Saturday, June 28, 2014

Things that make you smile

The first female Dominican elected to the New York State Assembly has plead guilty to a sham marriage to stay in the country. She paid someone $8,000 to marry her so she could be legal while she was banging someone else.

My question is "A sham marriage?" Could this be used to rid us of Hillary?

That makes me smile.


blake said...

"The feds said that despite the fraud, they now consider Rosa a US citizen and will not deport her back to her native Dominican Republic."

Of course. Rules are for the little people.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I know a lot of people that have done that so they can get to stay here.

Mexicans and south Americans have a leg... make that a whole body up on Dominicans on that.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

They exploit a loophole... you, or should I say, I could say on their behalf, that at least they are working within the system?

As opposed to blitzing the border.

Trooper York said...

Lem? Exploited a loophole? Paying someone to go into a fraudulent marriage is a loophole?

I think it is a crime. Isn't that why she plead guilty?

She didn't plead guilty to a loophole.

ndspinelli said...

They do go to church faithfully. Some even take sanctuary there.

Trooper York said...

Not so much. In fact many have become Pentecostal converts. You know. Protestants.

Trooper York said...

The local Spanish church St Peters and St Pauls is closing. Not enough support from the congregation.

Don't believe the hype.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Not so much. In fact many have become Pentecostal converts. You know. Protestants.

Is Sixty recruiting them with his snake tricks?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Will blog for food…

MamaM said...

Snake tricks and bowls to pass for collections.

MamaM said...

Cuz you know the dirty Prods are a bunch of chiselers.