Mr. Spock: I am afraid it was my spleen. It seems to have ruptured.
Capt. James T. Kirk: How is that possible? I was very gentle last night.
Mr. Spock: Unfortunately in many Vulcan's the spleen is located directly behind the anus. It is a
condition that strangely was first found in humans. It is called the Zachery Sire mutation.
Capt. James T. Kirk: Thank God you are all right. I can't quit you Mr. Spock.
Mr. Spock: I am afraid you say that to all the aliens.
Capt. James T. Kirk: Well I do but that doesn't mean I don't believe it. Now get better. That Yeoman Rand is getting annoying. I think I will have to show her my swimming pool.
1 comment:
I knew this would get out eventually. Damn. George Takei isn't fucking around.
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