So a couple of weeks ago this french comes with his stuff to the store and tries to market a bunch of stuff to the wife. Of course he comes on a Friday when we are super busy. We had a very busy Friday but when I am in the store I can handle all the phone calls and vendors and inquiries and talk to people while she is styling someone and can concentrate on selling. Anyway this dude has really never done plus which is a whole different world than the straight sizes. He swears he can do it but they almost never do. I have a new policy that we only put in a minimal order with a new vendor because I want to see the fit and the difference between the sample and the final production pieces because sometimes they can be wildly different. Because of the fucking tax season I wasn't around so I wasn't able to put the kibosh on some of the stuff but the order was small enough that I didn't care. Anyway this guy calls up and was extremely rude to my sales girl when we weren't there to take his call. I emailed him to tell him to take a chill pill. I mean we didn't seek him out, he is trying to sell to us so he should realize that and not be an arrogant french asshole. I mean I really hate the French. I don't want to buy from them. His shit wasn't that special anyway. Did I mention I really hate the French. I mean I don't even get French's mustard on my hot dog it's Guldens all the way. So he writes me this incoherent email where he says he cancel my order because nobody ever talked back to him like that before. Did I mention I hate the French. He wasn't used to plain spoken Brooklyn Guido speak. I am really happy he cancelled. I mean I don't even really like French Fries.
Did I mention I hate the French.
The French are a curious race . . .
I'm 1/4 French, so I can say what I want about those pansies. They smell. A few years back, when people were calling french fries "freedom fries" people would ask me if I was going to do the same in my restaurant. I told them "I like dipping French things in boiling oil." Always got a good laugh out of it.
I have the top ten things to know about the French t-shirt from IMAO. That's how much I hate the French. I wear clothing that advertises my loathing of those sissies.
I'm also 1/4 Irish. I like to think that my Irish genes beat the crap outta the French ones, making me 1/2 Irish.
Fuck the French!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C'mon guys,I've known a few Frenchies who were good sports and all- downright wonderful people. I mean, I've got stories too, just like everybody else around here.
I'm getting a bad vibe from TY lately.
Hey chickenlittle you can't make everybody happy all the time. I just hate French people. Carroll Gardens has a very high concerntraition of Frogs visiting because they moved into the neighborhood because PS 58 has the best french language program in the city. So these supercilious cocksuckers come in and bust our chops. They laugh at the fact that we are plus size store and make nasty comments. One cunt kept going "THIS IS HHHHUUUGGGEEE!!!" when she was looking at a sweater that was a freaking size 20. I don't have time for these nasty snail eating shitheads.
Sorry if that makes you uneasy. But truth will set you free dude.
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