This whole birth certificate thing escapes me. I mean this dude came into the store who went to a tea party event on April 15
th and he had this whole rap about how the President can't produce his birth certificate and stuff. That kind of conspiracy stuff sounds just as stupid as the ones about Sarah
Palin's pussy. So I just let him spout off and didn't get in argument. But I have to admit, sometimes the things he says makes me think he comes from another
It just isn't logical, ya know.
I'm not sure that there's nothing to the charges, but I'm sick to death of the rote recitation of the claims.
Just after the election, I pointed out that Team Obama had made a mistake in seeking to dismiss Berg on jurisdictional grounds. It would have been far better, I argued, to allow discovery and get the birth certificate into the record and then file a 12(b)(6) motion on the grounds of Berg's lack of standing. Even without a holding by the court, the mere presence of the birth certificate in the record would read last rites over not only Berg's case to bed, but all future cases based around similar claims. It was utterly predictable, I warned, that others would pick up the baton where Berg dropped it.
To the extent that I encouraged successor litigation, I made an error. My assumption was that after the election, litigants with standing would be easy to find, and the issues would be litigated in the same sort of way as the Heller case: respectable, sane attorneys would find respectable, sympathetic, sane clients, and make respectable, sane arguments. As we have seen, that hope was wildly optimistic, and the bulk of the Berg-derived lawsuits that have (as I correctly predicted) been filed are, quite frankly, nuts.
I don't mean just the clients, by the way. You expect the fringe of the party not in power to have its fair share. Let me put their lawyers into perspective for you! One of them not only filed multiple petitions with the Supreme Court, she then flew a thousand miles to gatecrash a speech given by our Fearless Leader, accusing the law clerks of hiding her briefs from the Justices in something amounting to a palace coup. This is all described at WND, which isn't ordinarily a reliable source, but we'll call this an admission against interest.
As I indicated above, I'm not certain that there is nothing to the claims, but at this point, I just wish the people touting these claims would shut up and stop embarassing the cause.
I had to produce a birth certificate to register to vote.
I would think a presidential candidate could have produced a birth certificate.
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