Today's gratuitous bathroom photo asks "how can such a dick have such a tiny pee pee?" It is a tintype from the turn of the century where you favorite communist hd house is being given a bath by Emma Goldman. She was amazed at the size of his vestigial penis and called all the neighborhood children in to laugh at him. It haunts his dreams to this very day and is of course the reason why he must act like the biggest dick on the internets.
Ohhh...ouch. :)
I just bugged you with e-mail again, Trooper. *ducks*
house is the only guy in the world who could stand infront of a mirror and not see his dick. Since we are talking about size and if it matters; is there a correlation between his penis size and his brain?
Just asking.
I don't know, a guy who posts a Shakespeare sonata about the fall (irrelevant to the springtime picture Althouse posted, but still) can't be all bad.
I bet he has a beautiful penis.
hd house, send me pictures!
What, people can say bad things about house over here? Be careful, he might visit and get the vapors.
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