Saturday, June 14, 2014

Marilyn's Diary

We always took advantage of living in Southern California. I enjoyed visiting the various tourist spots with the family. The tar pits. Sunset Boulevard. Hollywood and Vine. The movie studios.

But I really loved going to Sea World. We went there several times with the family. In fact we were there so many times that they offered me a job for the summer. I didn't take it because I didn't want to leave my Uncle Herman. He would sneak into my room when Aunt Lily had passed out and he would do strange and wonderful things to my body. His huge prehensile tongue would lap up my I loved my Uncle Herman.

But then Uncle Herman left us and we were all alone. So I decide to move down to San Diego and study marine biology. The biology stuff was very interesting to me. My favorites were the seals. One in particular. Salty the seal was very well trained. He loved fish and was so kind and gentle. He would come up and take the fish right out of my hand. Especially tuna. Salty loved tuna.

I particularly loved when everyone would leave and would have the park to myself. In the early morning or on holidays. One day I decided to lay out and sun bathe. In the nude. To get an all over tan. I feel asleep in the sun. As I slept I felt a familiar sensation. A long sensuous lick by a thick tongue. I mummered "Oh Uncle that you?" But alas it wasn't.

I had to leave my job. You see I had to give up Salt. It was addicting.


chickelit said...

Certain animals can detect calcium in salt licks. Calcium builds strong boners.

ndspinelli said...

And boners

ndspinelli said...

Did you tee that one up, chick?

chickelit said...

I not only tee'd it up, Nick. I took a whack at it myself.

Look again.

chickelit said...

Why is Troop ignoring my question about prosciutto balls in the previous thread?

Trooper York said...

See the other post.

ndspinelli said...

I'm often slow on your banter, chick. You're much smarter than me. I'm better hung though.

ndspinelli said...

That's what your wife told me anyway.