You know the political talk is really boring when the trolls dominate so much. The same crap over and over. No wonder Jason(the commenter) and Titus are bored of the same old crap.
If you are going to pinch off a loaf of more politcal crap can we at least get something that is not so mundane. The same shit over and over, enough already. I mean really Reilly!
Wanna see Charles Nelson Reilly pull a rabbit out of his hat?
There's apparently a good documentary about CNR, "Life of Reilly", which I'm waiting to see on video...
They say in this month's Vanity Fair, that Pinch (yes, Titus, that really is his nickname) Sulzberger is a Star Trac fan. They say it like it's a bad thing. I wonder if Pinch (hee hee) voted for Ururu or the Green slave girl bitch.
All the news that's fit to print, indeed.
Maguro, I had never heard of Lidsville before.
Excerpts from the Wikipedia page for Lidsville:
"teenage boy" "Butch" "roles" "cowboy" "hat-shaped" "Raunchy" "Weenie" "helmet" "blasting" "resist" "control" "androgynous" "mounted" "slave"
"Unfortunately for Mark, he did not return home at the end."
So, I guess if you are Butch you shouldn't fall into the hat of a magician because you wont go back.
Also, damn, that guys hat was huge!
I like the more coherent and least coherent discussion, too a point.
Currently, I am getting ripped a new one by several guys over at Dr. Helen's. I have this crazy idea that if you do not have sex with women you do not know well, you will not get screwed over with child support the rest of your life.
It is not a popular position.
But is is Easter and I am game for some more.
Besides, it is fun to stay calm when people around you are losing it. I love the contrast.
I vote we let the trolls and talking heads get into a UFC kind of match and see who comes out. We could have a cage match every few weeks and it would seriously help things.
I also like that idea-
Two men ( or women who wish they were men) enter, one man leaves.
Where have I heard that before?
I hate all the political talk too.
But I love Charles Nelson Reilly. Was he gay? I loved Paul Lynde too. Was he gay?
My favorite old time gays were Montgomery Cliff and Sal Mineo. Yum.
I would like to tell you I am very proud of bringing pinched loaves and hogs to the lexicon of language here.
Another small but substantial contribution on my part.
Thank you.
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