If you bust balls enough you start to get action. City Wide Vandal Squad just came by the store and I gave them another copy of the video. The detective said he would investigate but he raved about the quality of the video and said we should be able to put the bracelets on this kid. He is going to check out the surrounding schools because he said the kid looked young. He had checked all the tags that have been used recently and this seems to be a different one so he doesn't have him in the file. But it looks like we are going to get some action.
I told him heavily discounted lady's clothing for anyone who gets these douches.
Hey Man, sorry I couldn't help in time!
No sweat. But I still want to post the video. I have to figure that out still.
If you can tell me the file extension on the file you have on your cd, maybe I can figure it out!
Getting some action from the cops. I'm jealous!
Give 'em hell Troop.
I told him heavily discounted lady's clothing for anyone who gets these douches."
I did not know the NYPD was THAT diverse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really hated how they ended Car 54 Where Are You?, with Officer Francis Muldoon getting horribly mangled in his vehicle. All so he could come back in the spin-off The Munsters.
Good. Hope you get him this time.
Darcy has returned!
Many years ago, when I was a young cop, we caught some gang bangers spray painting their shit on a garage. I asked one how he would like it if I spray painted him? He laughed and said that I would not dare.
Two days later I get a beef. Momma gang banger is all upset. It took hours to get the paint out of his hair, he had a skin rash, and some leather jacket he probably stole was ruined. Plus they alleged police brutality.
We went out and found little gang banger faunterloy. Next we get a beef for terrorizing the gang banger so bad that he was forced to flee to Texasto live with his father.
Since he could not retrun to Chicago, the beefs were killed. What is the use of having all that power if you can't abuse it.
Peter: Did you happen to know, or know of Jack Muller? I read his book, I, Pig, years ago. Sadly, I think it's now out of print.
*waves at Darcy*
Hey, Ron and chickenlittle! :)
No, I never met Muller, but he is one of those iconic legends and is still talked about today.
If the cops fail to properly pursue this guy and you can get a name on him, you sure as shooting ought to pursue all your legal remedies in civil court. It's called a tort; and I don't mean dessert.
Peter V. Bella: I loved the episode on NYPD Bleu where Scipowicz harassed a hood, he complained and asked for Sip's badge number. Andy takes it out and presses it into his forehead and tells him, "Look in the mirror!"
"Peter V. Bella: I loved the episode on NYPD Bleu where Scipowicz harassed a hood, he complained and asked for Sip's badge number. Andy takes it out and presses it into his forehead and tells him, "Look in the mirror!""
It is called art imitating life. Stuff like that happened all the time back in the day. That was when the job was fun. Now it it all social work all the time. Pity. Glad I left when I did.
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