Thursday, March 26, 2009

Todays gratuitous bathroom photo askes the ladys "Do you want a chocolate pudding pop?"

It is not right that we only have Betty Rubble cartoon porn for the dudes so we need something for the ladies. So Dr. Huxtable was nice enough to email over a photo of himself in the bathtub. So if any of you ladies might like a nice chocolate pudding pop I will be happy to pass on his information.

Watch out Darcy I know he likes those tennis players.


Ron said...

"Bathtubs, Darcy, Pudding"


Darcy said...

I was just going to say, Ron! LOL.

Well, the 'toon doesn't do Mr. Huxtable justice, but still...nah, he doesn't do anything for me. :)

Plus, I think I'm still engaged to Titus.

Ron said...

Darcy! Better a TV fictional doctor than a loaf-er like Titus!