did that dweeb really theaten to sue?

Trooper York said...


He or his meal ticket threw around words like libel and slander and demanded apologies. There was definitely lots of threats in the air.

Chip S. said...

He called a comment by Fr. Fox "libelous".

TTBurnett said...

That's because LM was bibulous.

TTBurnett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

I never thought that Sixty Grit was so pissed at a chance remark I made but so be it.

It is pretty funny considering some of the stuff he comes up with but there you go.

You can never figure people out.

Chip S. said...

TT, I hadn't thought about the stolen-identity angle.

That makes a lot of sense.

TTBurnett said...

Yeah, I deleted my comment, because it does look like Sixty took serious offense.
At least I think it's Sixty.
Hoo Boy.

Chip S. said...

Where the hell did TT go?

If that's really 60G, then I was completely wrong. I thought he was mad about phx coming here.

I should've known better. That was phx's idea, and he's never right.

Trooper York said...

I think it might be Sixty who went over the top when phx came on board. I mean it is not like phx even posts all that much so I don't get it.

But people should do what they want to do.

Trooper York said...

It kind of blows Meade's theory that I am Sixty and Mom Jeans and Father Fox all rolled into one.

I lost too much weight for that to be true.

TTBurnett said...

Well, we HAVE given up on the "Prods are going to Hell" routine. Martin Luther is now a Doctor of the Church, and we've "buried the hatchet," as our local Lutheran Minister says. In fact, one of the School's best students is a committed Lutheran, and his very Lutheran parents are sending him on to the very Catholic Boston College High School. We even converted a Unitarian kid, and his parents may follow suit.

Chip S. said...

Since this has turned into a play-by-play thread about Lem's, I wonder if he'll say anything about the exchange I just had w/ LM over there.

Trooper York said...

Tim I am a die hard. I don't give up. So easy.

That is my problem with the church actually. We have gotten soft. That is why these people think they can attack us this way with impunity.

Trooper York said...

This is where I think we went wrong when we started with all this ecumenical bullshit.

Father Delvechio and Father O'Grady would never had stood for this crap when I went to school in the 1960's.

The Prods don't believe in the Virgin Mary! How can you respect people like that I ask you?

ndspinelli said...

I've got California Chrome and Ride on Curlin boxed in the exacta.

TTBurnett said...

Troop: The Lutherans do. The only remaining theological problems have to do with the details of Transubstantiation and the authority of the Pope. Remember, Martin Luther, at the Diet of Worms, famously chalked "hoc est corpus" on the table when a discussion of the Real Presence came up. The Lutherans are pretty much on board, except they don't like the powers of the Pope.
A bit like the Rad Trads, but from the other side.

TTBurnett said...

Troop: A lot of Protestants are equally suspicious of Catholic ecumenism. They think it's part of a plan the envelop them. I think of it as more a process of broadening the Church, so that when attacked, it can truly say it speaks for Christianity, and not the narrow interests of Rome alone. There's apparently going to be a new Council at Nicea in 2025, on the 1700th anniversary of the first one. It's looking a lot like we may get back together with the Greeks, thus healing the stupid Schism of 1054. The Russian branch of Orthodoxy may be the problem, but the Russians generally are.
Anyway, it's all a Popish plot, and I say, Hooray!

Trooper York said...

Of course we are going to envelope them. They have to accept the one true Church if they want to get to Heaven.

Didn't youse guys learn anything in Catholic school?

TTBurnett said...

There may be One True Church, but where the "One" part begins and ends is what's in play.

Aridog said...

Where did ARM get the info that Titus is Althouse's kid? I must have missed something.

What I am not missing is the steady destruction of Lem's place. Several commenters who were there last summer are now gone. Cutting off comments may be been justice, but it was also victory for Meade. He got Lem to shut something down completely.

My practice after today where I did participate, will be to ignore any thread where Meade shows up with anything but a positive comment on topic and not an ad hoc personal criticism of anyone.

Meade does not want to really engage. You catch him a bold faced lie and prove it immediately...he folds and then flies off on another tangent or at someone else.

If he is on every thread, with nonsense, then I will be on none...which means I will be gone.

Trooper York said...

Now we have Titus threatening my business in that thread. This is how they operate. I can reciprocate because I know Titus's real name but I won't.

They are as low as low can be.

Trooper York said...

It's the one where they bow down to the Pope and go to church on Sunday and don't eat meat on Fridays.

That one. Just sayn'

Darcy said...

Despite the Meade comments, I enjoyed the commentary on the baker thread very much. I think there are still very interesting conversations going on there and am surprised to hear that there are commenters missing (besides the few we've mentioned here recently).

I'm not going anywhere and especially knowing that destructive forces would love for Lem's commentariat to dry up.

Darcy said...

I'd also like to know where the idea that Titus could be Althouse's son came from, if anyone knows.

Because...I am Titicus!

Trooper York said...

That was chickie guess on that thread yesterday. As usual Captain Literal ARM took that as Gospel.

windbag said...

The Prods don't believe in the Virgin Mary! How can you respect people like that I ask you?


ndspinelli said...

Trooper, If Titus does ANYTHING to hurt your business, just email me his name.

TTBurnett said...

Speaking of the Virgin Mary, here's a page from the Choir School's website. It's where I teach recorder and music history and appreciation. I also wrangle the Altar servers on Sundays. The video is the main thing on the page. It's several years old, but the basics haven't changed. We now are taking 4th graders, and the choir, frankly, has gotten a whole lot better. There is also better religious instruction, and, I've got to say, the Altar servers are as good as any in the world. We've been told by two Cardinals they haven't seen anything like them. The boys visited Rome this year and sang for the Pope. I'm told they had nothing to be ashamed of in any way. And the singing, from what I've heard, is now arguably the second best in the entire Catholic world. Only Winchester Cathedral in England—which is Catholic—is admittedly better.

Aside from the quality of the Liturgy, the commitment of the Harvard and other students, who form a large part of the Parish, is phenomenal. I will tell you another time about the amazing Eucharistic Procession and Adoration held at St. Paul's in response to the supposed "black mass" that was going to be held at Harvard a couple of weeks ago. The Choir sang beautifully, and there were 3,000 students there, fervent, knowledgeable, and representing the future of the Church. It was an astonishing event, but I'm going to restrain myself and only say that what lies ahead for the Church is looking a lot brighter than I ever thought it would.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I'd also like to know where the idea that Titus could be Althouse's son came from, if anyone knows.

Because…I am Titicus!

Maybe Titus is the issue of Merde and a rare Clumber? It would explain a lot.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

What did you do to piss off Sixty? I have gotten into it a few times with him, but he generally comes around on his own.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Oh I found it. But unlike the civil war...I mega the War of Northern Aggression, Cromwell kicked the shit out of Ireland.

Sixty is getting as touchy as Crack. What's next, a reparations argument?

windbag said...

Sixty is getting as touchy as Crack.

I'm completely in the dark on Sixty's disappearance. I thought it was in response to phx's arrival. I'm not digging for details, but am curious if we should anticipate his return.

Sixty and Crack, either on a road trip or sitting at a bar, swapping that's not anything I ever would have some up with on my own.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Did anyone ever fine out what happened to Cody Jarett?

Aridog said...

Darcy said...

I think there are still very interesting conversations going on there and am surprised to hear that there are commenters missing ...

I agree. As for missing persons, the comparison the the old 7/21/2013 "Please Stop" thread to the current long threads illuminates a few absences.

Honestly, and without any rancor intended, a few have de-camped back to TOP, which is their choice. It is a free choice. "Fen" is an example.

Another thing to note is Lem's own reason, which reiterated on the "Please Stop" thread....for standing up "Lem's" ... paraphrasing here: To provide a commentary place for topics on Althouse. Admittedly that was before Althouse re-opened comments on a limited basis and re-invented her story of what, where and why. It really doesn't matter.

Once the obvious became obvious to my thick skull, I ceased my defense of Althouse, and apologized to those I had insulted, nastily, for being critical. Meade's antics with Palladian were the worst and truly angered me. On principle alone. Before that neither I nor AllenS knew Evan, although Bagoh20 and a few others did, and joined us in assisting. Or we joined them, whatever.

No apology has ever been offered for that outrage by either Ann Althouse or Laurence Meade...thus both are without moral character in my eyes.

I'm not going anywhere and especially knowing that destructive forces would love for Lem's commentariat to dry up.

I am not leaving either, unless the situation becomes absurd with Meade all over everything in staccato fashion with off topic and/or personal individual attacks. If he has something positive to say, I will simply scroll on by unless I have something positive to say myself.

I don't want him to succeed in tearing Lem's down, but he's on his way as we speak. At some point Lem needs to take responsibility for his blog, which some of us pay for the privilege to enjoy. Maybe a "Please Stop" message to The Professor and Meade would be in order, or at least a post aimed at Meade to that effect.

Guys like Meade are familiar to me. At one time we called them "Gypsies" or "Travelers" ... they don't hold real jobs, they run short cons daily, but always have a long con in the works. That is why I'd rather he just go away, because if he is present he's working a con. Today we call them "grifters."

Meade gave himself away when, unprompted, he described how a long con is set up on 7/22/2013 and used the word "cheat" which he had asserted wasn't there (due to deletions)...but yes, it was there.

Aridog said...

Damn! Now I am going to be one of those 2nd hymn arrivals at Mass. No matter how quiet you try to be, you stick out like a sore thumb.

Later ;)

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Aridog has Meade pegged. But we all know that already. Annie is his meal ticket. It is hard to get too outraged about it given how contemptible she is, but that is what is going on.

As for Lem, he has a great platform with some great co-bloggers. They do good posts and the vast majority has nothing to do with TOP. As for Meade, the best way to deal with him is to ignore him. He is trying to drum up hits for Althouse and the less successful he is in doing so, the more that the wrath of Ann will focus on the Lawn Boy/Dog Fucker.

Trooper York said...

On this beautiful Sunday Morning there is no reason to deal with the likes of Leisure Suit Larry or his evil mistress.

Most of us went to services this morning or will be going this afternoon or evening. We go to practice our faith (even the dirty Prods) and have little time for the nonsense that those idiots bring.

Of course other people will take up the gauntlet and joust with them because they are so outrageous in their activities.

But make no mistake. Their goal is the destruction of the Catholic Church and it's influence on the people of our nation. They will attack unceasingly and in many different ways.

That was what was behind the attacks and lack of respect for Father Fox.

Shouting Thomas said...

But make no mistake. Their goal is the destruction of the Catholic Church and it's influence on the people of our nation. They will attack unceasingly and in many different ways.


The next target is the Church. Women priests and gay marriage.

For some reason, the SOBs cannot leave a single refuge for dissenters.

Chip S. said...

Of course other people will take up the gauntlet and joust with them because they are so outrageous in their activities.

Guilty as charged. Just couldn't help myself.

Darcy said...

I agree with everything you said, Aridog. Thank you. Hope you enjoyed Mass.

Considering a skeptic or defender's (Freem's, for example) view of the "grifter" label, I think it is astonishing how obvious LSL is. Or perhaps it's just me. And I do wonder about my own bias, as with a lot of other events going on in this world.

Hope you all are having a lovely Sunday. We are in His good hands. I am convinced of that.

TTBurnett said...

It is painfully obvious what is going on with Meade. I was just composing a careful response to his raising Fr. Fox's 2005 blog question about the proper proportion of different sexual orientations in a Seminary class.

I just deleted three closely-written paragraphs as so much waste of electrons. Meade has all the time in the world to spin out his long-form game. It only includes respectful dialog as a rest point in his jerking everyone around. He is flat-out toxic and must be avoided completely. Lem is a big boy, but if I were he, I'd just frankly and completely delete Meade from his blog.

But everyone is who they are, and the situation is what it is, and I have lunch to eat and an Investiture to be at this afternoon. The 4th grade are being promoted to Choristers, and are getting their surplices. Next year, red cassocks and ruffs. How veddy, veddy English.

Trooper York said...

Here's the thing. It is bad enough that Meade has to go to Lem's to bust balls but then Freeman Hunt shows up to help him out when he steps on his dick. Dust Bunny Queen called out Meade on his bullshit and Freeman chimes right in to help him out.

Grifters. Enablers. Marks. Schills.

Michael Haz said...

Hope you all are having a lovely Sunday. We are in His good hands. I am convinced of that.

Thank you, Darcy! I share your conviction.

Aridog said...

Guilty as charged. Just couldn't help myself.

Holy shit! Are we confessing today? [quickly hides:-]

Yeah, me too...sometimes Larry is just too much and my inner jackass takes over.

Yes, Darcy it was a very nice service. Today we had a con-celebrant from West Africa who went out of his way to accommodate the children .... later explaining that in his home parish there are 20,000 children who need attention. I usually attend the "children's mass" just to the east of me in Detroit in a mostly Mexican and Hispanic neighborhood. I am a relatively new religious, and Catholic...the service is appropriate for me I think.

The children are all invited to sit, surrounding the celebrant, and participate when possible, on the altar platform around the priest, coincidently my best friend. Among the kids is an autistic young boy who is slowly becoming part of the larger children's community and when it happens in front of you, when you see his mother leave him at the altar and the other kids step up to reassure him...what can I say...there is a presence in those moments that is far greater than me or anyone.

The moments in my past that haunt me most wither away for a while under these circumstances. Some day those things that do not haunt me, but should, will pass by as well.

Trooper York said...

That moment you describe happens all the time at Mass. You see young children helping each other and showing God's grace in the atmosphere of love and family.

Father Chris at St. Mary's Star of the Sea makes it very kid friendly and as a consequence has most of the young children of the neighborhood in his parish.

Trooper York said...

Staying away from Meade and his toxicity is a good idea I think.

I might start to limit my own posting to threads on Lem's where he does not appear.

Michael Haz said...

It's always amusing when atheists tell a member of the clergy how churches should be run. And I think ARM is actually Susan Rice.

Did you notice how quickly LSL disappeared after jabbing Fr Martin about gays in the clergy like that's a bad thing? Oooopsie! Another anti-gay comment!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

It would be a shame to let Merde shit all over everyone and cause derision. It is also disgusting. At least my pies are just cow pies. Merde is more like dog shit.

Which makes sense if you know his tastes.

I hope that gentle soul Sixty Grit recovers from his hurt feelings.

Trooper York said...

Sixty is a sensitive type.

He got mad when I accused him of being a snake handler.

I just want to make it clear that does not include the times when he had it out and was playing with it while he was watching Jimmy Swaggert. We all have our hobbies.

Darcy said...

I hadn't realized that the Meades are both having religion freakouts. I'm a bit fascinated by it. I have much more respect for atheists who are confident enough in their disbelief not to continually deny God's existence.

In other words, I have a similar skepticism of atheists that Althouse has for Christians. Except that I have no obsession about it.

Aridog said...

I just noticed that Ann Althouse has a post up about race horses. Her display of ignorance is astounding. About horses per se and race horses in particular.

She dwells on what the horse is allegedly thinking, when the owner of California Chrome specifically cited the qualifications for run tin the Preakness and Belmont. His position, as well as mine, is that only horses that qualify for, and run in, the Derby should run in the Preakness or the Belmont...not "fresh" horses allowed who skipped the Derby or Preakness...let alone qualifed or not.

As a lifelong horseman I will say simply that horses don't think like Althouse thinks. You run them hard repeatedly over 5 weeks and they's like asking a marathoner to run 3 in five weeks. Good luck with that.

I am amused that people who really know near nothing about animals (except those they rent) anthropomorphize so much. I never expect a hose to think like me, or a dog either, I try to think like the horse or dog. I've proven the tactic with wild wolves, not in some effete pet park.

The hobbit man criticzed me for watching racing three times a cruel, yet I am confident he's never bought a horse of the track as a rescue or do one damn thing to participate in changing things for horses...while thousands of us have by our activites in the sport.

God save us from the academics, and ignorant gardners, who assume expertise in everything.

Darcy said...

That's a big reason why I loved the book Seabiscuit, Aridog. I learned that thoroughbreds love to run and that they race on their own. Running them is not cruel, it's what they love.

In addition, the way the story is told in certain parts actually had my heart racing. What a great book. Liked the movie too, but the book is a must-read.

Aridog said...

To clarify...if you do NOT require all horses to have been Derby qualified by points, and run in the Derby and Preakness, then allow them as "fresh" horses to compete in the destroys the whole point of the triple crown.

It's no longer about the horses, it is about the media revenue. I'd give my right arm to have California Chrome and to ride him over fences in open country. He'd never see a race track again.

The horse cares less. He doesn't know humans are assholes. And you do not want to meet the horse that does I have. I wanted him so bad to save him, a man killer, that two years out of maybe 25 in a paddock to just be a horse again would have saved him...but I did not have the $40,000 required to buy "Timmy" he died suffocating inside a dry cleaners bag. I wanted to kill the owners. Fucking A, I should have.

Darcy said...

Man, I was bummed that California Chrome didn't win. I loved the story.

Interesting point about only including horses who have run the Derby and Preakness. I know that plenty will feel that is sour grapes from the owner, but it is something I will pay attention to now. For instance, now I want to know how many "fresh horses" the last Triple Crown winner had to compete against - and the one before that...

Trooper York said...

I have been a long time horse player. I used to go to Aqueduct all the time with my Uncle V. It was one of his favorite things to do.

The Triple Crown is such an impossible task. As Ari said they should only allow horses that have run in at least two of the races to be in the Belmont. Not fresh horses with fresh legs.

Trooper York said...

The religious freakout is astounding. Leisure Suit Larry is back pounding Father Fox. Along with Ritmo and ARM. I give them a pass on that. They have generally kept their disagreement respectable. There has been a long term animosity between Ritmo and Father Fox so I understand where he is coming from. I think Ritmo has a blind spot in his anticlericalism but he is entitled to his opinion.

Larry is just being nasty for the sake of being nasty. He is spouting off bullshit we know he doesn't believe. So much so that there are several posts that I am sure he is going to go back to delete.

What a maroon.

Aridog said...

Darcy...all you have to do, if still fit and financially secure, is to buy a race horse off the track and ride him or her. The explosive power under you is awesome...and I've never ridden one that did not want to be in front, not even once. The burst of energy as you feel those lungs expand, in the effort to be the leader, under your thighs is spellbinding. How I'd so love to ride "Chrome" over fences, even just caveletties, ... it is truly intoxicating on a grand animal.

Here is Gomer Dial, with Judi, a horse right off the track, who had two speeds dead stop and eat clover, or run full out like there was no tomorrow. He did have a flaw (whihc is why we could buy him)...he was a curious horse and might stop, dead stop, at a full gallop to check out something...unless you had full control of him with your legs, driving him it is not the reins that do squat, they're just cues. We loved him until he passed away of natural causes, as out last three horses all did. Noble animals. Every one.

I miss them all.

Trooper York said...

Ari I know you have said you live in or near Detroit. Where do you keep your horses? Are they boarded somewhere?

You can find horses in some very unusual places in the city. There are stables in Prospect Park that we used to go to ride when I was a kid.

A friend of mine had a stable in Red Hook where his family had several horses and pony's. A couple of them pulled vegetable carts and some were used to take photo's of kids at the feast.

There is a riding academy near Sheepshead Bay off the Belt Parkway. A couple of times we got horses and road them along the beach around Jamaica Bay.

Aridog said...

Darcy ...the "...and the one before that..." was Secretariat in 1973. I doubt we will ever see another like him anywhere. In his case, he was so above and beyond the others it didn't matter who was fresh and who was not...he won the Belmont by 31 lengths. That will never happen again. The big Chestnut was a anomaly, who passed his traits down through the female side of his breedings, by skipping a generation.

You find a Thoroughbred mare with Secretariat on the topside, anywhere in her pedigree, her, if for no other reason that you will own a true child of the master.

Another to dream of is Moorlands Totilas under Edward Gal (and no other rider can match him, anymore than any one can match Canada's Ian Millar & Big Ben over fences).

Can you tell I miss horses more than anything?

Darcy said...

I remember Secretariat, Aridog. I love the footage of that race.

I've also driven by the property he was raised on in Virginia several times; once when it was for sale. Talk about a dream. That is beautiful country there.

I'm glad you had your time with your racehorse. I've always dreamed of owning one, as many little girls growing up do.

Aridog said...

Trooper...after the medicos ordered me off horses and skis, we last kept our horses boarded 75 miles outside the city at a friend's place with 100 acres to spare. Here is Oh So Wonderful"...aka "Dunny", our last horse to pass away..Judi's horse from the day he was born, literally. Our last three were allowed to live out their lives with young girls, age 10 or so, riding them occasionally. They had 9 acres to themselves and the best vet care. We visited frequently even after I could not ride anymore...something I may challenge sooner than later since I am old as snot now...I really miss the horses, and dogs are part of the whole package. Any visit to Montana you will see cattlemen horsemen riding along with their dogs.

Anyway...when I first visited NYC with my parents at age 13 I was amazed to find horses stabled in Central Park with riding trails and the whole deal. I don't know if they are there anymore, and if they are I can imagine it costing a ton to board.

Boarding and stabling horses near the city became nearly impossible as development evolved...and I am not one to fight pick up trucks and Mercedes for space...I want open land, hills, fences, and just places to stop and lie down with the horse and chill out. It is still possible near the city for hundreds per month. Horses are like sailboats...the cost is in the rigging and upkeep.

Trooper York said...

Oh I know what you mean.

The horses are out of New York City. De Blasio is going to make sure of that. He hates horses and nature. A true communist.

If it were up to him we would all ride bikes and wear Mao jackets.

Aridog said...

Here's is my last temptation in Pray, Montana. Name is "Ezzy" and he was a deal for $10K...a titled reining horse and mountain expert. The rider is the very pretty Wendy Deans...and an accomplished reining horse rider and trainer.

I gathered my senses shortly, stuffed my emotions, and headed on down the road. Board a horse in Montana...1500 miles+ from home. Right.

Now I am going to stay away from the horse topic or I will likely go out and be very stupid.

TrooperYork said...

Ari in a side note about what you were talking about with chickie at Lem's.

Lem doesn't have a state of mind. He is a very easygoing kind of guy. His hands are very lightly on the reigns. I think he lets the individual poster of a thread decide who gets deleted on a thread. I don't think he steps on the toes of the person administrating that particular thread. So to appeal to him to clean up Meades mess does not always work.

It worked when Meade started in on Palladian but that was Lem's thread. I don't think Lem would step on Chickie or Michael H or Chip Ahoy or whoever.

Think of Lem as Charo. Very generous but a little promiscuous in his generosity. Cucee-cucee baby!

Aridog said...

Troop...It worked when Meade started in on Palladian ...

No, it did not work...Lem let that one run amok until Palladian was shamed in to leaving for good. THEN he deleted some stuff. BFD.

Shit, I can't even convince Evan to come back here. And I have tried.

Lem is a nice guy, I think. But he needs to grow some balls when an obvious disruptor shows up...and none of the ones you mentioned are that. Meade is that. As Fen said a year ago (then went back to Althouse anyway??)...Meade sees Lem's as the guest house of Althouse for the unwelcome unruly where he can just pop in anytime and be insulting.

After a while some one peeing on your leg is just that, not rain.

Darcy said...

I wish Evan would come back. I think it would be good for him to be among friends.

Darcy said...

I also wish Cody would come back.

Michael Haz said...

@Darcy - I agree with both of your comments.

People assemble where they feel welcomed. Whatever drove Evan and Cody away, they should be told that they are welcome to return. And apologies made, if necessary.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

This could be a separated at birth...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am not sure what happened with Cody (he did share some pretty serious stuff about his dad, but everyone was supportive). Did Evan/Palladian get offended by someone here? It might be as simple as him being too busy to post.

I tease Sixty, but I suspect he will be back.

Darcy said...

I am sorry to hear about Cody's situation and hope he is just busy with living life, not unhappily.

Sixty is pretty pissed about something. I miss him here, too.

Darcy said...

Okay, I am a little pissed about the vanishing Meade posts. I don't like it that he can post whatever he likes and then claim never to have said it and a blog administrator participates in that dishonesty.

TrooperYork said...

I think Evan just wants to stay offline and live his life. When he is ready to come back he will.

I am mystified about Cody but I agree it is most likely that life got in the way.

That happens sometimes.

Chip S. said...

Darcy, It's a big deal if you buy into the TOPian claim that no testimony is valid w/o a verbatim transcript.

OTOH, if you think that comments remembered in the same way by everyone other than the person who denies writing them have a strong presumption of having been written, then the deletion doesn't matter much.

"Show me the exact quote or apologize" has always been one of SHMNBN's least cunning stunts over at TOP. She thinks she looks like Clarence Darrow, but instead she looks like Marcia Clark.

Now as far as the particular comment(s) that PMJ is referring to, I wish he'd either put up (post them as captured in the screen shot he claims to have) or shut up.

Or better yet, go away and take Larry w. him. That would reduce the vileness quotient at Lem's by about 95%.

Darcy said...

I doubt Mom Jeans has a screen shot. But yeah, this constant denial of what Meade posts is bothering me. And people aiding him in his dishonesty is wrong.

He has a track record, as you said, of denying what everyone knows he wrote and because a blog administrator aids him, it can't be proven. I am not sure whoever helped him hide his posts really understands that.

I'm going to make sure that they do.

Michael Haz said...

I have noticed that when I delete a comment as administrator, the record says "deleted by a blog administrator". But, after XX amount of time, that notice disappears without my having taken further action. It may be a Blogger feature. So, maybe It's not an action taken by Lem.

Michael Haz said...

Darcy, we can test this by one of us making a comment on a thread at our old blog, then having it removed by an administrator.

Trooper York said...

I don't think Lem does that much housekeeping so it has to be a blogger feature.

I mean the dude doesn't even pick up the beer cans and taco wrappers in his SRO.

Just sayn'

Darcy said...

Yes, I would like to test it soon, Michael. I wrote you.

Makes sense that a blog admin's deletions might eventually disappear, but deletions by the author? I have seen these remain for years. Remember Sippican's?

Meade's posts first said that they were deleted by the author and then disappeared.

Trooper York said...

You can make it dissapper forever as administrator if you click on a deleted post by author and then click on the box that says "Do you want to delete it forever."

I have done that to clean up some of my small threads. A poster deletes his post to make it cleaner and I re-click and take it off the thread.

I will repeat that I don't think Lem did that but if he did it was not for some nefarious purpose.

Lem isn't like that at all. Just sayn'

Darcy said...

I never said Lem did it for any nefarious purpose. I don't believe that, either. Never suggested that.

But if a poster is being dishonest about what they initially posted, then it IS aiding in that dishonesty, however innocently. This is something I want to address, is all.

Again, the posts were deleted by the author, and then they disappeared entirely. Not what I am used to when an author deletes a comment.

Trooper York said...

Oh I know that Darc. It is President Mom Jeans who has a bee in her bonnet. Or her jeans.

We all know Lem is a good guy.

Like I said you can delete it off the thread after the poster deleted it himself. It could be as simple as Lem doing that without realizing he is doing that.

Lem does a lot of stuff without realizing what he is doing. Like putting on his pants in the morning.

Sometimes he forgets.

Chip S. said...

Youse guys got me to go back and find the infamous thread where LSL slimed Palladian, which appears to have followed a post by chickelit. Interestingly, this was the last comment in that thread:

chickelit said...
(trying to recover deleted comments)

June 6, 2014 at 7:56 PM

Just wondering, did Freeman Hunt have full admin privileges back then?

Darcy said...

I adore Lem. I will never forget his late night "Lemming" of Althouse's blog.

So sweet and funny. He is very, very bright, too. Anybody who doesn't think so isn't reading very closely.

Darcy said...

Yes, she did. At the time, I believed that Freem or some other admin deleted much of that thread out of consideration for Evan, not to protect Meade. I still see that as the most likely reason. It was nasty stuff and obviously upset Evan terribly.

Michael Haz said...

I'm not sure which thread it happened on, but there was a thread I initiated in which Meane said some awful things about Evan, and by Evan's response it was clear that he was deeply hurt. I deleted most of what Meane posted in order to end the humiliation he was heaping onto Evan.

Chip S. said...

Here it is.

My guess is that FH did the deletion, and Lem doesn't respond to PMJ bc he doesn't have the relevant info.

Lots of names in that thread that are no longer around. I really, really wish yashu would come back.

Darcy said...

Yashu! Wonder what happened to her. I liked her too.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

"I mean the dude doesn't even pick up the beer cans and taco wrappers in his SRO."

Hey, that is only when the Sox are losing. Otherwise, he breaks out the snow shovel and scoops stuff up at least every couple of days.

Plus he gets redemption money on the cans.

MamaM said...

I wish Evan would come back. I think it would be good for him to be among friends.

Would he be "among friends"? When Trooper York invited "phx" to participate in this forum, he welcomed a commenter with a pattern of disingenuous engagement. Doing so affected and changed the atmosphere here. To my awareness, that door is still open for phx to address others as "Bitch" with the defense that they are the problem. This is abusive behavior at its finest. Very similar to what Meade did to Palladian and continues to do to others over at Lem's, including the current disrespect deliberately being aimed at Fr. Fox that has angered others to the point of requesting deletion and cut-off. I can only imagine what would have ensued had Meade decided to address Fr. Fox as "Bitch" or "Bastard".

Teasing can go two ways. When done with love, it can be given and received as an expression of affection and intimacy. When anger or malice are present, it moves toward abuse. The "teasing" that goes on here at TY often walks the fine line between both two forms of expression. Some of the ball busting is done to be silly and invite connection and some is done to express negative emotion and make a point. When dishonesty and manipulation is present as part of the package, as they are now with Meade and ARM over at Lem's, the tone changes, with mistrust added to the mix.

As I've said before, when the "ignore Meade" suggestion has previously come up, ignoring abusive behavior rarely makes it stop. Detaching from emotional engagement with someone behaving like him is very different from ignoring them or their behavior. Detachment calls for a response of thought rather than a reaction of anxiety. The difference being, a reaction of anxiety causes us to acquiesce, shut down, cut off, withhold important feelings and desires, attack others and defend ourselves. Balance returns and shift happens when the other option is strongly and clearly exercised.

While cleaning up paper work yesterday, I found this:

Undifferentiated boundary systems in family systems (communities)occur when family members don't express differences and acquiesce to pressure to conform. Or they will fight to hold onto their identity with self-righteousness and protection. Developing healthy boundaries increases differentiation and real connectedness. Even when other family members continue with unhealthy boundaries, you can remain strong and clear in their presence by maintaining your boundaries.

Meade isn't going to go away or stop doing what he's doing without others stepping in to provide the strength and clarity needed through responses which reveal boundary in willingness to express differences and refusal to react, conform or bow to pressure from others.

Trooper York said...

Did phx really change the atmosphere MamaM. I have a habit of letting very questionable people post. Of giving them a chance. Allie/Inga. Titus. J. They get enough rope and if they hang themselves they get the boot.

Phx hasn't said much of anything that I noticed. I think most of us at Trooper York are adults and can stand up to some ball busting. Even mean spirited ball busting. So I don't thing things have changed in any real way as it did with Inga. Even then I let it play itself out. That hasn't really happened with phx. At least as far as I can see.

But I could be wrong. Please let me know how you feel about it.

Trooper York said...

I don't want to speak for Palladian. He is a big boy and he can speak for himself.

I agree with Darcy. We miss him and wish he would come by more often.

ndspinelli said...

ChipS, Thanks for the link. That was only a year ago. To me, it seems like 2-3 years ago.

windbag said...

FWIW, I think phx's entrance changed things here. Not that he is responsible, but his presence brought some things out. There doesn't seem to be as much camaraderie as before. I haven't gone back and counted, but I get the sense that the number of comments trailed off. Less camaraderie translates to less things to say to less people. What still sells best is trashing TOP, as this thread demonstrates.

I don't think booting him would accomplish anything, and I doubt anyone expects that you're going to do that anyhow. Again, FWIW. I'm frequently wrong, especially in the human relations department, so perhaps I am here.

Trooper York said...

I think the problem is that I have been really busy and not as prolific as I was during the blow up last year. People come by and when there is not something new they gradually stop coming by so much. That's OK. It is very hard to put up new material every day. Lately I have just been posting stuff that we do but not much creative stuff. So people have less reasons to comment.

I understand that. I just appreciate when people comment and enjoy hearing what they have to say.

Trooper York said...

Plus most of us here are the juvenile delinquents who were temporarily united in despising the schoolmarm and her lickspittles. But that wears off after a while.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I thought Palladian was fine here. I enjoyed Cody, even if occasionally I would piss him off. I enjoy Sixty even if occasionally we have had at it. But I only show up sporadically so what do I know, I am friggin cow and doppelganger to ol dirty EBL.

Trooper York said...

Now Larry is pulling a Mary on Michael H's thread on Lem's place.
He keeps reposting a comment that Michael deleted. Over and over again. Exactly what they claimed Mary did to them.

I wonder.

One of the prime tricks of grifters is to set up a false threat to a mark and then swoop in to protect them. Is that how Leisure Suit Larry maneuvered to get administrative control of TOP?

I can totally see that.

windbag said...

Hey, I'm not complaining. You've had a lot on your plate the past year, and the content has dwindled (quantity, not quality). What I'm sensing is that, in the past when that happened, conversations carried on anyway, until new thread appeared. I don't see that happening now.

One of the things that has always been obvious is that many here know each other elsewhere on the internet or in person. I can't keep up with all those dynamics and frequently stay out of conversations because they're clearly colored by perspectives that I don't possess. Not complaining, just explaining. When that happens, it does limit the dialogue.

The past couple of days there have been some highly negative comments directed at non-Catholics. Big deal. That's part of the ball-busting. But, that's not something I care to trade barbs over, because it can quickly turn ugly and personal. My ex-brother-in-law was Greek Orthodox and we said some pretty awful things over the years, but are still close. That wouldn't happen here, given the superficial basis of our relationships (there are exceptions, I'm sure). Anyhow, not to bitch about sniping at Protestants (which I'm not), that's just an area I don't care to spar.

Sports? We mostly agree that the Mets suck and the Yankees are the greatest franchise in the history of the sport.

And, quite bluntly, there are people I just don't care to converse with. This is a small joint, so saying nothing is better than nipping at heels. It's tempting to nit-pick, but back to the superficial basis of our relationships here...what's the point of that?

I wouldn't use the term "jumped the shark" but I think we're in a slump here, like the Yankees.

Trooper York said...

Michael had to shut down the thread.


I had three taco posts left.

Trooper York said...

I hope Michael posts an explanation of what happened on the front part of the thread.

People need to know what a bullshit artist Meade really is. He is doing exactly what made them shut off comments. I think he is trying to get you to shut off comments. Or moderate them in some way.

He is a devious fuck.

Michael Haz said...

I have disabled comments on that thread for a while. I'm not going to front page that information because doing so will give him some of the attention he seeks. Disabling comments w/o an explanation is essentially ignoring him.

Trooper York said...

Ok by me. I just think that is his tactic to "shut" you up. By doing this and shutting down the comments he is silencing one of the few consistent voices against his manipulation.

It is a grafter tactic.

But I fully and totally support however you want to handle it.

Trooper York said...

Here's the taco poem you missed out on:

Taco Paco was his name
and eating tacos was his game.

He ate and ate and ate and ate
before he realized that
farting was his fate.

Soon he met Refried Belle
He fell in love with her smell.

They blew off into the sunset
on nothing but their gas.
She with her beans and
He with his lass.

They're married now and
they moved to the ocean.
The neighbors moved away
because of the smelly potion.

And soon there'll be
The aroma of little farts
Now doesn't that bring
Warmth to your Heart?

Michael Haz said...

I have reached the opinion that in the month leading up to Lem's first anniversary, LSL will attempt to destroy or damage Lem's blog. Since we don't want that to happen, I think a policy of total non-engagement should be enacted.

For me, that will mean deleting his comments and temporarily 'moderating' threads he toys with.

Others who post topics at Lem's will follow their own guidance. I hope none of us take the bait when LSL attempts to provoke a flame war.

Trooper York said...

You know that kind of inspires me to start a new series.

The adventures of Taco Paco and his girl Refried Belle.

Michael Haz said...

Trooper, if you want to engage Meade in a comment war, you are able to invite him to your place, right?

Call me wrong, but I don't think flame ward between three or four people don't make for an interesting blog.

Michael Haz said...

But hey, maybe I'm wrong about this. It's possible. If that's the case, I'll just bow out and all of Lem's blog can be a playground of anger and vindictiveness whenever Meade wants it to be.

Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

I am with you 100% but I think you need to use a little strategy to foil his dastardly plans.

For example in this thread you rightly deleted and warned him. Then he kept posting the same comment every few minutes. You obviously could not spend all of your time deleting it so you shut down the thread.

This is very interesting because this is the tactic that they claimed "Mary" used and that it was the prime reason they shut off comments and instituted comment moderation. If that was so terrible for them why is Meade doing that to Lem now?

I think letting the repeated comment stand (which was just bullshit) but with the notation that it was reposted five or sixe times and then explaining that they are adopting Mary's modus operandi might be useful. In fact I would mention as I said before that grifters often use the technique of setting up false threats so that they can come in to protect the mark from to take over their house or money or blog site.

It might serve to place just a teeny tiny bit of doubt in the Evil Blogger Lady's mind. Was it Mary doing that or was it Meade so he could become the comment czar?

Just a thought.

Trooper York said...

Hey Michael I am with you if you don't want to indulge in a flame war. In fact strike my previous suggestion from the record.

I just hope that you continue to post at Lem's. I really enjoy your posts and look forward to them very much. They are very interesting and heartfelt.

I am just interested in the psychological interplay that happened there today. I think I need MamaM to explain it and put it in perspective.

I think you should handle it the way you want of course. I just don't want to see him drive you off of Lem's blog as you so rightly think might be his motive.

That is the most important thing.

Michael Haz said...


Trooper York said...

I didn't delete my prior comment in interest of truth.

I think policy of moderation can work. I hope it works. Anything to keep you posting there.

If we all don't engage him it might work. It is just that some many people loathe him and they are all at Lem's and it will be hard to corral everyone.

But I am totally willing to follow your guidance on your threads. I have your back.

Aridog said...

Meade is winning. That's two shut down threads in as many days. Pisses me off because I've been busy today and did 't even get to see it. When I retired I was supposed to get to see all the gossip lurid stuff! No fair!

Meade will "swarm" more and began last week. Out of the blue off topic rude remarks instigated by no one else but Meade himself....on 2 out of 3 threads.

My new thing is that if I see Meade on any thread with anything but a positive topically contributing remark, I will by-pass that thread.

No question that I despise Meade, intensely, and have lost a lot of respect for his wife. Meade is capable of angering me so much that I could literally go out and hurt some stranger just because...and that is insane. What he did to Palladian blew my fuse, as most of you know.

I never forgive that kind of behavior, ever. That is the kind of guy who would shirk his responsibility and let others get killed if convenient to him where he hides out.

I agree with Trooper that Palladian is a smart man and will return when he is ready. Never to Lem's is my bet, but perhaps to Troops. I do know he has been busy adjusting to several conditions in a modified life, but he's also been busy with a couple commissions from some of us, as I have mentioned before.

I agree with Haz that non-engagement is the best weapon against the plague that is Meade. Meade is trying to destroy Lem's, and no doubt a few other is what he does, destroy. I doubt he's ever
built anything more than his little compost pile in the back yard.

Michael Haz said...

Ari - Check your inbox.

Aridog said... continue you selective deletions of make every thread you post more enjoyable to not have to see that vile troll say a damn thing. He has a place to speak his mind at his Mommy's, but I doubt she'd tolerate what he does at Lem's.

I don't care anymore. I like it when you squash that little bug. It delights me in fact.

I don't think Meade cares if he is stepped his mind it means he wins. If he can win in Internet silence, so be it.

Michael Haz said...


Michael Haz said...


Trooper York said...

I hear what you are saying Ari but he wins if you bypass the thread. If you and I can ignore him and just comment on the subject or even post off topic stuff like taco poems it will drive him crazy that we will not engage. I think that might be the right thing to do. Not posting or closing the thread is him winning.

I admit I don't have the answer here. I am groping.

Where's Darcy?

I mean when we are groping Darcy should be involved. Just sayn'

Darcy said...


Aridog said...

Haz...did I read you email right...that we now have two people threatening each other with post copies that no longer show up on line? PMJ with his screen shot and Meade with a copies of posts? And both requesting an email to ask to see them? WTF?

Meade's routine is rather obvious...if he shows up with any remark, even if just drivel, within the first 5 to 10 comments on a thread it is to he can read his comment feeds on that thread thereafter...that's how he manages to re-post deleted comments from time to time.

He's about as technically skilled with database (and blogs and Internet sites are databases) as a wild pig is at equine dressage.

Aridog said...

Trooper York said...

If you and I can ignore him and just comment on the subject or even post off topic stuff like taco poems it will drive him crazy that we will not engage. I think that might be the right thing to do.

Okay, I will try your way. It is more sensible. I've never been know for a whole lot of common sense. Thanks.

Michael Haz said...

That will work if everyone adheres to the plan, which is unlikely. And ARM and R&B will jump in to stir things more.

But let's do this: I won't block anything he puts up tomorrow as a test of our collective will power.

Michael Haz said...

That will work if everyone adheres to the plan, which is unlikely. And ARM and R&B will jump in to stir things more.

But let's do this: I won't block anything he puts up tomorrow as a test of our collective will power.

Michael Haz said...

I don't know why blogger is doubling everything.

Michael Haz said...

I don't know why blogger is doubling everything.

Darcy said...

Hi MamaM. Yes, I think Evan is among friends here. I missed a lot of the back and forth with phx. I know Sixty was upset about it, too. I just missed most of it. Still, I think Evan knows that many here care about him. If he doesn't, I hope he comes back to find it out.

Michael Haz said...

Hey, if you want to eff with him, I'll unblock for five minutes, you can post, then I'll re-block.

Trooper York said...

Because what you say is so nice that you say it twice.

Trooper York said...

Plus you want to up my comment count. Thank you.

Trooper York said...

Plus you want to up my comment count. Thank you.

Darcy said...

I'm curious as to what the whole fuss is about. I didn't think the post that PMJ was referring to was very damaging to Meade. Have no idea what is being wielded the other way. But it seems more silly than serious.

Trooper York said...

Nah that's ok. I have to go make dinner. Lisa is yelling at me.

Aridog said...

Darcy...I just noticed your comment on Twitter (I am not a Twitter participant) in passing:

"Si vis pacem, para bellum"- "If you wish for peace, prepare for war" I had not known that motto. Brilliant.

I suggest reading Tacitus' tome "On the Germania", as well as his historical account of his father, the "Agricola" in Britain, and which tribes had to fight the least and why. His observations pre-date Publius Flavius, to whom the phrase is often attributed.

Aridog said...

Let there be no doubt, I can screw up a one car funeral :)

The "Agricola" was Tacitus' Father-in-Law, not his Father. Sorry about that.

Darcy said...

Shoot. I keep trying to post and the comment crashes!

Thank you, Aridog.

Darcy said...

I'll try to post now what I was trying to relay: I'd read that phrase in an article about the 89 year old British soldier who absconded from his nursing home to return to Normandy for the anniversary. I hope I have this right, but I think it was his outfit's motto.

MamaM said...

Hi Darcy. Awareness of what phx wrote here (including remarks about Palladian) along with familiarity with phx's pattern of behavior at Lem's and TOP lead me believe the current atmosphere is not one of safety among friends. That said, I've every confidence those who genuinely care would welcome and support Palladian were he to return to comment here or at Lem's.

As for Airdog's By-Pass Considerations: Why not keep standing as strong as you've been, Aridog, and speaking as clear as you've been in recent posts when addressing Meade, observing what you see, and sharing your wisdom and experience? Not only are those are the type of comments I enjoy reading most, they create community. When truth is allowed to drive the train, with anger providing the fuel and grace preventing you from going full throttle, good things happen. It would be a shame to let all that warrior training, horse sense, and alpha-dog awareness be shut down by a small dog.

Windbag: Your link to the "obligatory" made me laugh. It represented the best of TY, a poke and a laugh that hit the point and disarmed at the same time. I don't like admitting I hadn't seen the clip before, but I hadn't, and watching it took the remains of whatever lingering religious wind might have been ruffling my sails and sent it to the four corners.

chickelit said...

Trooper York said...
Now Larry is pulling a Mary on Michael H's thread on Lem's place.
He keeps reposting a comment that Michael deleted. Over and over again. Exactly what they claimed Mary did to them.

I wonder.

That's exactly what he did last night on my post : he made a comment to Pogo but called him by name. He reposted it 2 or 3 times and I kept deleting it. He finally took out the name and so I let it stand. Oh and then he did it to Aridog out of spite.

Meade was just "ginning up" controversy.

chickelit said...

Just last week I emailed Palladian he responded within hours.

chickelit said...

Meade is trying to destroy Lem's, and no doubt a few other is what he does, destroy.

He's winning battles but losing the war.

chickelit said...

@Chip S: Regarding deletions on that thread (which was mine). It couldn't have been FH unless she had full administrator control at the time which I doubt she did. And it wasn't me.

My recollection is that Palladian wanted those comments gone and he may have persuaded Lem to kill them. I would have done the same if Palladian had asked me to do so. So don't get on Lem over that. It is unfortunate that Meade's track were covered. I tried to recover deleted comments by sending myself a comment yesterday which reactivated an emailed thread, but they are lost to me now too. But rest assured that they are still out there somewhere.

Darcy said...

We have weathered much here, MamaM. Welcomed new friends. You are cared about here and would be missed too if you left.

Darcy said...

I don't think there is much that can deter Meade from pursuing his goal. Somebody willing to do all that he's done so far, including reading pretty intense insults to his wife, is very determined in my book.

chickelit said...

Darcy said...
We have weathered much here, MamaM. Welcomed new friends. You are cared about here and would be missed too if you left.

It's tough losing Sixty (though he winked at me at Lem's about "sharts" and so I knew he was still reading here). But now he's withdrawn from Lem's too. I miss him. This saddens me. Losing MamaM would be even worse for Troop's atmosphere.

I've long suspected that there are silent ears here, but that's paranoid thinking and I try not to go there.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I can do a post tonight. If you want to go at it with LSL, you can do it in my front yard. That will spare Lem's and Troop can keep his closed shop.

Michael Haz said...

That's interesting, Darcy. Do you suppose he tries to start shit to get her riled up also? I would not be surprised if he did.

Darcy said...

I believe. Sixty will be back. He has a soft heart underneath all that grouchy.

Aridog said...

MomaM...thank you very much for the compliments..I will continue to engage Meade when he makes a sane remark. I will ignore only those that are totally spurious and designed only to inflame without consideration for any fact or truth.

I have to do that because I no longer like the person I become when angered by the likes of him. It is a serious issue I have to deal from time to time. I toned down my vituperative remarks because Lem asked. However, dealing with bottom feeders like Meade, you will get not change in response.

In short, I don't like to fling words, I am far more prone to doing something. And that is where I must stop.

Aridog said...

EBL...if I go round the bend and just have to screw with Meade, I will do it on his doggies blog and see how fast his ban stick is wielded.

No chance of that though...I just cannot afford the anger that grifter causes in me.

Darcy said...

I have no idea but it's bizarre behavior. I wouldn't want to keep reading that about my spouse. I can't fathom.

Michael Haz said...

so, does anyone have anything they'd like to say on the closed topic? Even a simple "Hi Larry!"? I can open it up for a few minutes.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

You can wait till midnight, you can opine till the cows come home…so to speak.

Aridog said...

No, Haz, keep it know he has it on email feed. Opening it now will seem like a victory to him, even if for only five minutes.

I just want him to go away. That thread will invite him back via the email feed.

chickelit said...

@Chip: Here's an old TY thread when the news broke about Meade's screed against Palladian. We all reacted in unison: link

Chip S. said...

I liked this comment @Lem's:


We're not interested in your re-hashing past grievances, or listing new ones.

Piss off.

All it needs is an acronym, like WNI;PO.

Would save a lot of time and agita.

Chip S. said...

Pronounced, "Winnie Pooh".

MamaM said...

Nails the very little brain aspect along with the obsessive focus on his hunny and hunny pot better than Eyeore's tail.

Pogo's observation of "bad-faith inquiries and obfuscatory hectoring" yields more letters to work with, including an OH, but I like clean simplicity of WNI;PO as it stands.

Funny, serious, and impossible to argue with. WNI;PO over and over until he cuts himself on the cracked "mirror" he keeps trying to turn on others and his own character shows up as pooh.

Chip S. said...

Funny, serious, and impossible to argue with.

I want this as my epitaph!

Yours, MamaM, should say, "She had a way with words". MrM can specify what else you had a way with. The rest of us can imagine, tho.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

P.O. works. It is old school.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Did Larry have his gimlet yet?

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