Blogging Cockroach: Hah you whore. I knew hiding behind the micowave would do the trick. The gamma rays have turned me into a stud. Come here you pig!
Maxine Weiss: No I am a lady. Take your eight maniples off of me you insect.
Blogging Cockroad: Never. Now I will show why we are called "Cock"Roaches.
Maxine Weiss: Oh my, maybe I have to rethink this.
hey trooper i ve got to tell you
something along these lines already
occurred to me but i really don t
want tommy to see this
because he s at an impressionable age
tommy is the kid whose computer i use
plus there s a double whammy involved
first i m pretty sure i m a cockroach this time
around because i was such a lech and jerk
last time when i was hitting on all the grad
students especially the ones with nice legs
oh i was a leg man yes i was
now i ve got plenty of legs of my own
plus i m minding my manners this time
so i might move up the ladder
if not the leg in the next life
the other problem is maxine weiss
i m already going limp just thinking about
hopping around the keyboard to spell that one
out which is pretty much where i ll be happy
to remain when it comes to maxine
speaking of spring i can see lots of nice legs
on female joggers from the basement window
if i squint hard oh yes it s spring and bare legs
ooh some of those harvahd women are hot
and i ve really got to stop thinking those
thoughts if i don t want to come back as
something even lower in my next life
most of whom you ve already mentioned
around here
I don't get the picture. I can see Maxine, but why is blogging cockroach a girl?
Jason: Some people speculate that Maxine is really a boy.
Ruth: I assumed Maxine lived in his parent's basement; or was Andrew Sullivan.
That's not a cockroach, it's a mutANT. Much like your own insects. Larger, of course.
Totally OT: Since I can't stand the Yanks down 15-2 in the 3rd vs Cleveland, I was wondering if Trooper would be going out to either new stadium and if he would blog same!
I would like to Ron, but the costs of the tickets are really crazy. I want to wait till it's warmer and catch a game on a balmy summer night.
GREAT brain there, blogging cockroach! Perhaps we should call you blogging brainroach?
Do we have a blogging cockatrix yet?
Just a blogging cockapoo. No need to guess who that might be.
all i can say is i m a little confused
by all this gender bending and cross
identity stuff i mean the mutant in
the pic who is supposed to be little me
after a tangle with mom s microwave
is obviously male and the unattractive female
space cadet is appropriately maxine
simple clair et logique non
only problem is i only have 960 brain cells
so sitting near the microwave did a number
on me in the grey matter dept
but back to the gender dept
does this mean a little role reversal hmmm
i ve heard that so called pegging
is the latest sex fad but if you want
to pitch a real horror movie idea
think of maxine in a strap on
but the good news is all those unemployed
auto workers might get jobs
in sex toy factories
blogging cockroach,
I was going to say pegging was so last year, but it seemed older, so I checked and it's from 21 June 2001 (there was a contest for the name and that's when results were announced).
I remember reading the news back then and not caring. Straight people do weird things.
Now, now, I won't have any insults strewn about on the looks of the patron saint of the Bit Maelstrom, Faith Domergue.
They did her no favors in that movie but she wasn't a bad looking woman at all.
well you ve got me there jason
yes pegging is yesterday s fad
but the current fads are so depressing
like celibacy and college girls taking up
lesbianism until they meet a guy with
enough earning potential
that the only new thing that sounded
vaguely like fun assuming you ve got
enough lube was pegging although
it too is a sign of the times with hetro
males willing to add one more way of
getting screwed to the ones they ve
already got
and sorry blake
but poor faith needed a better bra fit
not to mention a general makeover
the lack of which seemed to have been
a career move or as they say a feature
and not a bug
so to speak
I just checked that picture again for the bra fit, and you sure are right. It really is funny how Troop has so many of the men checking for bra fit. All of a sudden I am feeling a bit self conscious about my own. Maybe it's time for a professional fit?
Althouse makes men self-conscious about wearing shorts or flip-flops and Trooper makes women self-conscious about their bras. Is there anywhere we can go where we don't have to be constantly reminded of our sartorial failings?
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