So where have I been all day? We have been really busy today in the store. We had a couple of vendors in the store and were making decisions as to what to buy for the spring. We try to follow the trends and translate it into plus. For example polka dot fabric is really in this season. So we worked with a vendor who made what we call the "Micro dot" polka dot dress. We blew out of it and have already sold 90% of the cut. Since there is no more fabric it is as we say in
Italian "
Festa fuinta."
The parties over.
Shucks, I thought you got into some sort of altercation with your volunteer house painter. Or maybe the fuzz had heard about your complaints and decided to rub you out.
No todos las dias es una fiesta.
I miss the "Darcy" tags. (God help me) Somebody talk about camel toe or something. I miss...I miss the silly stuff.
Geez, I gotta snap outta this. :)
One of the selling points of polka dots is that they help camouflage camel toe. That's why itsy bitsy tiny weeny yellow polka dot bikinis were so popular.
LOL, Jason. Good to know! ;-)
I thought polka dots made you look fat. Or is it doing the polka that keeps you in shape?
Hee. Let's keep this polka dot thing going in honor of Lee Lee's smashing success! Except after AJ's brilliant add on, I've got nothing. Polka dots haven't hit the tennis circuit big.
I think there is money to be made in the polka dot fad. It's a fad, right? So we sell people removable dots! You can make anything polka dot at a fraction of the cost of buying new polka dotted items. And when the fad is over, off come the dots!
Genius! Reminds me a little of the Star Bellied Sneetches, though. Don't know why. :)
The Star Bellied Sneeches should have done like the Care Bears and all their problems would have been solved.
I'm on loan half my day for the foreseeable future. It's a little strange. I spent half my day today imaging new PCs. "The unabridged Lawrence Dominic," I would mutter to myself as I removed the SATA drive from the donor PC (see Dollhouse 1:09), and "welcome to the world, CallCenter22" I would say as it got done setting up.
Festa fuinta.
Err, festa finita?
You're a Star Bellied Sneetch
You suck-a like a leech,
You want everyone to act like you,
Kiss ass while you bitch,
So you can get rich,
But your boss gets richer off you!-- Dead Kennedys, Holiday in Cambodia
Geez, I gotta snap outta this.
Bella Darcia, perché così triste?
I was drawn here by the Italian being spoken in reference to me. *swoons*
I snapped out of it chickenlittle. Thanks! :)
Practically speaking, everything that I learned about Italians, I learned from this guy:
[must be read with an Italian accent]
One day I ma gonna Detroit to bigga hotel. I go down to breakfast. I tella the waitress I wanna two pissis toast. She bring me only one piss. I tell her I wanna two pisses. She say go to the toilet. I say you no understand, I wanna two piss onna my plate. She say you better no piss onna plate, you sonna va bitch. I don't even know the lady and she calls me a sonna va bitch!
Later I go to eat at the bigga restaurant. The waitress she bring me a spoon and knife but no fock I tell her I wanna fock. She tell me everyone wanna fock. I tell her you no understand, I wanna fock onna table. She say you better no fock onna table, you sonna va bitch.
So I go back to my room inna hotel and there isa no shit onna ma bed. I call the manager and I tella him I wanna shit. He tell me to go to the toilet. I say you no understand, I wanna shit onna my bed. He say you better no shit onna bed, you sonna va bitch.
I go to the check-out and the man at the desk say, ,,Peace on you". I say, ,,Piss onna you too, you sonna va bitch. I gonna back to Italy"
credit where credit is due link,
ma ho potuto italiano a te tutto il giorno!
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