So the new poll question is what is your favorite Western without John Wayne or Clint Eastwood?
Your choices:
The Magnificent Seven with Yul Brenner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, James Coburn, Robert Vaughn and the best bad tooth Mexican of them all Eli Wallach.
Gunfight at the OK Corral with Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Dr. McCoy and the Blue Velvet guy as Billy Clanton.
The Wild Bunch with William Holden, Ernst Borgnine when he wasn’t whacking it every five minutes, Warren Oates, Ben Johnson and Robert Ryan.
Ride the High Country with Joel McCrea and Cary Grants boyfriend and the broad from the commercials with James Garner when she was a dewy nineteen.
And Shane with heroic Midget Alan Ladd and push up guy Jack Palance.
Let me know what you think Cowboys and Cow Girls.
Your choices:
The Magnificent Seven with Yul Brenner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, James Coburn, Robert Vaughn and the best bad tooth Mexican of them all Eli Wallach.
Gunfight at the OK Corral with Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Dr. McCoy and the Blue Velvet guy as Billy Clanton.
The Wild Bunch with William Holden, Ernst Borgnine when he wasn’t whacking it every five minutes, Warren Oates, Ben Johnson and Robert Ryan.
Ride the High Country with Joel McCrea and Cary Grants boyfriend and the broad from the commercials with James Garner when she was a dewy nineteen.
And Shane with heroic Midget Alan Ladd and push up guy Jack Palance.
Let me know what you think Cowboys and Cow Girls.
No Brokeback Mountain; the best western ever?
Hey, what about "My Darling Clementine" with Hank Fonda? Or "High Noon" with Cooper? Or "Naked Spur or Winchester '73, with Jimmy Stewart?
I voted for "Shane". Ladd may have been small in stature, but he filled the Big Screen.
Did you know they gave Bogart a box to stand on in "Casablanca"? He's actually a little shorter than Ingrid Bergman.
Its not how big you are - its how big a box they give you to stand on.
rc --
We don't cotton to High Noon around these parts.
ummm...Wild Bunch. Then Shane.
The Wild Bunch Directors Edition, which includes scenes that were left out of the original- it has more gratuitous violence and killing.
Knowing that no one else would vote for it I voted for Ride The High Country. Peckinpah before he descended into bloodbath celebration. And that boyfriend of Cary Grant acquitted himself quite nicely, thank you. There's a great line delivered by Joel McRae when the youngster the two old hands are teamed up with starts to throw his trash away instead of packing it as they break camp: "These hills don't need your trash!" No scolding, no holier than thou, just a terse reprimand. Where did the old America go?
Ricpic, the best line in that movie is when McCrea turns to Randolph Scott and says:
"I just want to enter my house justified."
When you see Mariette Hartley you can't believe how young she is.
I could only list five because I can only put five photos so I listed some of my personal favorites.
High Noon is communist.
Brokeback Mountain is too gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
If I was going to use a gay Western it would be Johnny Guitar which is far far superior to Brokeback Mountain.
No Brokeback Mountain; the best western ever?
Jason, Jason, Jason. Whaddawe gonna do witchoo?
Blazing Saddles is the best western without Duke or Clint. Capiche?
Brokeback Mountain is too gay.
It subverts every western archetype to its own purposes.
And it makes me cry.
What's not to love?
I'm also going for "Ride the High Country," but if it was an option I'd definitely go for "My Darling Clementine." I mean, for Walter Brennan alone-- when Fonda goes, "Which one of ya killed my brother Virgil?" and Brennan snarls, "I did! An' the other one, too!" the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. Or they would if I still had hair.
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