Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hey don't put your pussy in the window.

So we were walking down the street and we past one of the other boutiques on Court St. They had a pussy in the window. Now that is kind of funny because I have been having a little mouse problem the last week. When the guy came to put in the gate he drilled a hole and I think they found their way in. I have caught three so far on glue traps.

Most of the stores on Court St have a cat. In fact the cat next door at the bodega is always trying to sneak in. I have to throw shit at her when the doors are open in nice weather.

There is a reason we can't have a cat in the store.

You have to wait until you get home to get cat hair on your underwear Aimee. Just sayn'


MamaM said...

Better a window than an incinerator! SonM found a cat locked in the defunct incinerator at work last week. It was either put there by someone or it fell in through an opening in the top. One of the cashiers took it home to live in her barn, but the cat is declawed and not faring well. Its next stop may be the Mhouse. Our best cats have been the ones that have unexpectedly shown up and walked in the door to deal with the mice and offer their own peculiar version of kitty goodness.

The one in this window knows how to pose. Pretty cat.

rcocean said...

Cats love to lay on your clothes because they want to put their scent on it. And because they love to cause trouble.

Aridog said...

Shit. We have this cat named, aptly, "NitWit" who sends the German Shepherd to wake me or push me to do whatever the little idiot savant wants...e.g., always MOAR Food!

You'd think a German Shepherd, even a pussy like "Dera" would resist directions from a snotty little feral kitty we rescued 14 years ago, Nah Uh, even the mighty "Ari" was a sucker for "his" cat.

Cats have some weird way to getting what they want...especially if they can get someone else to do it...they are master "Communists!"

MamaM said...

...they are master "Communists!"

Good at "owning" whatever space they want, in addition to taking over other people's property and considering themselves to be in the know.

Aridog said...

NitWit, da' boss kitty.

MamaM said...

Holy Cats, Airdog! That one looks like the feline version of German Shepherd. No wonder the dog(s) listened.

Aridog said...

MamaM...she got a good start at being bossy on her first day in our home...from a rainy tree top to a bowl in the living room ...."yelling" at "Zoya", who seemed to be thinking "I do not believe you guys just brought this critter inn to our house!" Later on, they'd fall asleep together.

windbag said...

I've got a good cat in the incinerator story, but it's better in person than in print. Ask me about it at the next meet up and I'll tell you about it.

MamaM said...

I'm sure you do, windbag and doubly sure it's better in person! Just not sure I want to ask.

Aridog, the look on dog's face is priceless. Studied detachment with a bit of dumbfoundedness thrown into the mix.

Great picture.